KEEPING I.r\ TOUCH (Continued from page 12) thal, and Feme Houser is a new secretary for Drs. Carson, Huse, and Crovitz in Psychology. Two new employees are welcomed to the cafeteria, Dora Bailey and Emma Smith, and also two new men in the dish room, Willard Tisdale and MacArthiir Shaw. Mrs. Lottie Smith, who formerly worked at Robbins downtown store, is now worldng in the Surgical PDC regisration area, Mr. Buddy II. Hudson has joined the Department of Surgery as a surgical technician and is working in the new cardiovascular facilities at the new veterinary facility. • NOTES OF INTEREST . . . Mrs. Mary P. Smith, technician in Surgical PDC, w^as honored by her co-workers at a farewell party on April 21. Sue Espen- shade, Physical Therapist, visited former staff member, Jo Aber nathy, in San Francisco following her trip to Oklahoma for the APTA-VRA Institute. A surprise farewell party was given for Mrs. Linda Ward by the nurses and secretaries in Pediatrics and at that time she was presented a silver compote as a farewell gift. Mrs. Ward left the Department of Pediatrics on March 31. Dr. J. Lamar Callaway was honored at a birthday dinner at Blair iOPMSQUAD Lucas, Ausley, Mitcliel, Pate, and Jordan—when the five were not partici pating in the WIBC tourney, they were actively “participating” in New Orleans. Included in the itinerary were a tour of the city, a cruise down the Mississippi, and a nightclul) tour. (See article on page 8.) House on April 6. Attending were members of the Duke Derma tology Staff and also Durham dematologists. The birthday gift from the department to Dr. and Mrs. Callaway was a trip to the basketball finals in Maryland. Gill Lunsford has returned from a three months visit to New York and has resumed her position as Dr. Martin Lakin’s secretary. Clara Vanderbilt has transferred to the night shift in the filing division of Medical Records and Mrs. Verlene Beasley, who has been working on the hot tn;cks in the main kitchen, has been promoted to cashier. Luvenia Olipant, a food service worker in the wards, w’as a recent patient on Strudwick due to injuries received in an automobile accident. She is at home now and doing well. Mrs. Hattie Best, cook in Rankin Ward kitchen, has reason to be proud of her son, David, who was recently picked from a group of 500 boys and girls to represent Operation Breakthrough and is now working on that project in Indiana. Chaplain Robert B. Claytor has recently returned from a very successful fishing trip to Canada. Augusta Kirkland, Elizabetli Corcoran, and Betty Kernodle attended the annual convention of the N.C. Association of Medical Record Librarians held in Winston- Salem in May. Also attending the convention was Mrs. Je Harned Bufkin of Crystal River, Florida, who retired in 1964 from her position as director of Medical Records at Duke. Mrs. Bufkin Mas honored at a banquet during the convention when she was presented a plaque in recognition of her outstanding career as a medical record librarian and her contributions to the profession. She was made honorary lifetime member of the association. At the May meeting of the N.C. Occupational Therapy Association, Mrs. Carolyn Brooks was elected president of the association. • FAMILIAR FACES IN NEW PLACES . . . Marie Johnson has transferred from her position as ward sec retary on Cushing to the Surgical PDC registration area; in the mornings she is secretary in the Uorology Clinic. Leo Brooks has transferred from Urology to Dr. Anlyan and Dr. Silver’s lab. Two darkroom specialists have transferred from Anatomy to Medi cal Art and Illustration; they are Q. R. (Buzz) Sawyer and Craig Williford. Three R.N.’s have transferred to different wards: Sandra Fisher has changed from Osier to Cardiac Care Unit, Ann Mclver has changed from Long to Minot, and Lee Kohls have changed from Minot to Long. Mrs. Shirley Fleeman has been transferred to Dr. Robert Stempfel’s office as secretary. Glenda Bradley, a technician in Pathology, has been transferred to Hema tology. Nancy Watson is a new’ technician for Dr. Larry Thomp son, transferring there from Dr. Lakin’s service. • CONDOLENCES . . . We would like to extend our sympathy to Mrs. Leora Jones, Pediatrics, whose nephew died recently and to Mrs. Martha Hawley, Surgical PDC, whose mother, Mrs. Blanch B. Wescott, died on May 28 in Moore Memorial Hospital. Sympathy is also extended to Miss Vivian Strickland, secretary to Dr. Susan C. Dees, whose nephew died recently and to Mrs. Jessie Reed in the main kitchen whose father died. INTERCOM Vol. 13, No. o May-June, I960 Published monthly by and for the staff, faculty, employees and friends of The Duke University Medical Center. Please address all correspondence for the Intercom to: Office of Public Itelations, Box 3354, Duke University Medical Center, Dur ham, North Carolina/2770G. Editor Virginia Swain Editorial Committee Betty Bowers, Nina Waite, Ruth Dailey, Neil liucklew, Barbara Elwell and Elon Clark Duke University Medical Center Durham, North Carolina 27706