N. C. Wasieyan CC:. Rocky M ount, North Cafouna nULKy iVlUUiU, nuuii (jaiuiutu NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 217 Rocky Mount, N. C. No:i-Profit Organization VOLUME Xn, NUMBER 6 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1970 Pi Epsilon Plans Child Care Center On Campus Here wia By MARSHAL OLD Jeanie Farish, President of the Sisterhood of Pi Epsilon, announced recently that the Sorority, is seeking to establish a child care center on the Wes leyan campus. It is hoped that the day child-care center would operate once a week from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Members of the faculty, staff and em ployees of Wesleyan and mar ried students will be invited to use this new facility. Many students and staff mem bers have been contacted about the potential child care center, and many have expressed inter est in the project. At this stage of the planning, Mrs. Matthews of the Education Di vision is helping to plan the educational program. Assis tant Dean Sarah Alexander is now working on the admini strative phase of the work. A few problems still remain ac cording to Jeanie. One major problem is liability insurance and the sorority’s responsi bility for the safety of the children. Mr. Sawyer is cur rently trying to solve this pro blem. Also, the college die tician Mrs. Mozelle Batche lor is handling details for a noon meal for the children. The Sisterhood hopes to open the center in early November. Ken Cater places the Senate imposed warning to students leaving their trays on the table in the cafeteria. Marryin’ Sim, Daisy Mae Highlight Coming Weekend By J. ALLEN WINTER Have ya’ll ever sat down for a spell then flung like wild The newly tapped Activists, at initiation last week, from left to right, are Roland Shaw, Marshall Old, Gary Christopher, Sean Meran, Dick Shannonhouse, Bruce Wright, Dennis Hayek and Bob Leyda. Activists Induct 8 New Members The Wesleyan Activists, the All-male campus honor society, recently inducted eight new members from the junior and senior classes. Each member must quality himself by placing in the upper 35% of his class and by activity in two of the other campus organizations. Primarily, the Activities must involve theater, religion, pub lications, student government, or athletics. The individuals chosen were Roland Shaw, Mar shall Old, Gary Christopher, Sean Moran, Richard Shan nonhouse, Bruce Wright, Den nis Hayek, and Bob Ledya. The Activists are currently trying to be accepted into tht> brotherhood of Omricon Delta Kappa, a national male honor fraternity. An application for a charter will soon be placed and the decision may be known by the end of the current se mester. If accepted, the Wes leyan chapter will be the third in North Carolina following Da vidson College and Duke Un iversity. and hupped and hollered? Well buckle right down, squat for ward and give an ear cause time’s a coming for your re- volooshunizing. Daisy Mae’s a coming, she’s a comin’ at last. Naw ya ain’t gonna put your pee pick in’ eye balls on that gal til the hoedown October 24-that’s Saterday. Ya know, the Junior class believes that the all Greek powder puff football game at eleven, followed by a brief break for lunch and the big con tests between gal and guy at 12:30 ’til 2:00 will put your pea pickin’ heart high in the sky. Jerry Brown says the young ladies will try to defeat their fancies in these contests. Mary Johnson, who is also pre senting the contests, says there ain’t no way for the gals to lose. As an innocent by stander I say the guys can’t lose! At 2:00 all squelcherin hopes will fly as Wesleyan’s soccer team hustles like hail to beat Campbell--an’ theywill--cause you’ll be there. The record our team has may not show it but they are winners in the hearts of Wesleyan. If you haven’t seen a game--see this one and you’ll know why. Now for one of those brief breaks til’ dinner and the PIT. Yeah that’s right--the Pit. You bring your hanger, yep-hanger and we’ll bring the weiner’s. Roast and cat your heart’s delight at the Pit by the Power Plant from 5-6:15 then take a brief break and put on your duds for the HOEDOWN. A few minutes to 8 the young gals will pick up their assorted dates at the appropriate male dorms. Gals, Please honk--do not enter. Saunter on around to the Hoe down to hear the “Abbrevs” just a pluckin’ from 8 til 12 til’ your heart’s content. And if your heart does get carried away just shuffle right on over to Marryin’Sim who’ll bind your love forever. Now opposing tall, trim and slim Sim will be Das- terdly Devorcin’ Dan who will cure your ragin’ fit so we are providin’ the Shack of Relief. That is, if you can wait to get there. ' I am commin’ to the end yet I have one more word for you. Daisy Mae is a comin’ and it’s up to you. Here’s the selec tion, you make the choi ce: Gail Mabe representin’ the Decree, Diane Williams repre sentin’ Alpha Phi Omega, Lynda Land for Wesleyan Singers, Ann Lauchner for Wesleyan Play ers, Betty Moore Thorpe for the Compass Club, Sandy Snyder for the Sophomore Class, Bill Racek for Nu Gamma Phi and Cindy Rotty for the Cheer leaders. NCW Senate Discusses Complaint By TOM HARDISON Student Cafeteria workers, angered at the increasing num ber of trays left on tables after meals recently, this week at tempted to gain the support of the Student Senate to solve the problem. Dennis Hayek, Wyatt Sasser, and Marshall Old, student cafe teria workers met with the Se nate last week to try to re solve the problem. The three student workers related to the Senate that trays being left make more work for the stu dents employed in the cafeteria and that they had resolved that beginning at the time of the meeting Monday, October 12, student workers would cease to remove trays. The Senate discussed steps to solve the problem, and called a meeting of influential student leaders in an attempt to alle viate the problem. At the same time the student workers were persuaded by the Senate to-con- tinue as normal until today, at which time trays left by stu dents will not be removed. Posters have been put up in the cafeteria warning students of the consequences of leaving trays and fines are to be le vied beginning today for those guilty of the offense. It was reported that many of the leaders asked to the Senate gathering were indignant, since it was assumed that their groups were being accused of making the problem, but a cafeteria spokesman assured the DE CREE that this was not the case but was, in fact, a sug gested way to reach the major ity of students since these of ficials had contact with stu dents. FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE FALL TERM 1970 Examination Time and Date Period Monday, December 14, 1970 9:00-11:00 A.M. # 1 1:00-3:00 P.M. # 2 7:00-9:00 P.M. #12 Tuesday, December 15, 1970 9:00-11:00 A.M. # 3 1:00-3:00 P.M. # 4 7:00-9:00 P.M. #13 Wednesday, December 16, 1970 9:00-11:00 A.M. # 5 1:00-3:00 P.M. # 6 Thursday, December 17, 1970 9:00-11:00 A.M. #10 1:00-3:00 P.M. #11 Friday, December 18, 1970 9:00-11:00 A.M. # 9 1:00-3:00 P.M. # 7