NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE Rocky Mount, N. C. U. s. POSTAGI PAID Panait Na 217 Reeky Mount, N. C Non-Profit Organization VOL. X NO. 1 5 JANUARY 18, 1969 SEATING RISERS COLLAPSE Shortly before the opening curtain of the Na tional Players’ perform ance of "Midsummer Night’s Dream” January 6, risers on which the au dience was seated in Wes- leyan’s Everette Gymna sium collapsed. Workers who installed the risers the night be fore the performance said that it was fortunate that they collapsed all toge ther so that none of the audience was injured in the falling lumber , The workers said that the risers were so old that the screw which secured the platforms no longer held and that nothing could have been done to make the risers more stable in view of their age. College officials who investigated the accident determined that none of the audience ed, and the none was injur- performance went on as scheduled with the audience sitting in chairs set up on the floor of Everette Gymnasium. A worker who had set up the risers estimated that the cost to the col lege of setting up and tak ing down the risers for each such performance was at least $40.00. How ever undependable and costly the risers are, he said, they are all that the college has at present. Ed Tippett Charged On Hash Possession Service Division Renamed The Southern Univer sities Student Govern ment Association (SUS GA) has renamed and re vised the activities of its oldest existing service a- rea. This ai'ea formerly known as Entertainment will be re-titled Divi sion for Performing and Creative Arts and re structured to include all areas, such as films,lec ture, theater, and popu lar and classical enter tainment. Heading the division will be H. L. ‘Lindy’ Mar tin, Director of Auxiliary Services at Samford Un iversity in Birmingham. Martin was head of the SUSGA Entertainment di vision until the re-struc turing. This area SUSGA exists as a service and infor mation exchange between the schools. It makes no effort to recommend or book attractions, but, simply informs member schools of availabilities. Journalism Scholarships Given by Newspaper Fund Forty-five college stu dents have been selected by The Newspaper Fund to participate in the second annual editing in tern program. Each stu dent will receive a $500 scholarship after working eight weeks next summer as a copy editor for one of 45 participating news papers. Faculty advisers to student publications, heads of college news bu reaus and journalism de partment chairmen nom inated more than 80 of their top students for the internships. The selec tion was made by The Newspaper Fund direct ors, A three-week inten sive indoctrination in June will precede the as signment to the newspa pers where the interns will work the rest of the summer. The editing courses are placed at Temple University, Phil adelphia; the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; and the University of Nevada, Reno, The $500' Newspaper Fund scholarship will be awarded to the interns. most of whom are college juniors, after their sum mer of work. “The lack of interest in editing careers is something that concerns us greatly,” said William F. Kerby, president of The Wall Street Journal, which underwrites The Newspaper Fund journa lism recruiting program. Paul Swensson, former executive director of The Newspaper Fund, said talented young copy edi tors "will be needed more and more by newspapers, especially during the 1970s. Editors of large, medium and small-sized newspapers agree that there is a shortage of Ed Tippett, a former Wesleyan student, was arrested January 6 by Chapel Hill police on charges of possession of hash, a concentrated form of marijuana. According to a police spokesman, an investigation had been going on for some time prior to the arrest. Tip pett was with a Chapel Hill student at the time of his arrest; the other student was also arrest ed on similar charges. According to informa tion received by the Rocky Mount' "Evening Tele gram,” Tippett was re leased on bail January 8, Tippett, who until De cember 1968 was a spe cial student at Wesleyan, was known on campus for "The Other Side, ” an underground paper which he edited. He also had parts in several plays produced by the Wesley an College Theatre, As a special student at Wesleyan, Tippett took fewer than the normal number of courses each semester and lived off campus, Tippett, who had play ed Pontius Pilate in the Wesleyan College Thea tre’s production of “The Chinese Wall,” had taken part in the boycott last fall of some Rocky Mount merchants who were al leged to have had unfair employment practices. He had also led a student response to President Collins’ proclamation on demonstrations, A veteran of the U. S, Navy, Tippett entered Wesleyan in the spring of 1968. Tippett’s home is in Portsmouth, Virginia,and he had a Willow Street address in Rocky Mount. talent for editing roles.” Since 1960 The News paper Fund has given $421,000 in scholarships to 895 young men and wo men. In addition to schol arship aid. The Fund also operates a clearinghouse of journalism career in formation and sponsors workshops for high school journalism teachers and publication advisers. The Fund is supported by Dow Jones and Co., publisher of The Wall Street Jour nal, The National Obser ver, and Barrens National Business and Financial Weekly. Minimester Tours Include Fr. Eng.Mex» ONE-ACTS FOR JAN. Rehearsals are now in full swing for the one-act plays which will be pre sented in Weslej^an’s Ex perimental Theater on Friday and Saturday,Jan- ^^ry 31st and February Ann Douglas, Barbara rown, and Bryan Stearns nave been chosen by Mr. ingman to direct these plays in partial fulfill ment of special course projects in directing. Most Wesleyan stu dents do not realize that “ley can participate in production work, includ ing directing and acting. SLATED 31,Feb.1 for academic credit un der Theatre 80, Group Studies, or Theatre Lab. Ann will direct "Ce- ::ile” by Jean Anouilh, Barbara will be direct ing Tennessee William’s “Portrait Of A Madon na,” and George Bernard Shaw’s "Overruled” will be directed by Bryan, Since the theme of all three plays is love, the three directors have ap propriately entitled their program, "An Evening Of Love.” Tickets at $,50 each will go on sale in the Bookstore on Wed nesday, January 22. During the May term, several students will be touring European coun tries, Two of these min imester projects include tours of France and Brit ain. The tour of France is coordinated by Mr. Jack Hearing Set For Feb. 3rd A third continuance was granted January 8 in the preliminary hearing in the cases of Jeff Shelton, Herb Hall, Bob Canon, Rick Laws, and Bruce Harris, all of whom are charged with possession of marijuana. The hearings, held in Rocky Mount District Court, are to determine whether or not there is enough evidence in the cases to have them bound over to Superior Court in Nashville. The next hearing, ac cording to a Wesleyan spokesman, will be Feb ruary 3. Price and Mrs. Jean Mann. Tenatively, the tour will begin April 28 when the group will leave New York by Sabina Jet for Brussels. After a tour of Brus sels the following day,the group will go to Paris, During the morning of April 30, there will be an orientation tour of Paris, followed by an af ternoon visit to the Louv re Museum with a special guide. The tourists will spend the evening in a driving tour to Montmar tre with a walking tour through the streets and square. The next two days will be spent in full-day ex cursions of St. Denise, Chantilly, Versailles,and Chartres, While enroute to Tours the next day, the group will visit Cham- berd, Azay-le-Rideau, and other chateaux. After an over night stay in Tours, the group will make further visits to other chateaux before it proceeds to a porcelain factory in Limoges. Monday, May 5, the group will visit prehis - toric caves before con tinuing to Roc Amadour for a visit, and Cahors before arrival in Tou louse for overnight stay. The next two'days will be spent in touring of Toulouse, Carcassonne, Narbonne, and Nimes, Beginning on Thurs day, the group will visit Marseilles, Toulon, Nice and other cities along the scenic coastal route of southern France, From Nice there will be a spe cial sightseeing tour of St, Raphael and Juan les Pins followed by an after noon excursion to Monte Carolo via the Grande Corniche Route before the return to Nice for an overnight stay. Saturday, May 10, the group will depart via a scenic inland route in cluding Brignoles and Aix-en-Provence. Dinner will be served in Avig- Continued on Page 2)

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