M. C. Library Rc: i odr»_!.;ia THE WESLEYAN DECREE Vol. 2, No. 12 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. March 28, 1962 New System Is Proposed A closed meetinig of the Women’s Dorm was called by the President of SGA, Vann Massey, from the Senate last Wednesday night. The punpose of the meeting was to establish a more effective student government system in the dorm. Vann Massey, along with John Alden, vice president, and Gary Garlow, representative ifrom the Community Council, presided over the meeting. The girls expressed their opinions concorn;'ng the dorm rules in order that the Senate might help establisli a more desirable type of Government. The minutes and irecords from this meeting were discussed iby the Senate last night with a committee of five girls representing the dorm, and Gary Garlow representing the Community Council. Within the next two weeks the Senate will recommend a revised Student Government system for the dorm which we hope will go into effect immediately. Answers Given To Questions About SLA Functions The Community Council sent a letter to the Student Life Associa tion recently requesting information concerning the judiciary functions of Student Life. The questions and replies follow: Q. Differentiaite among the juris diction of the Dormitory Councils, Day Students’ Council, Student Life Association, and the Administra tion. A. The Dorm Councils are respon sible for the maintenance of good order in the dormitories. They hear cases in which violations of rules are involved, and enact punish ment, or in the case of serious vio lations or repeated iviolations, they refer them to the Student Life Asso ciation. The Day Students’ Council enforces rules that apply to the day students and hear specific problems of day students. The Student Life Association is the overall Judicial Council of the student body and deals with (problems of the student body referred by anyone of the college community or specific pro blems referred by the Dorm Coun cils, Day Students’ Council, or Ad ministration. The Administration deals with problems considered outside the jurisdiction of the SLA such as insubordination or with matters of Academic nature. Q. What specifically does the Stu dent Life Association do? A. It renders decisions in matters in which violations of rules are changed. It reviews appeals from tlic decisions of Day or Dormitory I'Continued on page 4) LARRY MATTHEWS . . . annual editor . . . MARY C. HODGIN . newspaper editor . ROYALL BROWN . handbook editor . Senate Elects New Editors News In Brief LECTURER ON CAMPUS Grant Reynard, a widely known painter and Iccturer, will be on campus today and tomorrow. In addition to his illustrated lectures in student convocation and various classes, he will g.ve a lecture-de- monstration called “A Graphic Ana lysis of Two Ways of Painting.” CHANGE IN PLANS The Inter-faith Commission has changed Vespers to twice a month in hopes that there will be better participation. It will start at the same t'me 7:30 in the Trustees Room after whicli coffee and cook ies will be served. INTERCOM INSTALLED Great excitement arose in the Housemother Gives Party Monday, March 19, a special party was given by Mrs. Mac in honor of her sister. Miss Helen Smithwick, who was leaving the next day. The main feature of the evening was Robert Collins, President Col lins’ son, igiving a repeat perform ance of his sipeech, “Creative Force of Optimism,” which won ifor him third prize in an essay contest earlier in the evening. After a long day of study, the girls enjoyed this iperiod fo relaxa tion, punch, and cookies. Another highlight of the evening was Miss Helen learning to twist. Hats off to Mrs. Mac for a night to remember! Girls’ Dorm last Wednesday night when the igirls weire able to use the new intercom sysitem. With its in stallment hostess duty will be an easier task. GRADE A Miss Hailey was beaming with joy last Thursday! The cafeteria has been awarded a health sani tation .grade A of 97. The health in spector told Miss Hailey that it was the highest grade that he had igiven tliis year. FIELD TRIP As an integral part of the study of art, the Humanities class will visit tlie N. C, State Art Museum this Saturday in Raleigh, N. C. After reviewing the exhibition they will attend the ‘Firiends of College’ con cert series featuring the Boston Pops Orchestra, under the direc tion of Authur Fiedler. NEW FACE Dr. Jack E. Teagarden, Assoc. Prof. of English at Centenary, Me thodist College, La., will join tlie Wesleyan faculty. He received his A.B., Rollins College; A.M., Uni versity of Tennessee; Ph.D., Uni versity of Florida. VISITORS We aire pleased to have the Me thodist ministers on our campus this week. The visiting ministers are supply pastors which are be ing reviewed by the Board of Minis terial Training of the North Caro lina Annual Conference. SOPHS DEFEATED Over confident Sophomores were defeated 46-33 by the serious Fresh men March 14 at the West Edge combe High School igymnasium Larry Matthews, Mary C. Hodigin, and Royall Brown were elected edi tors, respectively, of the College annual, newspaper and handbook last night toy the Senate for the academic year 1962-63. The new editors have the necessary talent and the experience to meet the qualifications of these responsible positions. Mary C. Hodgin, a transfer stu dent from Wilmington College, ser ved both as sports editor and assist ant editor on tlie newspaper ithis past year. She is capable of push ing our newspaper to the top. Royall Brown, present layout manager, has served on the hand book staff for the past two years. When given a job he does it quick ly and well. Larry Matthews, layout and art editor of this year’s annual, is known for his initiative and willing ness to work. Congratulations on your new edi tor siiips ! Students Organizing New Literary Club Students are in tlie process of organizing a literary club on cam pus. The first meeting will be held next Wednesday night, April 4, in the Women’s Dorm at 7:30. The club will offer those interest ed in the forms of creative writing an opportunity to share their work with others and develop talent and skill in various areas of literature. Other forms of Art will be included. It will meet regularly on campus under the direction of Dr. Harwood, and if enough interest is shown it will publish its own literary maga zine next yeair. Those interested should contact Dr. Harwood for additional informa tion.