AMCO NEWS--Adams-Millis Corporation J. H, Minis Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Dear Fellow Employees: As Christmas 1974 arrives, we begin to think of the past, the present and the future. As a moment from the past, I'd like you to read the letter on this Page--one t ha t was Written for the company publication at this Season 25 years ago. You may ask why I brought my father's letter out of the past. The reason is that I think his letter from the past has a special rneaning for you and rne nowand in the future. Now, just as 25 years I am confident your faithfulness, loy alty and teamwork will provide the assurance that the future of Adams-Millis will be bright and successful for each of us. No matter how bard I search for a Oew and better way to ®9-y it, it still comes °rit. . . "I want you to know that you have my genuine appreciation for your fine coopera tion in the past, and *riy warmest wishes for 3- happy, successful Nineteen Seventy-Five, klayyou and those whom you love have a joyful Christmas Season and a bright peaceful New Year. " Sincerely, the wAatmmn December 16, 1974 PACmC COAST REPPESENTATtVC SIONCr MULLER SS2 MIBSIOM ST.,SAN FRANCISCO ESTABI.lSHeO 1904 Adams-Millis Corporation M.NUfACTUSCR SEAMLESS AND FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY H iGH Point, N.C. December 22, 1949 Dear Fellow Employees: As we approach the close of Nineteen Forty-Nine It Is again my pleasure to express my gratitude for your faithfulness and loyalty. When I think of the part each of you have played, and are playing, to keep the wheels of our Plants turning. It Is difficult for me to express adequately my feelings. You have done a good Job and your Company Is mighty thankful for the loyalty of men and women like you. The coming year may not be easy for many of us. Problems may confront us - - difficulties may arise. But of this I am sure, you will be ready to do your utmost for the mutual good of your Company. Your teamwork has established Adams-Mlllls as a leader In the production of fine quality hosiery, and you may be assured with your continued spirit of cooperation we will be able to maintain these same high standards, and we will do everything possible to assure steady employment, I want you to know that you have ray genuine appreciation for your fine cooperation in the past, and my warmest wishes for a happy, successful Nineteen Fifty. May you and those whom you love have a joyful Christmas Season and a bright, peaceful New Year. Sincerely yours. President JEM:1 -1- Reprinted from THE ECHO, December 1949