TUSEDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1972 THE DECREE PAGE 3 FliOM THE CaCUMR FILE WILL THOMSON Editor’s note: This week’s Circular File is reprinted from the January 26, 1971 issue of the DECREE. Mr. Thomson is currently on vacation. While gazing into my micro scope in lab the other day, I noticed a great similarity be tween the colony beneath my gaze and this community we The Brotherhood of Sigma Omega ★ ★ ★ Wishes to thank the many members of the Wesleyan Community that made our Rush Week possible and particularly— Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cole Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Harrison call Wesleyan. Some of the cells sit passively about, moved only by .;tie general cui-rent oi the water; some are constantly scurrying, bumping headlong into this and that while some sit rooted to one spot, running their multi-filimented mouths. Some cells ooze from one source of food to another, engulfing anything that might get in the way, while others spin and turn in one spot as if unsure of which way to go. They are sexually (and asex- ually) active, if only for the single purpose of prolonging their kind, and they react in different ways to changes in their environment. These tiny organisms have' no cares for the affairs of the outside world and are, in most cases oblivious to even their immediate surround ings, When alarmed, certain species bristle with protective cilia while most merely with draw into a protective sheath or even ignore the obvious danger. Throughout their lives they are the prey of other, big ger organisms but, except for a few exceptions, they never have evolved protective sys tems: their saving'grace is their fecundity, a fecundity we do not share. I wonder sometimes what some greater Being is thinking as He peers through His lens. km BV TOM HARJDISON I can remember, after my Mother died how the whole fa mily was all around me for a- while. The uncles and aunts were all there and my grand mother and all these relatives I haven’t seen since. And it wasn’t so bad. I really didn’t have time to think about it. And when the funeral was over and everybody packed up and went home and my Father went back to work I thought I would be alone but I wasn’t, I got some goldfish. I kept them in my rooni, on a little table right next to the bed and all day I would talk to my goldfish, lounging around in the water, not having the slight est ideawhat Iwas talking about. It was pretty bad when my Mo ther died, but the goldfish kept me company for awhile. But one day I camehome from school and they were dead, too. I really don’t remember what oc cupied my time then. I just learned to accept that death is a very final thing. It was the same way when my father died, too. Except I didn’t have his hand to hold during the funeral. All the re latives were there again, sorta a family reunion or something, I suppose. And after he died I got a new er car and that kept me busy. And trying to keep in high sc hool. I suppose I got over my father’s death the same way I got over my mother’s. Sort of just came to terms with it. I mean, what do you do? Somebody’s always leaving. Dying, or just walking out of your life or growing up on you .... or you grow up on them. All kinds of things happen. And they are very very sad. And to me there are two kinds of sadness. The kind you can’t do anything about, like when some body dies. The kind that you just . . , what did I say, sort of come to terms with. And then there’s the kind of sad ness that is very real and very final, but at the same time is very very vauge. Like, somebody leaves but you could see them again , . , but you don’t know if you should. And what to do about the leaving. You just never know if you can get it back, and you don’t know what to do with it anyway. It, or the person, or whatever just goes away. Slowly. And not very finally, * * * Not too many Saturdays ago I was in Ptaleigh and after a «or# You look tnortiPied, Oedipus. lam.GortT I just ^ound out that IVe killed my fathei'... and iVe married my mother f Have you considisred divorce? No,nor...the punishment o¥ my double crime must be severe ff I think ril blind myselP and go into wandering exilef Can you think oF anything more painPul ?! you could fecome a lifetime member in Spiro Agnew's • golfing gallery. About Campus Drug Usage (Continued From Page 2) it to be, even at the cost of sus pension of students who are not willing to accept our counsel and the guidance of college regulations, DECREE: Did the college, or any official of the college, ini tiate the action against Nick Belleti? Collins: I do not have abso lute information as to the na ture of informants known to the Rocky Mount City Police autho rities, but I am assured that no official of this college ini tiated the action with regard to Mr. Nick Belleti. Had we had certain information on which to act, we should have taken action as a college to protect the inte grity of the college commu nity. I do not know the source of their information, but it is my understanding from reliable sources that the information originated off this campus and was not furnished by a member of theWesleyancollege commu nity. However, we shall co operate 100% withcivilauthori- ties as I indicated in my open letter to the student body im mediately after the arrest oc curred. DECREE: Do you have a final word on this subject. Dr. Col lins? Collins: Every member of the Wesleyan community, inclu ding each student, shares some responsibility for any defects which octur on campus. Students share responsibility for problems known to pre vail and have the right (and the obligation) to use his or her powers of persuasion and judg- ABORTiON n QUESTIONS f For Information and Referral Assistance Call ABORTION INFORMATION CENTER, INC. (201) 868-3745 868-3746 S:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Monday to Saturday ment to help make the Wesley an community orderly, conside rate of the rights of others, and law abiding. This is not exclusively the responsibility of the admini stration. TyCer Department Store DOWNTOWN ROCKY MOUNT Shop Monday thni Saturday TIL 9 P. M. MEBAHE SH0i £0. PEPSi-COLA You' ve Got A Lot To Live Pepsi's Got A Lot To Give I issd Help!! ENVELOPE STUFFERS- PART TIME. $25 Guaran teed for every 100 envelopes you stuff. AH postage pre paid- Send stamped, self- addressed envelope, plus $1.00 for registration and handilr;g to: Allen" King Corp. ; P. O. Bo.x 6525, PGH: I Penna; 15212. Newjj Says I ! Style “Anything With Fashion Shoes From MEFANES ioWHlQWil ioclcf idlifst THE ONLY THING MORE TRAGIC THAN AN UN WANTED CHILD IS A WOiMAN WHO !fX)ESN'r WANT ONE! For Information And Preg* nancy Counselling Call Us 7 Davs 8 A. M. — 10 P. M- WOMAN’S MEDICAL ASSISTANCE 215 878-5800 A Hon-Profit Organization night of rather fitfull sleep I finally got up and made it over to The Player’s Retreat. I wanted a beer. And I wanted to figure out what to do about some things. I sat up at the bar, under the dark red lights of the place and I felt sudden ly that it was night. 1 finally got my beer and as I turned it up I saw, or noticed, I suppose for the first time, tliat behind the bar there were all these big tanks of fish. Goldfish, bass, and something the barkeeper called a Jack Dempsy. There they were. Fish. But I’m a little old for fish now and I can’t afford a new car and I don’t even know why Pm telling you all this. I guess I found my new solace. Maybe I’ll start writing again. Four Professorc To Leave Campus (Continued from Page 1) tracts for the faculty positions for 1972-73 will be released during the first two weeks of February. The administration has indi cated that such items as pay increases, promotions, and the granting of tenure will again be considered this year, follow ing last year’s bilateral agree ment to suspend these consid erations. SERVING ROCKY MOUNT FOR 36 YEARS Shirts, 5—$1.29 1 HOUR SERVICE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE TUX RENTALS Purvis Gleaners And Laundry 122 SUNSET AVE. PIZZA m CARRY OUT EAT IN 443-3027 MON. - FRI. 4 - 12 SAT. 12 - 12—SUN. 4 - 10 Order by Phone For Faster Service Allow Approximately 20 Minutes First Union National Bank of Tomorrow o FEEL FREE TO VISIT OUR COLLEGE BRANCH OFFICE ROCKY MOUNT LANES & IHE :lanes restaurant OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY