lollege Observes 16th Founder’s Day; Dr. Knight Speaks, Mrs. Semans Honored An address by Duke Univer- s i t y President Douglas M. Knight and the awarding of an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree to Mrs. Mary Trent Se mans were highlighting events in the sixteenth annual observ ance of North Carolina College’s Founder’s Day. The convocation, honoring the life and career of the late Dr. DR. DOUGLAS KNIGHT . . . delivers address James E. Shepard, founder of the college in 1910 and its president until 1947, convened in the college’s B. N. Duke au ditorium and attracted a stand ing-room audience of students and townspeople. During the program, at which Dr. Bascom Baynes, chairman of the NCC board of trustees, presided, Dr. Alfonso Elder, re tired NCC president presented the occasion. NCC President Samuel P. Massie introduced Dr. Knight; and President Mas sie Dr. Walter Brown, repre senting the alumni, and James Ferguson president, of the NCC Student Government, conducted the college’s traditional, sym bolic “Truth and Service” cere mony. Speaking on the subject, “The Great Ambitions of Liberal Education,” Dr. Knight urged that college students master the excitement of true learning, “without the loss of our himian- ity our wit, our concern for all the round earth’s imagined corners. “This is what education stands for in my eyes, and in my heart. . .” Explaining what he termed Funeral Parody, Sadie Hawkins Dance End Homecoming Activities NCC students participated in an abundance of pre-homecom ing acitvities here this week in connection with homecoming celebration sponsored by the Alumni Association and the Stu dent Government Association. The activities were a van guard to the homecoming day football game between NCC and Shaw University of Raleigh, Following the theme, “Foot ball Frolic of ’63”, the pre-game activities included two nights of pep rallies and recreational dancing, a band concert on the third night, and a mock funeral and Sadie Hawkins dance on the final night. In addition to the activities, there was a competitive decora tive and thematic display be tween campus dormitories. New Residence Hall won top prize. At the mock funeral NCC stu dents participated in an all but real funeral for the Shaw Uni versity Bear. B. N. Duke Auditorium took on the atmosphere of a funeral at a Negro rural church as stu dents began “amening,” crying, wailing, and shouting behind the opening statement of Presid ing Minister, Irby Logan of At- the great perpetual question of “what we ourselves are up to as people,” he declared that people cannot expect much from buildings, endowments, or edu cation unless they can grasp the living purposes for which these things are devoted. “A college”, he said, “is by definition concerned with the important affairs of life.” “It is not a playground, not a bone- yard of dead ideas, not a mere arena, not a political storm cen- er, and not a Hollywood set. It is a place where all of us can be concerned . . . about the per manent questions of reality value, significance, and a place where we can find the begin ning, at least, of an answer to a few of them.” “Understanding,” he contin ued, “is first an adventure of the individual mind and heart. Yet individuals can hope for nothing unless they know how to look beyond themselves.” “This is the great paradox of learning—that it deals with the infinite relationships of inner man and outer universe. Un less you are able both to be yourself and change yourself in some significant way, you can- (See Observes, page 3) Campus Echo Volume XXIII—Number IV Durham, N. C., Friday, Novmeber 1, 1963 Price: 10c lanta, Georgia. Logan said that the students and sympathizers were gather ed to give final rites to “'the Bear who made the horrible mistake of tangling with the Eagle.” Mr. James Parker, Audio- Visual Center director, followed with a slow, witty and inclus ive speech of how death came upon the Bear. In a macabre speech, Rev. Parker said the Bear was wandering in strange woods when suddenly prayed (See Homecoming;, page 3) Men’s Weekend Set North Carolina College’s Men’s Weekend, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 16- 17, will feature seven major events this year, according, to a schedule of activities released by John L. Stewart, dean of men. The annual observance, which follows the theme “Living Up to Truth and Service,” will be gin with the Eagles’ Autumn Ball on Saturday, Nov. 16, at 8:30 p.m. (See Men’s Weekend, page 4) Charlotte Co-ed Reigns Over Homecoming A senior sociology major from Charlotte reigned over North Carolina College’s an nual Homecoming activities here this week. Margaret Priscilla M c C u 1- lough, winner of the “Miss Homecoming” title in last spring’s campus-wide student elections, was the reigning, beauty at the homecoming acti vities and was presented at half- time at the NCC Eagles-Shaw University Bears football game. Miss McCv,Hough is . th° daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry McCullough, 115 West Bland Street, Charlotte. She is a grad uate of the York Road High School where she was an active student, participating in basket ball, dramatics, the band, the student council, the French Club, the Y-Teens and the NHA. She was Student of the Week in an activity sponsored by the Charlotte Observer, her home town daily newspaper. An active students here, she has participated in the band, was chosen “Miss Sophomore,” is a senior counselor, and is a member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Miss McCullough said that she is very happy that she was (See Reigns Queen, page 3) MARGARET McCULLOUGH, CROWNED “MISS HOMECOM ING” by North Carolina College President, Dr. Samuel P. Massie, during halftime of the game betvr'jn NCC and Shaw University. N. C. Resource-Use Conference Convenes Here November U The North Carolina Resource- Use Education Conference wiU holds its sixteenth annual meet ing at North Carolina College Thursday, November 14. The one-day conference will begin with its first general session in the college’s B. N. Duke audito rium at 9 a.m. The announcement was made recently by Dr. Theodore R. Speigner, director of the Divi sion of Resoiu-ce-Use Education NCC Students Invited To Participate In Activities Sponsored By Others BAND LEADER COUNT BASIE AUTOGRAPHS PICTURES for two NCC. co-eds who attended the concert given here this week by the “The Count.” The two students, Wanda Sutton and Annie Lewis, were among some 3,000 persons attending the concert sponsored by the NCC Marching Band and the office of the Dean of Students. North Carolina College Stu dents have been invited to par ticipate in two activities spon sored by outside organizations, according to Dr. Marion D. Thorpe, dean of students. 'The first of these is an essay contest sponsored by the Educa tion Department of ’ the Em bassy of India. This is part of the cultural program of the Government of India, sponsored for American students in vari ous colleges and universities. Its aim is to stimulate interest in Indian Culture and Civilization. Competition is open to stu dents between the ages of 18-24 by January 1, 1964, on topics of “Religion, Secularism, and De- mocrary in Modern India.” The essay should contain from 2,000 to 2,500 words, typed. This es say should reach the Education Department, Embassy of India, 2 10 7 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington 8, D. C., by January 15, 1964. The second is sponsored for (See NCC Invited, page 3) Home Economists Elect Officers Joyce Belcher ,a junior home economics major and a general science minor, has been elected president of the North Carolina College Chapter of the Ameri can Home Economics Associa tion for the 1963-64 school year. Her election to office came in the initial meeting of the club for the year. Other officers elected were (See Elects Officers, page 3) at NCC, and state chairman of the North Carolina Resource- Use Education Conference. The general theme of the con ference is, “Resource-Use Edu cation: The Key to Quality Learning and Living.” Accord ing to Dr. Speigner, the 1963 conference is designed to create an awareness in supervisors, principals, and students, “of the unlimited natural resources which are available in every commimity that should be used to enrich instruction.” Principals, supervisors, teach ers, and parents throughout the state have received invitations to participate in the conference, Speigner said. The keynote speaker for the conclave will be Dr. Stanley E. Dimond, professor of education, at the University of Michigan, who will address the afternoon session at 2 p.m. in B. N. Duke auditorium. Author of Schools and the Development of Good Citizens, and co-author of Our American Government, Dr. Dimond is past president of the National Coun cil for the Social Studies and holds membership in the NEA, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kap pa, the Association for Super vision and Curriculum Develop ment, and the American Educa tional Research Association. In the 10:30 morning session, which will feature the role young people can play in con serving community resources, (See Conference, page 4)