Mrs. Ora Robbins Mrs. Ora D. Robbins, looper. Plant #1, has been looping half hose for half a century. She was with Adams-Millis Corporation from 1930 to i960. She had also worked with Adams-Millis prior to 1930. Mrs. Florence Mayme Johnson Miss Mayme E. Johnson looped at Plant #1 from August, 1924, to April, i960. Miss Johnson lives with her father on Kennedy Street in High Point. She is an active member of English Street Baptist Church. Lowe Retires Mrs. Florence Lowe, who was retired April 18, began her career in 1907 with the High Point Hosiery Mills in the building now occupied by our warehouse. ( The High Point Hosiery Mill was later merged with Adams-Millis Corporation.) Mrs. Lowe was Florence Pierce before her marriage. Her father worked in the dye department of the High Point Hosiery Mill, and Florence came to work in the mornings before school to ravel the looper lines after the looper had put the stocking on the looper dial. She also raveled for top knitters. When school hours arrived, Florence Pierce, who lived with her family on Vail Street, would leave her raveling and report to school. After school hours, she would return to the plant to work in the afternoons. She also worked on Saturdays during the year. ( The loopers and top knitters paid the ravelers for their work as it enabled the looper and knitter to in crease their production. Ten cents -4-