AMCO NEWS / n t Vol. XXVII No. 3 Adams-Minis Corporation June-July, 1971 SUPERVISOR OF THE MONTH Fast making a for himself in the High Point Indus trial Management Club of High Point is Velton ^0.11, shipping super- visor of the ladie s' hosiery division of ■^darns-Millis in High f^oint. Last month, he received the Key Man of the Year Award; and, has been selected as Velton Hall ^oy Man Committee Chairman for the coming year. The club designated Velton as "Person- ^lity of the Month" for June. The purpose of the Industrial Management f^fub is to develop its members personally and ^0 of definite help to them in the discharge of their responsibilities as supervisors. The Key Man serves as the connecting ffhk between his company and the club. He ®ounds out the club members in his company for Suggestions concerning the activities and P^ograjj^g club. The Key Man then re- Ports this accumulated information to the olub's executive committee. Velton has been in the shipping department two years. He was previously employed ^t the old Grimes Street plant of Adams-Millis about two years after coming out of service ^ 1958. He was shipping clerk for Ragan ^oitting Mills in Thomasville and worked for our years in the shipping department of aurice Mills prior to his last employment ^ith Adams-Millis. He was also employed as ^ haker by Thomasville's Bost Bakery for six years--and, by the way, he says he's a very cook. Born in Thomasville, Velton Hall attended ®rnStreetElementarySchool and then graduat- ^'1 from Main Street School in 1957. He held a Part-time job in a grocery store while attending ^ehool. Upon his graduation, he entered the • S. Army and served in communications for tenths at Fort Jackson, S. C. and Fort ^ffee, Arkansas. Upon his release from the for K Army, he was with the North Carolina National Guard for six and one-half years. Velton is married to the former Darlene Frye of Sanford, N. C. He has three children. There are two daughters: Jateena, age 6, and Kimberly, age one and one-half; and one son, Alex, who is six months old. He and Mrs. Hall live at 123 Council Street in Thomasville. As for hobbies, Velton plays golf and chess; he also enjoys bird hunting in Randolph and Davidson Counties, but rarely finds time any more to engage in this sport. Three Named To NAHM Post Three officials of Adams-Millis Corpora tion have been named to posts in the National Association of Hosiery Manufacturers. James H. Millis, president of Adams-Millis Corpora tion, has been elected to Second Vice Chairman; and, by virtue of that office, Mr. Millis is a member of the board of directors. Donald G. Lindner, president of Adams- Millis Hosiery Company, has been appointed a member of the NAHM S"ocks and Anklets Com mittee. H. O. Williams, comptroller for Adams-Millis, has been appointed a member of the NAHM Air and Water Pollution Com mittee to study problems as they relate to ho siery production. Quality Excellence Award Received For the sixth consecutive year, Adams- Millis Corporation has received the Symbol of Excellence Award from Sears, Roebuck and Company. The presentation was made by Phil S. Kessler, hosiery buyer for Sears, at a luncheon at the String and Splinter Club in High Point on April 21. Accepting the award for the company was Robert L. Boyles, direc tor of manufacturing of the half-hose division. The coveted award was made in recogni tion of the outstanding performance of Adams- Millis Corporation's management and em ployees in manufacturing superior quality prod ucts for Sears for six years.