dixka univcusity ccntaR 7 This month Duke University Medical Center employ ees were given an opportunity to ask questions which they would like to have answered. The following ques tions and answers may be of interest to all of us. Willa Flowers of Housekeep ing wants to know when the patient-visitor parking lot is open to employees without charge. The Director's Office replies that employees may park free in the lot after 2:30 p.m. However, each em ployee auto entering this lot after 2:30 must bear a park ing decal indicating that they are employees, not visi tors . Louise Meade, Hospital Busi ness Office asks: When will the New Directional System be installed throughout the corridors in the hospital? Answer: The Internal Direc tional System for the hosp ital is undergoing close stu dy as part of a 3-phase, uni- versity-wide traffic routing system: Phase I: Peripheral Routing (highway signs to direct out siders to the University Cam pus.) Phase II: Campus Routing (to direct a person to speci- fic areas of the campus. Phase III: Internal Routing (for the medical center; to direct individuals to specific areas in the hospital.) Over the past two months, the University study group has heard proposals from leading firms dealing in traffic control problems and sign systems necessary to solve them. We hope that within the coming year some signi ficant steps can be made to incorporate a routing sys tem that will enable out-of-town visitors and employees to find their way around. Una Engel, a new secretary in the Director's Office asks when will the first multi story parking lot be built? Construction on these parking lots will not begin until the University determines how their construction will be financed. Thus, no date for the start of construction can be given, as yet. Construction of each lot takes approximately one year. Judy Osgood of Microbiology asks why has that old bed been sitting out on the lawn for at least 4 years? (It can be seen from the staircase windows be tween Howland and Matas.) Nursing Service replies that the bed is used for practice ses sions for putting out a fire in a bed. The demonstration is put on by a group of Durham City Firemen. Each new employee in nursing service leams how to put out a fire using both blankets to smother it, and fire ex tinguishers. Eugene McLean of Housekeeping asks why the University tries to keep the pigeons off the Medical Center Buildings. From the Maintenance Department we have learned that pigeon drop pings, besides having a stain ing and corroding effect, also contain an infectious mite which could cause disease in human beings. Continued from page 6 Duke Employee Injuries 1966-67 Comparative Data Causes of Accidents Number of Injuries Reported 1966 1967 Sharp Edges 182 181 Falls 83 38 Falling Objects 13 24 Foreign body (in eye) 32 32 Burns 68 64 Puncture wounds 76 101 Strain-sprains 71 57 Injuries due to animal handling 18 21 Miscellaneous 22 49 Total 565 546 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Editor: In the recent pictorial review of the Duke University Medical Center "after hours", how could you forget the delivery room crew? Editor's Note: R.T. Parker, M.D. Department Chairman Dept, of Ob-Gyn Sorry for the inadvertent omission. When our photo grapher snapped the Delivery Room per;sonnel in action, they were working so hard that the photograph turned out blurred and was therefore unusable; keep up your labors girls - it helps the census'. Editor