X N T E R C O MEDICAL CENTER DUKE UNIVERSITY VOLUME 13, NUMBER :! MARCH, 1966 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA PARKING SURVEY STUDIED Several months ago, question naires were distributed to medi cal center employees concerning where they parked, where they would like to have parked and other items. It is reported that many of the returns were not only frank and to the point, they scorched the printed page. The consensus, of course, was that there simply aren’t enough ])arking spaces—at least not within a half block. Before, during, and after the stirvey, parking jokes were fly ing thick and fast. Cartoons can still be found clipped and taped above desks. The cartoon which warmed the hearts of nuuiy depicted a man aj)plying for a job. The potential employer was giving the new man a quick rundown of all the fringe benefits, the advantages of the job and the im])ressive, 5-figure salary. To all of this the applicant replied: “Forget all that. How’a the parking?!” But no matter how nuich jokes warm the heart, they won’t keep tight shoes from pinching in the health-hike from the more distant parking lots, nor will they keep you dry while hiking under a wet slim mer sky. What is the answer? ]\Iany peoi>le suggest comfortable shoes, a wide umbrella, long raincoat and high-topped rain boots. The University Traffic Commission, however, is trying another approach to the park ing problem. First the December parking survey was conducted. Then the results of the survey were care fully studied in an attempt to define the problem more specifi cally. The results of the survey and the resulting studies will cul minate in a report and recom mendations to be presented be fore the Traffic Commission in April. The recommendations result ing from the survey will be aimed at minimizing the exist ing parking problems, with an eye to their future solution. There will also be recommenda tions made as to what the uni versity should do in the next ten years to deal with on-campus parking. To determine Avhat should be done in the future, studies are being conducted (and have been programed for a computer), in an attempt to find some corre lation between the number of parking spaces needed and some continuing factor, such as the number of employees or—in the case of the medical center—the immber of beds. This corre lation would be most helpful in A medical lil)rarian at the University of San Carlos, Guatemala, is shown examining part of the first shii)ment of books and journals from the Duke University Medical Center Library. Medical literature assistance to Guatemala has now been extended to include dispatch of Xerox copies of journal articles and copies of bibliographies produced by the Medical Center Library staff. Any one wishing to contribute books and journals to the Duke-Guatemala medicjjl lil)rary project is asked to call the library at Ext. 3305. future planning of medical cen ter expansion, for planners would then know that if we add so many beds or so many em ployees we will need so many more parking spaces. The survey, it is hoped, will result in a greater utilization of available parking sj)aces. It is also hoped that the planning committee will be able to deter mine the most logical location for a multideck parking facil ity, if such a facility is pro posed as a practical step in alleviating the parking strain. IMeanwhile, wear comfortable shoes. 2 wheel Drive Pet. Drive Pa.ssenger Bus Taxi Vehicle Walk Reside Other Total Medical Students 518 61.5 208 39 0 i) 65 2 1 842 Hospital Faculty 280 87.5 34 4 0 0 1 0 1 320 Hosi)ital Stalf 1568 60.3 609 314 7 i) 68 7 22 2600 Hos])itaI Visitors 1534 63.6 308 181 96 0 289 0 3 2411 Above are some of the statistics resulting from the returns of the December Xote: The data collected in December was a partial sampling which was parking survey which was conducted under the supervision of Mr. Clyde N. expanded to cover the entire university (hero the medical center) pojmlation. Holland, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at Duke, and with the The calculations are based on the peak hour parking demand from 9:00 to endorsement of the University Traffic Commission. 11:00 A.M.