Duke Hospital, InterCom Page 7 since Helen’s oldest daughter, Theresa, is entertaining measles! Mona’s daughter, Jane Morgan ]\Iills, and husband, Don (now a Lt. in the Air Force stationed in Green ville, S. C.), and their small daughter Scottie, spent the weekend of May 27 with Mona. The Dean’s Office at this writing, is buzzing with preparations for com mencement and we are happy that all but four of eighty M.D. graduates plan to return for commencement ex ercises.—Helen M. Thomas Ob-Gyn John B. McCall and J. B. Williams liave that “Florida tan”; both en joyed a pleasant vacation in Florida. Yancey Culton, Carroll Shoemaker and Paul Green, Jr., have returned from a vacation. The Ob-Gyn residents entertained at a “get-together” in the residents (juarters, May 17, for the internes wlio were leaving in May and June. The department enjoyed their stay which was only a short time and bids them a fond farewell. Those leaving are: Carroll Shoemaker, Blair Bryan, I{()bert Windon and Frank Lang. We wish them well wherever they go. Dr. Robert Windon is to be con gratulated on a new son born April 26. Cigars were passed out. Bad new’S from the ob-gyn clinic Dr. VonRoebel has been missed in tlie clinic due to illness; Mrs. Lillie Robbins also has been missed —she has a broken arm. —Jo Thompson Hospital Laundry (Congratulations to Bruce and Ruth Roberts! A baby girl, Valeria Jean, came Feb. 8. J\largaret Bullock enjoyed a recent vacation in New York City and Long Island. Others having- vacations are Marie Samuels, Rose Johnson, Janie Ed wards, Lillian Phillips, (’ora Adams, Mary Ann Ward, and Kathryn Wil liams. Welcome to Eva Cooper and Eugene Rogers w'ho are new in our department. A speedy recovery to Gertrude Smith who is confined to her home with an illness. Our sincere sympathy to Willie I\Iathews in the recent death of his father.—Thelma Stafford Business Office Nancy King visited Myrtle Beach, South Carolina the week of ilay 28 to June 4. Drucilla Horton had a vacation at home May 14 to May 25. Nancy and Harold Balltzglier spent their vacation at ^Myrtle Beach June 4 to June 18. Helen Wagoner is a new cashier in the Business Office. Bernie Welch, administrative in terne, has spent a three months’ period in the Business Office. The Office is losing him on July 8 to a girl in AVinston-Salem. John McBryde, Gertrude Webb and Nancy Balltzglier spent a pleas ant day in Winston-Salem April 2(J. They ate lunch with Reid Holmes, a former administi-ative interne and chatted with Reubin Graham and (’lyde Hardy, also former boys. Bn- route home, they stopped in Burling ton to see Mr. Pyne and his family. He seems to be very well situated and happy and the Durham trio was much impressed by his hospital. —Nancy Halltzylier Admitting Office Mrs. Mary Trent left for her home in Oklahoma on Jlay 15. She visited her daughter, Elizabeth Hendricks, and the family of Dr. and Mrs. James 11. Semans, the innnediate occasion being the dedication of the beautiful Trent Room in the ]\Iedical Library. ]\rrs. Trent’s many friends in Durham and Duke TTniversity joined her in lionoring the memory of the late Dr. Josiah C. Trent.—Nancy lialltzglier Anesthesiology Guests of the department recently were: Dr. J. A. Griffiths from London, England; Dr. T. Morch, University of Chicago; Dr. L. Randell-Iiaker, Car diff, Wales; Dr. Wesley Bourne, Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada; Dr. Arnold Johnson, Montreal, Can ada ; and Dr. J. F. Hammett, Waynes- ville. Dr. Albert Warshauer, assistant professor, resigned April 15 to accept a position at the University of Louis ville, Kentucky. Dr. Ruth Martin, associate pro fessor, resigned April :3() and will join her husband in June in Gainesville, Fla. Mrs. Betty Stuart, technical assist ant, resigned May 8 to move to Raleigh. J\Irs. Lee Roycroft replaced xMrs. Stuart on May 14. The department is liajipy to have Miss ^lary Campbell, Chief Nurse Anesthetist, back after a seven weeks absence due to illness and surgery. Dr. Doris C. Grosskreutz accepted the position as Chief of the Depart ment of Anesthesia at the V. A. Hospital on May 14, coming to us from the staff of the Department of Anesthesia of the UN(^ Lledical School. Dr C. E. Whitcher began his second year residency March 26, having taken his first year at Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill. Congratulations to Joseph J\lat- thews, laboratory assistant, who grad uates from Duke University June 4. Peter Duvoisin, Laboratory assis tant, "esigned on May 81. The following residents finished the course in anestiiesiology on June 80: Dr. Kenneth Hall to aceejit the ])osition of Chief of Neuroanesthesi ology at the National Institute of Neurological Disease and Blindness, Bethesda, Md.; Dr. G. W. Farris to enter private practice in (’hattanooga, Tenn.; Dr. AV. T. Rice to enter ])ri- vate ])ractice in Orangeburg, S. (1 Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Fabian on the birth of a six- pound boy on May 25th. Mother and sou are getting along fine. —Inez Champion Anatomy We are happy to have I\lrs. Wheeler, secretary to the Department of Anatomy, back with us, after hav ing a severe case of poison ivy. ]\Ienibers of the Anatomy Depart ment celebrated Dr. ]\Iarkee’s birth day on i\Iay 22nd by having a barbe- (|ue and brunswick stew supper out at one of the Duke gates. Dr. D. C. Hetherington recently attended an executive meeting of the Tissue Culture Association at the R. B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory at Bar Harbor, ilaine. Drs. Markee aiui Peele and Sam Agnello will attend the AMA ]\Ieet- ing in (’hicago in June. Dr. and Mrs. Markee attended the