Page 2 Duke Hospital, InterCom Co-Supt^A Cotnet Early last month our Department heads met to look back on last year’s operation and to look forward to the new year w'hich started July 1. We would like to share with the readers of this column some of the information that was discussed. The past year w’as good in many respects and very difficult in others. Some of the good things are; 1. Plans for the new addition to the Hospital and clinics crystallized and architectural drawings are in the final stage. 2. Student Health was moved to a new location and provided with more adequate space. 3. Some of our doctors occupied new offices in Baker House, making available much needed additional ex amining rooms in the Private Diag nostic Clinics. 4. Our nursing staif instituted team nursing, and other improvements that have meant better nursing care for our patients. 5. A bio-physicist joined our staff to supervise our rapidly growing ra dio isotope laboratory. 6. More than 150,000 medical case histories were reduced to microfilm, paving the way for more efficient record service in the future. 7. An extensive program in paint ing and redecorating w'as Carried out. 8. The Hospital and Medical School purchased approximately $150,000 in new equipment from a grant from the Duke Endowment. 9. The Out-Patient Clinics w'ere equipped with an Addressograph Sys tem that has meant faster service for our patients and more efficiency for our people who work there. 10. The William Brown Bell Re search Building was formerly dedi cated. Our difficulties in the main were financial. An increase in costs of op eration and a decrease in income from patients put us in a very serious po sition. Fortunately, we seemed to catch our second w'ind after Christmas. We re couped some of our losses but still finished the year about $150,000 in the red. We start our new year with a new Duke First Has A First From F'armville, Va. comes news of a special event for Duke’s first baby patient, Sara Wilkinson, now Mrs. Calvin Haldw'in, who was honored guest here in July, 1950 for Duke Hospital’s 20th anniversary celebra tion. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin became the parents of a fine boy at midnight on July 24, which date is also the fa ther’s birthday. Of special note is the fact that Mrs. Baldwin’s obstetrician was Dr. A. Tyree Finch, a Duke graduate. schedule of rates, but we also have an expense budget that is $160,000 larger than last year’s. We expect to operate at a loss again this year but are looking to our employees and staff to help us hold it to a minimum. We have all been living in aji era of inflation and full employment. Now we find ourselves in a period that has deflationary characteristics and a condition of unemployment. The financial situation of the Hos pital and the University generally is extremely serious. It has been neces sary throughout the University to adopt a schedule for annual salary increases that are about one half of what they have been in the past fcvv years. We regret very much that this must be so. However, other people are hav ing their difficulties too. The City of Durham, for example, has fouiid it necessary to say that its empl')yees will receive no salary increases this year. Annual Picnics The Personnel Office with the help of very active committees has staged another Anniud Picnic for all the em- jiloyees of the Medical School and the Hos{)ital. Each year we feel that the current one was tlie best. The following quotation from a let ter written by the (^hief of one of our clinical departments sums up for many of us the importance of our annual outing: “Jly de])artment would express to you its appreciation for the fine i>ic- nic and the collective fun it had.” “This picnic is one of the few ‘in stitutions’ and ‘traditions’ that have From The Auxiliary By Mrs. ,S. W. Myatt The Women’s Auxiliary has re ceived the gift of a folding invalid’s chair and walker through the gener osity of Di-. and Mrs. W. M. Nichol son. We regret that on July 12, due to the increase in the price of coffee and cream, it was necessary to raise the price of coffee to seven ceiits a cup. Thanks for being so cooperative and bringing your pennies. The junior members, forty-five in all, are to be complimented for the fine work they are doing this Sum mer. They have been happy, willing w’orkers, often working overtime, es pecially on Children’s Service and Guide Service, while the senior mem bers are on vacation. IMany senior members deserve a note of thanks for serving additional hours in order to keep all day services operating. This is particularly true of Guide and Registration Services. Bouquets to the president and all chairmen of services! The Auxiliary will take its annual vacation and the office will be closed and all services suspended beginning Friday, Aug. 27, until opening date Monday, Sept. 13. been established at the Medical School and we hope it will be continued.” To every employee and staif mem ber who worked hard so that the rest of us could have fun : a very sincere, “Thank You!” Some of the committee members who deserve special thanks for their hard work are: Dr. Kenneth Penrod, Morton Bogdonoff, John McBryde, Elon Clark, J\Irs. Norma Jean Black- stone, Ann Barnes, Dr. Ralph Ar nold, Dr. Alex Woods, Don McGrath, Flint ('arden, Minnie Jones and Lorene Bates; and for the Negro em ployees j)icnic, Carl Rogei’s, Sally i\Ioore, Charlie Wall, Cornelia Free land, Sam Sellers, Ernest Pratt, Hay wood Jolnison, Minnie Hell and Jessie- Ferrell.