'PAGE 4 NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY DECEMBER 3,1992 SAMPSON, from page 3 the general welfare of the ^5tate.” '• There were constant inquir ies from local people on the availability of law courses dur ing evening hours. In 1967, Dean Sampson conducted a survey to determine the need for offering evening courses. Though the Evening Program was not established until much later, this interest was the pre cursor to that program. In 1968, on behalf of the Student Bar Association, Dean Sampson petitioned the Execu tive Committee to change the degree offered from the LL.B. to the J.D. After s series of meetings and working out the procedures for handling the granting of two degrees, the proposal was accepted. In 1969, Dean Sampson was appointed Legal Assistant to Dr. AN. Whiting, the fourth President of North Caroling College. He was responsible for offering legal advice with respect to the many student demonstrations that were rag ing across the campus. He rep resented the Chancellor when students sued the Chancellor for withholding funds for the printing of the Student news paper. In addition to repre senting the administration, he offered legal advice without charge to students, faulty, and staff, who requested such as sistance. Dean Sampson’s service to the institution in the form of committee assignments is ex tensive as might be expected of one who has served his in stitution for three and one-half decades. Among those on which he served for years are: the Student Welfare Commit tee, Program Committee, Pub lic Relations Committee, the Standards Committee, and the University Parking an Regula tions Committee. He also served as Chairman of the Law Dean Search committee in 1980 and was a member of the 1985 Law pean’s Search Commit tee. Although Dean Sampson retired from the Law School in 1984, he has maintained his association with the School by serving as adjunct professor since his retirement. He teaches courses in Debtor/ Creditor Law and Advanced Torts. Though Dean Sampson has devoted the majority of his pro fessional life to North Caro lina Central University, he has not limited his service to education alone. IXiring the sixties, he worked hard and long researching legal problems as they related to the Civil Rights Movement for the National as well as Local offices. Two well-known cases that he provided the legal research for were The Royal Ice Cream Case (Stale vs. Qybum) involving Reverend Douglas E. Moore and five Durham College studaits who were arrested for trespassing when they sat in the white section of the Royal Ice Cream Company, and State vs. Avait where students from North Carolina College were arrested for civil trespass ing at Kress & Company, though Dean Sampson has not “practiced” law in the sense of constant trial practice, he has maintained active membership in the North Carolina ar Association and has kept financial in his pledges. TYPES OF MOMS -DccidwtaatywiwaiKBEroKEyoo.pcnthrefrigcnnar."— The—Wait For Dad—Mom | The—Eat Eat Eat—Mom The—Worried—Mom The—Do Me A Favor—Mom Nowbtcorafulclrivingl ' Fasten yeur SMf btll. DOYOUHA^GASnOar^t play the rodBo too loud Is that jacket worm enough? Do you hoTM money? CAUMBWHOirOUGET THBtfl/Don't drhm too fost Look both ways beibre crossing the street! Don't spit Into the wind BUYIOW, saimoHii . you cio me a fauor? OX OX Newer mind HI b it myseV, even if it DOES put me in the grave. Why shouU you do Atf a fowDC I'm just your mother. I OMr£4JSa> you. I onlyi..What? IbuH do it? Oh thoniu sweetie. Could you just point the house? The—Psychic—Mom I The—Cliche—Mom Don't toll me nothing's wrong. I con toS just by looking at your fM th^ you got oD-on your Geometry exam; you put a dent in the cor on the way home; you didn't finish your lund; and you're net log dw underwear; )M$NSnMnSun.rsolMvi funny until somebody loses on eye. Bettor you cry Aon 1 ay I deni com MfOrta/sMBtherlstsiiim do. I'm not BiHjA Mothoe Oh wel al BiUy jumped off o bridge would you jump off toe? D0N7 GET SMAJavmiMB . Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk E X U TOP TEN MOST CLUELESS [H] PEOPLE ON EARTH I Got something to say!! 10. Rainforest chainsaw operator. 9. Millionaires in prison. 8. Drivers with turn signal perpetually on. 7. Las Vegas lounge acts. 6. Unregistered voters. 5. Frozen dinner enthusiasts. 4. Javelin catcher. 3. Someone in express checkout line with eleven items. 2. Chain-smoking gas station attendant. I. Drug users. PARTNERSHIP FOR A DRUG-FREE AMERICA liCCU students show alumni, faculty, staff and each other your united interest in the liberal arts. Ex Umbra is your student publication, your chance to address the issues of today through your artistic virtuosity and lyrical prowess to an audience greater than 7,000 strong. So take advantage of this rare opportunity to become a published author, poet, photographer or artist. for more information call John Riddick at 560-6504 or drop it off at the Campus Echo OtRce(rm. 319) In the Communications Bldg. All entries must be in by March 26th Copies of the Pall 1992 Edition are available at: Communications building lobby A. Eider Student Union all 7 dormitories Campus Echo Office , Law school ^ Crimial Justice Building So get your copy nOWH! Ad Code DEPN-3012 Partnership For A Drug-Free America Top 10 Most Clueless Newspapers—V4 PG B/W—65 SC Prepared by Geer, DuBois Inc., New York