U. s. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 217 Rocky Mount, N. C. Non-Profit Organiution VOLUME XVII, NUMBER 4 N. C. WESLEYAN COLLEGE, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. MONDAY, APRIL 4,1977 Straight Talk With ARS After their concert at Wes leyan, Friday, March 11, the Atlanta Rhythm Section con sented to be interviewed for the Decree. Decree: You’re Robert Nix, right? Nix; Yea, how did you know? Decree: Well I know a little bit about you. Nix: You’re right, that’s me, live and in living color. And you said it and I didn’t so that’s cool. Decree: What made you decide to play here? Nix: Money. Plus we’re playing in New York tomorrow night and ya’ll just happened to be between home and there. We’ve been off for 5 days and we’ve all been doing different things. Dean (Daughtry) and I have been in Daytona riding motorcycles. We belong to Motorcycle Association of Am erica and we’ve been down there riding our choppers up and down the beaches. Decree: Do you like to do small concerts? Nix: This is the smallest concert we’ve played at in a long time, but I enjoyed the —- out of it. I loved it. Decree: Well you generally like to do concerts then? Nix: I love them! Of course, we all do you know. Decree: What song can you really get into during a concert? Nix: “So Into You.” No, I like them all. I can’t really say that. I personally like “So Into You” because it is a new hit single and I get really excited when we play it, in fact I have wet dreams during it. Decree: Well do you really get excited up on stage? Nix; Yea, when I can see more of the front row, because the first row is always the most exciting. When you get to the second row, you’re doing something. Decree; Do you plan any more NC appearances? Nix; Greensboro, April 1, with Bob Seager. It’ll be really good. We like to play up here, it’s close to home and all. Decree: What state do you like to play in the best, Georgia? Nix; Well so far, the fact is because we’re from Atlanta. Hell we draw 55,000 people in Atlanta you know. And that’s kinda good^^nytime you’ve got 55,000 people out there you drew yourself, it’s good. The Allman Brothers used to do that and they felt good, why shouldn’t we? Decree: When did the band begin, six years ago? Nix: About 5 1/2 years ago, but you’re right on top of it though. You need to answer these questions. Let me ask you a question? Alright what’s the next one? Decree; Are all of you original members? Nix; What’s your name? Decree: Greg Allen Nix: Greg Allen is an original member. So is Barry Bailey. So SUPER GRIT WARMS THE CROWD Greg Allen Photo is Dean Daughtry. So is Robert Nix, Paul Goddard, J. R. Cobb, and Ronnie Hammond. Decree; Do you think A Rock and Roll Alternative will out sell Red Tape. Nix; Oh yea. It will be gold in about two weeks. Decree: I own Red Tape but the other I haven’t bought yet. Nix: Well get Rock and Roll Alternative and help us make gold. We’ll be there in two weeks, at least that is what they project anyway. Decree; How is the single “So Into You” doing? Nix: Good! It’ll be gold in about a week. And it will also be top ten next week, in the nation. Decree; Were there any other Southern bands that influenced you? Nix; Not just Southern bands, but I believe just about everybody in the world influ enced us. Probably if you had to pick a Southern band that we draw an influence from it would have to be Lynrd Skynrd. On some things, that is just some things. I think the whole group is influenced by different things. And we are a very versatile g;roup—more so than any other Southern band I can think of. More so than any other Southern band there has ever been. That’s what they said in Rolling Stone anyway. The new one. By the way have you seen it. Well, read the review of it and you’ll see what I’m talking about. I think the, guy put it very “ultimately.” Decree: How did you decide upon the name Atlanta Rhylhm Section? Nix: Well we were doing sessions in Atlanta, Georgia and most people coming to Atlanta to record tended to hire us. So we all came together and Buddy Boui in Atlanta ended up being our manager. So here we are. Studio 1 musicians, better known as the Atlanta Rhythm Section. We’ve played on everybody in the world’s records—from hit to miss. Decree: What do you see in the future for the band? Nix; Shot! No . . . money, gold records, lots of touring, and lots of work. Decree: How many weeks of the year do you plan to be on the road? Nix; Most of them. No, probably about half the year. The rest of it writing and recording songs. The band will probably be off 3 or'4 months of the year. —Greg Allen ARS’ RONNIE HAMMOND AND J. R. COBB Greg Alien Photo Tips For Spring Spring is here at last! After our temperamental Fall and Winter seasons, I believe the good weather is finally here. Flowers are in bloom, the skies are sunny and blue, birds beckon with song. It is a time for shedding inhibitions. As hard as that may be to imagine, there are ways to be a healthy expressionist, within the “divine” boundaries of a “Christian” academy. Nothing really revolutionary, mind you, just a few tips to help make Spring ’77 blossom for you. Read on . . . 1. Throw a coin in the fountain and make a wish. Why the business office didn’t suggest that a long time ago, I’ll never know. 2. Take your breakfast out on the patio. 3. Do yoga, ballet, or jog around the circle. 4. Men, wear cologne. Wo men, dab perfume behind the ears, or vice versa. 5. Protest something, but smile. 6. Plant something in a window box! African Violets? 7. Have a picnic. The Presi dent’s lawn is nice for that sort of thing. 8. Give flowers to someone you really admire. 9. Go see “Blithe Spirit.” April 26-30 and May 3-7. 10. Go to the beach for a night. 11. Pretend you’re someone famous, and see what you can get away with. 12. Join the pool member ship at Howard Johnson’s for $2.50 a month. 13. Make your own station ery, and catch up on all those overdue letters. ■ 14. Go to an auction, and buy something frivolous. You could win the door prize. 15. Let out the brute in you—cheer at sports events. 16. Break a habit. Cigarette smoking, nail biting, criticizing. 17. Start doing something else. Whistling, winking, may be even a pinch where it counts. 18. Talk to Mama Haggins. 19. Bike, and give your car a rest. 20. Fall in love! 21. Create a “scandal.” 22. Climb a tree. 23. Contribute to the news paper. 24. If all else fails write "Dear Wesleya” and let her solve your problems. These are but a few suggestions to help make Spring work for you. Ridiculous as some may seem, they can help make the difference between just another season, and an eventful one. If you have any more delightful tips let us know, or share them with your friends. Enjoy!!! —Jan Wilson