MEL - ROSE - GLEN THE VOICE OF MELROSE AND GLENN MILLS Volume 2 high POINT, N. C., MARCH ISSUE GLENN HOSIERV MILLS (Infants’ and Missea* Gooda) No. 7 Melrose Enters Upon Vision Service For Employees A THE ORTHO-RATER ^ Miss Mattie Idol, R. N., “Testing” Miss Ruth Gilliam * The Ortho-Rater (meaning mea suring accurately) is a precision instrument that was developed jointly by Purdue University and the Bosch and Lomb Optical Company. INSURANCE COVERAGE Practically one hundred percent of Melrose and Glenn Plant em ployees are covered with the new group insurance plan. A total of fourteen workers only did not sign up and each of these has some spe cial or peculiar situation that led them to reject the protection. The new arrangement will give more ample assistance to hospital cases providing a larger amount than formerly for bed, incidentals and surgery. New applicants will be given op portunity to come under the pro tection as they are hired in and the probation period has been shortened from six months to nine ty days. National Victory Garden Institute The National Victory Garden Institute has announced that 87 companies and organizations were awarded the Institute’s plaque for sponsoring outstanding company- employee and community garden programs in 1945. Of this number, 45 firms won the award for three successive times; 14 took it twice and twen- ty-eight received the plaque for the first time. The awards were based on a national survey which took into considei-ation the num ber of company and home gardens, the average size of the plots, acre age, pounds of food grown, cost of operation, and various educa tional activities. It is to everyone’s interest to safeguard the group insurance funds. It is the responsibility of employees when out of the shop for legitimate reasons to keep up their share (35 ) of the pay ments. Otherwise, protection will be dropped immediately, with cer tain exceptions. It is not permissible for employ ees to be out indefinitely and still carry insurance, that is, if they are able to work. Group insurance means that we are in the “pool;” when we get out of the pool—quit, go to work else where, absent without notice— we are no longer protected. The Institute, at its annual meet ing, decided to continue the pro gram on a peace-time basis. The name will be National Gar den Institute, and many of the wartime activities will be continu ed. It was decided that the Insti tute continue and strengthen its educational garden service to com panies which have garden pro grams for their employees. The National Green Thumb Contest will be continued but will not be restricted to food gardening. For Further News on Gardens Turn to Page Four NOTICE! BASEBALL — SOFTBALL Anyone interested in playing on either baseball or softball team, contact personnel office. DISPENSARY MISS MATTIE IDOL, R. N. The above caption is the sign painted on the door of the new health service room in the Seam less plant. “Dispensary — Miss Mattie Idol, R. N” The space formerly used by the payroll office has now been di vided to make room for a confer ence room for foremen and for the dispensary. The entrance to the dispensary is just off Knitting No. One Room, at the top of the stairs. The dispensary is being newly painted and equipped for service to the employees. The room is 20 by 20 feet. There will be hot and cold water, a bed, a sterilizer, a dressing table and furniture in keeping with such a room. Miss Idol will be equipped to handle minor injuries on the job— first aid. It is requested that em ployees report all injuries —minor, major or otherwise to the dispen sary. If the employee comes to the dispensary Miss Idol will give advice on how the situation should be handled and whether the worker should be referred to professional care. Also, Miss Idol is subject to call to any department in any plant should it not be possible for an injured person to come to the dispensary. A large part of the dispensary service will be “dispensing health information.” The industrial nurse is avapable for. counsel and advice. She can give assistance, refer to literature or professional care. Her major interest and con cern is the protection and promo tion of employee health and safe- Melrose and Glenn to Test Visual Skill Of All Employees The Melrose Hosiery Mills, Inc., is undertaking a vision service program in the Melrose and Glenn Plants. The program involves the test ing of the visual skills of present and new employees to determine the visual requirements for our company operations, as well as to see whether any individuals might profit from professional attention. No attempt will be made to diag nose or correct so-called inferior vision. The company will merely suggest to persons with low vis ual performance that they consult their own eye doctors. An instrument, known as the Ortho-Rater, is used in measuring visual performance. Results of tests will be made available to employees. Individuals who wear glasses will be tested with their glasses on. Mr. Boyd, Personnel Director, who has received special instruc tion at the Purdue Industrial Vis ion Institute, will be in charge of the program as a part of the em ployee service activities of the Personnel Depaitment. He will be assisted by Miss Mattie Idol, R. N., who is a member of the Personnel Staff. Individual results and interpre tation will be made available to all employees whose visual skills are measured. Individuals whose vis ion _ is_ below the standards for their jobs will be informed with the suggestion that they see their own eye doctor about any possible difficulty. Departments where tests are to be made will be notified in advance by bulletin board announcements. Questions concerning the program may be asked at any time through the Personnel office or your fore man. Everyone will be informed and interested in this expanded service made available to Melrose employees. SINGING FOR FUN Part of the recreation program at the Bastian-Blessing Company of Chicago consists of a male chor us and a female chorus. Members of the girls’ chorus, in addition to receiving musical training, partic ipate in social affairs as a group. The male chorus has proved such a popular activity that new mem bers must undergo a test and a try-out method before they are accepted. SUGGESTION AWARDS Hurley Blizzard was awarded ten dollars in savings stamps for his suggestion for a device to hold yarn in the sewing room. Milton Setzer won the award for bringing the Ortho-Rater pro gram to the attention of manage ment. ty. This may mean the prevention of disease and injury quite as much as the cure or treatment of disease and injury. Employees are welcome at all times when Miss Idol is not en gaged. Requests for personal or group conferences will be gladly met.