DUKE HOSPITAL Durham, N. (’ THE ORIGINAL STAFF I Remember When Because Duke Hospital celebrated its 25th year last month, we asked Ross Porter to give our present em ployees (as well as the old-timers) a glimpse of the early days. We think you’ll enjoy his reminiscence. As Dr. Davison said, “-July 21, 11)55 M-as a s:reat deal c-ooler ihau July 21, 1!):5(). ...” It could also be; said that we weren’t nearly so har assed on tlie latter date. . . . The com bination of excessively hot weather and the strain of tryin>j to f>:et the place goiuf? on July 21, 1!);5() cer tainly didn’t contribute much to ward sweetness and lij^lit on tluit occasion. T remember, that as an eager little beaver fresh from collefje, 1 was chewed out, but f?ood, by Dr, Amoss, .Miss Bessie Baker and several othej- ])eopI(! 1 don’t ev(‘u rem('nil)er before 1 could find saiu;tnary in the bijj; empty business office iidiabited only by J\Irs. (’ampbell, an addiiiff ma chine and a bookke(‘pin; machine we didn’t know how to ojicrate. Things picked up pretty rapidly after that, however, and in a few days we even knew where tlic pa tients were who had rushed in on the first day. . . . This accomi)lishnient was larjrely possible throne’ll a track- inpr operation conducted by Air. 31. E. Winston, the Superintendent, as he ])rowled the wards witii his pre cious ])atient ref?ister in hand. ('ontrary to our exi)ectations that the Hospital wards could be opened at a leisurely pace we foiuul our selves openin>' them just about as rajiidly as we were able lo force out the students and House Staff living in the unopened oiu’s, . . . This growtii was a fine tribute to the judg ment of Di'. Davison and his Staff in their original i)lanning, l)ut it surely did keep us all stepping. We remember, too, routine esti mate's of ten days for an appendec tomy ... foui'feen daysfoi' delivery ... fifteen to twenty days for a herni otomy. .. . Hospital costs in those days was less than six dollars per day ... starting salary for secretaries was sixty dollars |)er month and for grad uate nurses, less than oiu' hundred dollars. As always, in recalling the i)ast, we remend)er a great deal nu)re about colorful individuals and inconse- (juential incidents than about the im])ortant milestones. . . . T^iining gets out of kilter, too, and hai)i)en- ((’outinued on page (i)