FEBRUARY 21,1992 — THE DECREE — PAGE 3 ‘Imaginary Invalid’ saves best for last By CECILIA LYNN CASEY Wesleyan’s Performing and Visual Arts Department presented Moliere’s “The Imaginary In valid” on Feb. 15. Overall, the play was entertaining and enjoy able with the last act being the best. It was a good performance and well worth seeing. The stage and costumes were weU done and everyone having a hand in producing them should be congratulated. Also, actress Anna Marrow, who played Argon’s youngest daughter, was charming to watch and did well with her part. Rob Mullins was a surprise as he proved that he could sing as well as act. he performed his part admirably and hopefully he will continue to be a part of the the ater department at Wesleyan. As for the more seasoned ac tors, Todd Waters, John PemeU, and Kristi Larson each gave per formances just shy of their abili ties. Todd Waters, who starred as Argon, was ai times very humor ous and convincing. But for the first part of the play he drifted into being too hammy. For in stance, when Argon was yelling at his maid Toni (Kristi Larson), Bashing Japan useless (Continued from Page 2) dard of living is far superior to theirs, and that Japanese are be coming increasingly disenchanted with their labor hours. In the midst of all this deal- making or agreeing on target goals or whatever. Congressman Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) of fered up a law which would close our markets if the Japanese didn’t reduce the trade deficit. The fact that such a thing is impossible doesn’t seem to matter. You see, the reason we have a trade gap is that we buy Japanese goods. We buy Japanese goods because we want them. What trade barriers from the U.S. would do is block out Japanese goods, restricting competition and artificially sup porting failed com^^anies. Getting Japan t. let us send Fords to Tokyo is not the answer. If we can’t take Honda’s market share here, what makes anyboay think we can get it in Japan? If we could sell our goods here, they couldn’t, and we’d all be happy. The secret to balanced trade is to make quality products and ad vertise them so as to convince the rest of the country that the U.S. goods are the ones we want. We call that competition and the free market system. Competition makes our goods get better, so the consumer wins. Before I get accused of being insensitive and not caring about workers in danger of losing their jobs. I’d like to point out that for eign trade doesn’t destroy jobs. There are other factors that do, such as when we move plants out I of the country or somesuch. The trade deficit is only in the goods column. As Walter Williams pointed out in his Jan. 29 syndicated col umn, the Japanese don’t make picture galleries for green and white portraits of U.S. Presidents. They take their dollars and use them. All dollars have to get back here sooner or later, because no body has use for them in some other country. The Japanese in vest in our capital resources in the form of stocks, bonds, bank accounts. Rockefeller Center, baseball teams, whatever. Our goods deficit is matched by our capital resources sale surplus, we we are actually in a state of bal anced trade. Protectionism is bad. Several of our presidential candidates are beating the drums to do unto Ja pan as Japan does unto us, all based on misconceptions and populism. They figure that if they can convince us that Japan is the root of all recessions, they can be swept into office. But competi tion is the driving force behind the free market, and protectionism defeats competition. it was nothing more than lines being said loudly. Kristi Larson gave a good per formance and was at her best when she was talking to Angela, played by Erica Weiss. Larson likewise lost a degree of her usual spark when she was yelling at Waters, which made the first act suffer. But by the end of the play. Waters and Larson both were do ing their best acting, and as a re sult the end of the play was de lightful. John Pernell, who played Thomas Diarrhea, had a strong beginning and carried most of the scene in which Angela first meets Thomas, who is the man her fa ther wants her to marry. By the end of the play, however, Pernell lost his steam, which was disap pointing because he is an excel lent actor and owes his audience something more than standing on a box bumping and grinding. Most of the audience enjoyed the play as the laughter and ap plause indicated. Freshman Pete Widell said the play “was very humorous. I thought that Robert sung great. I really liked it.” Lisa Jones said that it was “Killer!” and sophomore Kevin Hambrecht commented, “Wow! What a performance!” Voters must share blame (Continued from Page 2) the governor and his wife a few minutes to explain away any doubts raised by the adultery is sue. They said they had worked out their marital problems — which might make them famous under different circumstances. But the media then discovered a letter Clinton wrote in 1969 about his concerns about the Vietnam War. If you take the time to read this letter (the excerpts published), you know that his agony reflects an entire generation’s and is rather well articulated. If you think that adultery or agonizing over the Viemarn War automatically negates a person for the presidency, then you don’t need me. But I can’t help but want to know what kind of governor Clinton was. Why does he say he doesn’t support his state’s re gressive sales tax on groceries and non-prescription drugs when the records clearly show that he op posed every voter or legislative attempt to repeal it? Wffat kind of Democrat supports Bush’s anti union agreement with Mexico for a free trade treaty which took jobs Flik piks... If you have any suggestions of v^hat movies should be shown on campus, please call 5230 (the SGA Hotline) and leave us a message. from his state? George Bush and Bill Clinton have spent their entire adult lifes preparing to be president. No one had a better resume than Bush, according to Washington stan dards. Does that mean that they have studied books as do schol ars or studied their fellow citi zens as do regular people? No. It means they have hired media ex perts and kissed the rear ends of special interest groups. They are not, as Jerry Brown is trying to tell us, their own per sons. They are inventions, cre ated to appear to be whatever they need to get elected. Once in of fice, they think they deserve our gratitude and respect. For what? My mama taught me respect has to be earned. Voting could mean more than superficial glamor (Bush with Arnold Schwarzenegger?) or a thousand-points-of-light rhetoric (Kerrey’s New New Deal) or al ternatives which are no alterna tives (Tsongas on capital gains) or alternatives which are worse (Buchanan’s anti-semitic, homophobic, racist, sexist fanta sies). At the moment, however, it means nothing else for many of us. We would rather accept what can be scanned quickly than search for what might actually work. I can’t help but wonder whether or not democracy will turn out to be a failed experiment because the electorate failed to live up to its part of the bargain. Think about it. GET A GRIP... ^ m m BECOME AN RA! APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE STUDENT DEVELOPMENT AND STUDENT LIFE OFFICES