ipril 20. 1961 NORTH C-.uCLIK., „£.oLEY.ir: Vol. I, Wo. 4 PAINT, PAPER, TOPS???, Keys paper locking the doors to the and jars of paint . . . Girls hammering out bottle tops . . Chapel . . . Cars bul^ang i,ith rolls of Students making hasty exits from cl.iss and heading to the boiler room . . . The din of hammers on metal rising even above the iuke-box ( a fairly impossible feat). all this sudden revival of interest in the the biggest event of the year—the l-esleyan -.hat affairs Colie e can account for at . esleyan? -vhy, Spring Formal. The Formal day, April 22 will be held Satur- in the Chapel in C- ti . Bids, couple, Friday, be sold A Ivame-The-annual Committee v/as appointed April 19 and handed out ballots in Assembly today to be used for suggestions to name the annual. Each student has b'.„i ^issigncd a number v/hich v;ill be keot sec ret. vrfhen a student prepares to hand in his ballot, he v/ill see Jack Price to receive his number, place it in the right hand corner, put the ti.r.e on the billot "^.nd turn it in to a member of the Committee. If one name is submitted by two people, the one bearing the most recent time markinr/ will be elim inated. A name picked by the Committee v/ill be presented to the student body to be accented or rejected. In the case of re jection, a new name will be pre sented. The merbers of the Committae are !.ar. aret ..alters, Judy Big s, Susan Black, Jimmy ..heeler, Patsy Patters6n, Louis iVomble, Larry i;atthews, Vickie vaalker, Kr. ..'al ter Gray, and i.'rs. Ncn Harrison. win- from 9 p.m. to 1 a at the price of ,-4.00 a v/ill be on sale until April 21. Bids ’will not at the door. The '"Ebonons”, a fifteen-piece band from ..ilson, v.ill provide the music. The theme of the Formal has been kept a secret by the raon- bers of the Social Committee and will be revealed to the students only when they enter the building on the night of npril 22. The climax of the evening will be the crowning of a King ^and a ^'.ueen of North Carolina ..esleyan. The boy and ■ irl were voted on by the students on April 10 and the results ^have been kept a secret by i'.rs. Eleanor -vilkinson, adviser to the Soci.'il Committee, and. 'the two faculty members who helped to count the ballots. The King and ueen v/ill be crov/ned at eleven o'clock by Lrs. -.•ilkinson. Presi dent Thomas ii. Collins, and Evelyn Harris, Chairman of the Social Committee, The ueen will re pre sented one and a half dozen long- stem, American Beauty Roses. The King and 'ueen v-ill reside, nomin ally, until next spring. vVpnder \>/hat those bottle tops are for? . . . v;onder? . . .