Even though last year's baseball season has passed and it's now time for the new season's Spring training, recog nition is due the Adams- Millis Corporation-spon sored Kernersville Y.M.C.A. Little League Team. Managed by Jerrell Stafford, engi neer with Western Elec tric, the team was last Season's winner in their division. Team mem bers were; First row, teft to right, Bradley Swaim, Jeff Pridgen, Jeff Martin, TimSwaim, Billy Crabb and Allan Thompson; second row, hlark Apple, Keith Owens, Gary Hilburn, Donnie hlason, Steve Chamelin, and Greg Martin; and hack row, Jerrell Stafford, Manager. Jeff Cranfil, Anthony Templeton, Kerry Byrd, and Byrd were absent when the picture was made. Coach Ken Approximately one-third of all A-M Textur ing and Dyeing employees participated when the American Red Cross Bloodmobile made a one- day visit to the High Point plant in January. Sixty-nine of the eighty-one units of blood donated came from texturing employees. Some forty-one other volunteers were temporarily deferred for Various reasons. In a letter addressed to employees of the plant. Blood Program Director Martha Crotts said, "These eighty-one pints were given at a very crucial point of need, when blood usage was high and the holiday season made it impos sible for us to seek donors on a community-wide basis. Your acceptance of an in-plant visit was truly a lifesaver, and we are grateful. " Other area companies participating in this visit included George T. Wood & Sons, Casard Furniture Manufacturing Corporation and Pied mont Electric Repair Company. Eugene Stines gets a blood pressure check Pi'eparatory to donating blood. - 7 Scarborough Smith, left, and Randy Kennedy, ^^ght, give their life-saving blood so that others may live.