LeiTiome Freshman Class of ’62 - jUM 0anoCC«ta, ^ ZhmkatH Echo Next Issue October 25 Homecoming VOLUME XVII—NUMBER I DURHAM, N. C., TUESDAY, SEPT. 30,"1^58 PRICE 20c SG Takes Action Against White Merchants ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 500 Frosh Make Record Enrollment For the first time in North Carolina College history, a record number of over 500 freshmen enrolled for the first semester. Ac cording to a Freshman Assembly seating chart there are 492; how ever, a few names were not included because of late registration. The freshmen began invading the campus on September 9 and 10 in order to begin orientation activities. Freshmen and upper classmen direction of Dr. C. E. Boulware, enrolling at North Carolina Col lege for registration September 11-18 foimd campus-wide coun seling services available to them. Special freshmen advisers, who annually are responsible for preventing a large number of first year students from failing some of their subjects, were as signed on September 17 at 7:30 p.m. in B. N. Duke auditorium. After a formal welcome pro- grMn at 7:30 Thursday in B. N. Duke auditorium, the students started a busy round of subject matter examinations and physi^ cal check-ups from Friday Sept. 12 through Wednesday Sept. 17. Freshmen students were given: a special library orientation, after a personality inventory from 12 noon to 1 p.m. in the education building on Saturday September 13. On Sunday, September 15, two religious events and the annual faculty-new students tea in Ihe Senior Bowl introduced fre-ihmen to the spiritual and social aspects of NCC. Under the the colfege Sunday School held its first meeting of the year at 9 a.m. in B. N. Duke auditorium. At 3:30 p.m. the auditorium was the scene of the first vesper ser vice of the year. Dr. J. Neal Hughley, college minister, de livered the inspirational mes sage. Meanwhile, the student govern ment hosted the freshmen at a party in the Annie D. Shepard recreation room on Friday night and at a dance in the women’s gymnasivim Saturday night. At each affair the freshmen wore their ‘62 beanies and student government pins. The education building was the scene for all tests this year. Also held in the education buil ding on Tuesday, September 9 at 7 p.m. was the year’s first meeting of the faculty and staff. NCC President Alfonso Elder -presided at the meeting. Registration began at 8:30 a.in. on Wednesday, Sejhembei’ 17. Classfjs started at 8:30 a.m. Friday, September 19. m 1 The above four attractive freshmen coeds are among the record freshmen class currently en rolled at NCC. They are shown here amidst a bud- dingr crepe myrtle tree’s blossoms at the annual Faculty-New Students tea with NCC’s prize win ning art teacher, Mr. Edward N. Wilson, Jr. Teacher of many prize winning students, Mr. Wil son is currently painting a mural on the wall of the Music and Fine Arts Building. Coeds shown are Catherine P. Wiggins, Ahoskie; Anne Pago Parker, Winton; Jocelyn Cooke, Raleigh; and Linda V. Chavis, Ahoskie. Morrow Interviews French Officials ThoiK^s Lee Caiiieroji Dr. John H. Morrow, head of the French Department at North Administration Remains Silent SG Protests Merchants 'Oversight’ In one of its duties for the year the NCC Student Govern ment Association, headed by Je rome Dudley, a senior from Asheville, launched a full-scale protest against the , Durham Merchants Association for al-^ leged prejudice in welcoming! students to Durham, often call ed The Friendly City and The City of Exciting Stores. The protest which has been given full coverage—front page in the Durham Herald-Sun news papers with much publicity for SG president Jerome Dudley hag had no interference from thei North Carolina College adminis-i tration, except in the formula tion of a faculty committee to negotiate with the Merchants. On Saturday, September 13, after freshmen were in their 3rd day of orientation activities at Principals in the Student Government protest of the Durham Merchants Association’s “oversight” of NCC students in the DMA’s welcoming of students to Durham are shown here clasping hands. They are Benjamin S. Page, editor of the Eagle yearbook; Jerome Dudley, President of the SG; and Robert Kornegay, vice president. NCC and the stickers welcoming Duke Freshmen were in win dows of member stores of the DMA, SG president Dudley call ed a 1 p.m. meeting of all upper classmen. At the meeting the approximately 70 students were briefed concerning the issue on hand and asked to help plan some form of organized protest. The students unanimously agreed to send a student dele gation to the DMA for a discus sion of the problem which has existed for many years now. Although sentiments for a boycott were expressed, the stu dents agreed to wait for arrival of all upperclassmen (Septem ber 16-17) before making a final decision. Results of the contact with the DMA were to deter mine the course of action, also. The Sunday, September 14, edition of the Durham Morning Herald carried a front page re lease from the NCC Student Government Association protest-, ing the unfair custom of the ex clusion of NCC students from the DMA’s annual welcoming campaign for college students., The article made known “there are strong sentiments for a boy cott (of stores belongiiig to the (Continued on Page 3) TICKETS ON SALE Season tickets for three major productions of the NCC Thes pians are on sale for the first tim« this year. Prices are: $1.00 for students and $2.50 for adults. Contact Miss Mary Bohanon in the Music and Fine Arts building. (iarolina College, visited!^ France this summer to do research and interview French officials. The trip was financed by a grant of the North Carolina College Re search Committee. Dr. Morrow left Quebec, Canada, June 6, aboard the liner Arosa Sun. He landed at Le Havre, France, June 15. Due to the tension in France, he was told that it would be inadvisa ble to attempt to delve into the Algerian and African problems; however, he was issued a “safe conduct” pass after conferring at the French Embassy. His main tasks consisted of do ing research at the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris and inter viewing French gfficials, African Deputies in the National Assem bly, Algerians, students, and average Frenchmen. Among those interviewed were Leopold Sengloi, Deputy from Senegal and leader of the PRA (one ol the most important African Politial Parties), Gabrielle Li- sette, Deputy from Tchad and parliamentary leader of the RDA (another important party in tha National Assembly), Faul-Maro Henri of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Henri L’Anglais, (advi sor on Alger is) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The French Embassy gave him some help in arranging some interviews; how ever, the majority were ar ranged by him. He said he would have been greatly handicapped, if he had not spoken French, for (Continued on Page 9) New Echo Editor And Staff Begin Duties Witli Award Winning Paper Having returned to the cam pus several days prior to the opening of school, Theodore Gilliam, Editor-In-Chief of the Campus Echo, and his staff members immediately began work in order to get the first issue of the paper off press. In the first meeting of the new staff, Gilliam stated, “It is my sincere hope that this will be a successful year for the Campus Echo, and that every staff mem ber will do his share toward helping it maintain the high honors it has won during the past three years. As Editor-in- chief, I shall do everything within my power to attain this end.” This summer, Mr. Gilliam at tended summer school and ser ved as editor for the Summer EUiho. Along with Mr. Horace Dawson, Lindsey Merritt, and some student journalists, Gilliam published four issues of the Summer ’Echo. The following staff appoint ments have been made by the Editor; Business Manager, Lu ther Gerald, a junior commerce major and member of the foot ball squad; Co-literary Editors, Flora Snipes and Samuel Floyd, both from Durham and both English majors. For the first time in the his tory of the Echo, a freshman has been named Managing Editor. Thomas Lee Cameron, a formen staff member of , the award win ning Hillside Chronicle, received tutelage from Gilliam and Mr. H. G. Dawson during the sum mer school session. A major in physics, Cameron has deep in terest in student activities. Ruth Royster, political science major from Roxboro and a four year staffer of the Echo, was feature writer in 1955, news edi tor in 1956 and 1957, and is cur- (Continued on Page 8)