Page 6 Duke Hospital, InterCom Dr. Haywood M. Taylor Dr. Haywood M. Taylor, professor of toxicology and associate professor of biochemistry, died on October 21 in Duke Hospital. A native North Carolinian, Dr. Taylor was born in Edgecombe County, near Tarboro. He attended Pennsylvania State Uni versity and the University of North Carolina where lie received the Ph.D. in chemistry in 1924. lie taught at Johns Hopkins School of Mcdicine until he became part of the original staff of Duke Medical Center when it opened in 1930. Auxiliary Members, Attention! An effort is being made by the Membersliip Committee to bring up to date the permanent record on active and inactive members. Some records have been mis placed during the last ten years, and the information is, therefore, incomplete. Please look in the permanent record books in the Auxiliary office and fill in, wher ever possible, the hours missing from your chart. What People From a Durham resident, “I spent some time in j’our well organized and most efficient Intensive Nursing Unit where 1 was also greatly impressed by the wonderful and efficient service by all. “The Ambulatory jiatients’ Dining Room is also another fine accessory that you have to offer and I believe it must mean a great deal to others as it did to me.” An Asheville pastor wrote us, “1 know that in your endeavors to serve Z)hh n New Arrivals A son was born in October to Sarah Jane Watson (Dr. Leo Pine’s former technician) and Jimmie Watson (third year student). Dr. and Mrs. David Trachtenberg, Psychiatry, a daughter in November. Dr. Peete’s (Surgery) former sec retary, Frances Walker, a girl on October 29. Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Gingras, Psy chiatry, a son in October. The Department of Surgery had a busy two months with a baby girl, Liza Ann born to Dr. and Mrs. Phil Pearce; a girl, Jackie, to Dr. and Mrs. William Houck; and a son, Stuart, to Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Scliiff- man. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Hall, a girl, Sandra Lee. Wedding Bells Doris Mooney, Department of Psy chiatry OPC administrative clerk was married on Thanksgiving Day to Clinton D. Boteler of Washington, D. C. It will be wedding bells soon for Miss Gladys Smith of tlie Surgical PDC wlio became engaged on Octo ber 14 to Wallace Shults of Durham Are Saying: there will be occasions when it is impossible to please everyone, but our stay there was not that way. W’e were highly pleased witli the ability and spirit with w'hich everyone did his work.” From a Florida doctor, ‘‘As a doc tor, I was especially interested in seeing how a diagnostic clinic worked. You people have a wonderful or ganization to back your excellent doctors.” ^ Tjkat New Faces and Old Medicine Clarence Boone is Dr. Leo Pine’s new technician. Surgery and Surgical PDC Mrs. Nancy Love is the new SPDC receptionist. Her husband Neil is a senior medical student. Miss Myrtle lluth Roberts, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Roberts of 2708 Farthing St. is Dr. W. L. Thomas ’ new secretary. Dr. Harol Lefkoff' will be on the visiting staff! in Otolaryngology un til July when Dr. William R. Hud son will join the staff'. Mrs. -leiinie Paschall is a new ]>art time secretary to Drs. Sealy and Young. Miss Barbara Williams, from Salt Lake City, is the new ENT Clinic secretary. Janet Ketner is Dr. Lawton Smith’s new secretary. She is from Concord and formerly taught school ill Winston-Salem. Dr. Henry (^dlaway has finished his training and has gone to Mary ville, Tenn., to join liis Tincle in ])ri- vate practice. Psychiatry The Psychiatry dejiartment’s new secretary is Mrs. Barbara Perryman.