(o /' /• / f]v Amco News May, 1981 Vol. 37, No. 2 Adams-Millis Recovery From Fire Is Story Of Courage And Cooperation *!* '■ ' N ^ N The dramatic story of the fire at Adams-Millis Corporation’s Plant #3 in Kemersville, and the remarkable comeback into production within a matter of days, has been told extensively in area newspapers and on television. In this issue of AMCO NEWS are some of the articles, letters, editorials and photographs which appeared in the newspapers. These are reprinted here to give Adams-Millis and TexElastic employees throughout the Corporation an opportunity to see what almost un precedented coverage was given to the fire and to what writers referred to as the almost incredible effort by management and employees to get back into production. In the top photograph, fireman at the left of the picture are dwarfed by the immensi ty of the situation at Plant #3 as smoke billows hundreds of feet into the air. In the lower photograph, Robert M. Bundy, Jr., President of Adams-Millis Hosiery Company, was caught at a moment when he mirrored the sense of overwhelming loss felt by those watching the blaze. J.H. Millis, Board Chairman and Chief Executive Office, said at one point: “It was like watching your own house bum.” (SEE STORIES ON INSIDE PAGES). Front Page Photos Prom Kemersville News, Kemersville.