XiXXXXXXXXXXXXXJXXiX Ten demanbments Here are "Ten Demandments By The Boss" that should be of interest to all who have bosses: Rule I — Don't lie — it wastes my time and yours. I'm sure to catch you in the end, and that's the wrong end. Rule II — Watch your work, not the clock. A long day's work makes a long day short, and a short day's work makes my face long. Rule III — Give me more than I expect and I'll pay you more than you expect. I can afford to increase your pay if you in crease my profits. Rule IV — You owe so much to yourself that you can't afford to owe anybody else. Keep out of debt or keep out of my shop. RuleV — Dishonesty is never an accident. Good men, like good women, can see temptation when they meet it. Rule VI — Mind your own business and in time you'll have a business of your own to mind. Rule VII — Don't do anything here which hurts your self- respect. The employee who is willing to steal for me is capa ble of stealing from me. Rule VIII — It's none of my business what you do at night. But if dissipation affects what you do the next day, and you do half as much as I demand, you'll last half as long as you hoped. Rule IX - Don't tell me what I'd like to hear, but what I ought to hear. I don't want a valet to my vanity, but I need one for my money. Rule X — Don't kick if I kick — if you're worthwhile correct ing you're worthwhile keeping. I don't waste time cutting specks out of rotten apples. xxxxxxxxxxxxx - 13 -