DUKE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER VOL. 12, No. 2 APRIL, 1965 DURHAM, N. C. Coming in the Fall: the first of a new campus Pictured above is the architectural rendering of the Medical Sciences Building I. This building, which will be the first part of the new Medical Center campus, will be located opposite the present Army Ordnance Research Building, near the old laundry. It will house Biochemistry and Genetics and Physiology and Pharmacology. As plans now stand, the construction of Medical Sciences Building I will begin in the winter of 1965. (E. Todd Wheeler and Perkins and Will Architects.) The New Curriculum: a pioneering approach to medical education.” by Wes Lefler The Duke University Medical Cen ter has recevied a $750,000 grant from the Commonwealth Fund of New York to helj) finance a pioneer ing approach to medical education. The new project will involve a drastic revision of current medical teaching teclinicjncs and medical cur ricula. Announcement of the grant was made by Dr. Douglas M. Knight, j)res- ident of Duke University. β€œIt is our hope that medical edu cation nationally will benefit from the experience gained by your school in adopting this new curriculum,” said Quigg Newton, president of the Commonwealth Fund, in notifying Duke officials of the award. The Duke program will involve the first major change in medical school curricula iji the past 50 years, according to Dr. William G. Anlyan, dean of the Duke School of Medicine. He said that the objective of this new concept will be to turn out more doctors who are better trained to bring directly to the American public the benefits of the massive amount of medical knowledge now available. The new curriculum is scheduled to be implemented in the first year class of 19()6. The changeover is ex pected to be complete by 1*)70. Dr. Aulyan said the grant from the Commonwealth Fund will be used to acquire the faculty members need ed to launch the new program. (Continued on page 2)