Af^co J^ews Published by and for the employees of ADAMS-MILLIS CORPORATION in High Point, Kernersville, and Tryon, North Carolina. Produced in the Dup licating Department of ADAMS-MILLIS CORPORATION. Plant No. 1 - Helen Mason, Lela Rus sell, Mary Maske, Rochelle McAr thur, Ernestine Noble, Katie Saun ders, and Virginia Wood. Plant No. 2 - Ethel Fitts, Ethel Carden, and Margye Martin. Plant No. 3 - Mary Ellen Koonts. Plant No. 4 - Minnie C. Nelson, Jean Iris Smith, Ruth Hayes, and C. W. Browning. Plant No. 7 - Etta S. Kapp, Marjorie Chilton, Margaret Fulp, Blanche Jackson, Viola Jones, Eva Jones, Nannie Smith, Doris Williams, and Louise Tuttle., Plant No. 8 - Ann Fisher, and Sybil Po- teat. Machine Shop - E. Verne Snotherly. Office - Fay Cheek and Frances Smith. Composing Staff - Chas. Deviney, Jr., Addline Hill, and Ruth Ellington. VOL. XII May-June 1955 NO. 3 IF YOU CAN’T HELP THE WEATHER- There's nothing much you can do about hot weather except talk about it (remember Mark Twain's crack? ). But there are quite a few things you can do about yourself which, if they won't air condition you 24 hours a hot day, will help you to be a little less hot. First of all, take it as easy as you can. Relax whenever and wherever pos sible. Don't worry about either the heat or the humidity--don't even talk about itl Get plenty of sleep. Eat sensibly. Salads and fruit are O. K. , but they're not enoilgh to keep you going. You still need proteins, carbo hydrates and fats for energy and for strength to get through the uncomfor table days. Eat an extra hearty break fast in the cool of the day, go light on lunch. Cold foods are not cooling (ex cept psychologically), because it's not the food but the calories they contain that raises body temperatures. So don't pass up hot dishes. Drink plenty of water--12 to 15 glasses a day—cool but not necessarily icy; iced drinks actually interfere with the body's temperature controls. Al coholic drinks, no matter how cold you make them, just make you hotter. Wear light, loose, porous, light- colored clothing: avoid exertion in the sun. Be glad if you perspire (or even sweat), for that's the body's way of re frigeration through evaporation.