HOSPITAL DUKE siBSXi \’0L. 9, XO. 4 OCTOBER, 1962 DURHAM, N. C. The Building in the Middle of the Road The main entrance to the new bnildin" is decorated with a relief of Aesculapius flanked bj' caducei. That “buildin? in the middle of the road” has just been completed and most of its new occupants have moved to their new (piarters. This latest ad dition to the Duke Medical Center campus is the •$2,200,000 l)iap;nostie and Treatment Center No. 8 and (jerontolo"y Building. The appear ance of the building suggests that it is one Tuiit, but in reality it consists of two separate projects, each with a (lifferent purpose and financing. The east end of the attractive new structure houses the Diagnostic and Treatment Center while the west end of the building is devoted to the rela tively new concept of gerontology. The rapid growth in the past several years of the Medical Center is not news to those of us who have worked around renovation and construction constantly. In the course of this growth, the various functions of each department and of the iiulividual phy sician have become so widely dispersed that efficiency was seriously hampered. The need for centralization of certain operations was obvious and it is this lu^ed for consolidation that the Diag nostic and Treatment Biiilding an swers. The nu^mbers of the departments of medicine, surgery, pediatrics, psychi atry and radiology that are iu)w lo cated in the new building have under one roof their offices, laboratories and (“xamining rooms. As Did^e Medical Center becomes more and more a re gional referral center for difficult diagnostic and treatment problems, it is essential that each physician has within easy access tlie latest tools of his specialty as well as the availability of other members of his staff for con sultation. The new building is joined to the Hospital by a 16-foot tunnel. Tliis tunnel, incidentally, is the first section of a corridor that will connect the present liospital to the proposed new Medical Center complex bej'ond the Hell Research Building. Thus these latest laboratory facili ties are within easy access of hospital in-patients as well as out-patients. A further integration of functions will be realized when the Clinical Research Building—which adjoins the Diag nostic and Treatment Building—is completed in the spring. Tlie activities that are now taking place in the new D & T (’enter are many and diverse. Most of the busi ness of the ENT department will be carried on in the new facility. Dr. Hudson’s office, examining rooms, an enlarged and more pleasant clinic space, and more space and newer equipment for audiologist Mrs. Susie Hunt are now available. The psychiatric day care program will be carried on in the new clinic facilities in this building. The depart ment of radiology has space for sev eral research ])rojeets including the investigation of an electronically con trolled system for copying x-ray films. Tliis device, called Log-E-Tronics, it is hoped will be useful in copying for teaching purposes and for improving tlie diagnostic accuracy of films. Neurosurgery will have diagnostic and clinical space for the study of cancer, Parkinson’s disease, nervous system disorders related to aging and rehabilitation following brain surgery. Dr. Sealy and Dr. Yotuig will have space for specialized diagnostic pro cedures necessary in patients being evaluated for chest surgery. They will also have laboratory space for studies in deethypotliermia. Tliis long word is used to describe the study of the effects of the lowering of body temperature and the clinical applications of this procedure. Dr. Crimson will move all of his (Continued on page 3)