"^tfe ^ecree VOL. 11, NO. 7 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, N.C. FRTOAY, FEBRUARY 2,19% College to cut tuition 23 percent By KIM CURSEEN Dr. John White this month an nounced that next year instead of the regular annual increase in tu ition, for the first time there will be a 23 ptrcent decrease in tu ition for the 1996-97 academic year. King Forum looks at hope of integration By JESSICA BROWN A full house of about 100 people was packed into Leon Russell Chapel on Jan. 15 to cel ebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the famous civil rights activist. The event was N.C. Wes leyan’s eighth annual Forum on Race Relations, titled “From King to Farrakhan: Is Integration Still Possible?” Professor of History Dr. Rich ard Watson, whose main focus is African history, gave a brief his tory of the civil rights movement in America. He spoke about the struggle for equality during the 1960’s in which Dr. King partici pated. He then mentioned that to day the struggle for equality still continues, led by activist Louis Farrakhan. After giving the history, Watson introduced the panel of six speakers who would give their opinions on the subject of inte gration. The speakers in order of ap pearance were senior Anneliese Hatcher, who is the only white member of the Wesleyan Gospel Choir; Everett Mayo, an African American visiting artist whose work is currently on display in the Dunn Center; Hassan Jarra, a 1989 graduate of Wesleyan from Africa; African American Tirik Spencer, a senior from Harlem, N.Y.; Dr. Mary Lou Steed, pro fessor of sociology; and N.C. Wesleyan’s new president. Dr. (Continued on Back Page) The tuition, originally $13,650, will be cut by $2,000, making the tuition for next year only $ 11,650. White guaranteed that this tu ition move will only decrease the amount a student will pay at Wesleyan and, in his words, “in the least case scenario, a student will pay the same amount... but will not pay any more.” The money cut for the tuition is not from money used for the educational services offered by the college but the money cur rently being used to offer students “unfimded” financial aid. Unfunded aid are the Wesleyan Awards, grants that ap- COMMUNITY MEETINGS—President White discusses WesPIan with students on Jan. 18 in the Dunn Center, one of several meetings to explain impending changes for the college. White holds series of student meetings By JESSICA BROWN In a series of community meet ings in December and January, college president Dr. John White introduced WesPlan and other topics, including reduced tuition rates, a new recreation center, new tennis courts, aerobics classes, a January term, and more. With the help of three action teams —recreation, retention, and quality of life — White has come up with a plan for Wesleyan or, as he calls it, “the WesPlan.” It all began on Dec. 4 at a meeting in the Dunn Center. There the chairs of all three teams presented their conclusions to the faculty and staff as to what Wesleyan’s current needs are. Pat Ceijan of the Admissions office headed the retention com mittee, which decided that to re tain more students, Wesleyan should make some changes. Some of the suggestions are to raise admissions standards, coor dinate a directory which would allow better student-faculty rela tions, have a gathering where members of campus organizations are recognized, giving more awareness to on-campus activi ties, and other ideas. Next, coach Mike Fox, who chaired the recreation team, gave their ideas. They suggested the school should make existing fa cilities more available to students, (Continued on Back Page) proximately 80 percent of the stu dents at Wesleyan receive. The unfunded aid was used as an in centive for students to come to Wesleyan by what White calls “discounting tuition.” White pointed out that when the school had to determine the increase for each academic year. officials had to budget the un funded aid. Thus over time the increases in tuition began to be less for the actual financial sup port of the institution and more to support the unfunded aid. White also said that if the col- (Continued on Back Page) White unveils new ‘WesPlan’ for Wesleyan By FELICIA DAY New Year’s resolutions aren’t the only things members of the Wesleyan community have to look forward to these days. John B. White, NCWC’s new presi dent, has big plans for the fiiture. White calls his 10-page pro posal the “WesPlan.” The pro posal is an attempt to refine the institution by focusing on the im provement and advancement of faculty, staff, student enrollment, curriculum, and campus facilities. White believes that strength ening the faculty and staff, ex panding the curriculum, and en couraging community support will ensure a successful future for this institution. White focuses his vision on “trying to respond to some of the challenges I see Wesleyan and higher education facing. My goal is to try to do as many things as I can to fiirther the quality of expe rience here.” Among the many ideas men tioned or noted in the WesPlan, the most attractive are implement ing a 23 percent decrease in tu ition, the use of the Worid Wide Web site with faculty and student access to e-mail, a Winter term used for special purposes such as performing internships and fac ulty/student out-of-state travel projects, international student re- cmitment, and. a possible pre-med major or pre-med special advis ing program. He also proposes the new ex pansion of old facilities for aero bics and exercise, new recre ational outdoor space for roller blade hockey and basketball, ad ditional intercollegiate sports (ten nis and cross country), entertain-; ment ambiance in place of the SAC multipurpose room, and dor mitory renovations. Many of these changes are ten tatively set to be completed no later than fall or winter of this year. “All the ideas (in the plan) have a direct impact upon stu dents,” claims White. Included in his plans are alumni representa tion on the Board of Trustees and placing strong emphasis on the assessment of student leaming. White also wants to address in depth accountability, as he be lieves that holding community members accountable will tighten responsibilities and produce more quality efforts. With a difficult road before him, no one wants to walk in White’s shoes. But many admire the path he has chosen. Paul deGategno, NCWC’s chair of hu- (Continued on Back Page)