"intercomments Anesthesiology oroond the hospital Faydene Watson transferred to anesthesiology in the blood gas lab from pediatrics recently Audiovisual Education Susan Cushwa is new in patient photography Biochemistry Donna Rich is a new research technician I! in Dr. Henry Kamin's lab ... . Martin Bryant and Robert Williams are part-time student technicians .... Sharon Shanklin is helping in the glassware washing area during the summer .... Frances Wheeler, technician for Dr. Kamin, resigned June 12 .... Dr. Donald Calbreath has concluded his postdoctoral work in Dr. Philip Handler's lab and will take a position as director of the clinical chemistry laboratory at Watts Hospital in Durham Business Office Ron and Joyce Whitten are the proud parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born June 15 ... . Mrs. Judy Woods is now employed in the insurance office .... new in bookkeeping is Mrs. Edna (Van) Kearney .... Mrs. Mary Wright in bookkeeping has retired .... Steve Prye transferred to the hospital admitting office from the emergency room Cabell Ward Denise Macklin, R.N., has resigned to move from Durham with her husband .... Jean Shepard, R.N., resigned from the Respiratory Care Unit .... new ward clerk is Anna Burgess Cardiology Isaac Bess is a new patient care technician in the cardiac catheterization lab ... . Mrs. Ellen Bivins has transferred to the Department of Community Health Sciences to work for Dr. E. Harvey Estes Central Supply Mrs. Catherine Rogers has been ill for the past several weeks .... Mrs. Cellie Peel spent her vacation in Clearwater, Florida General Surgical Unit Sharon Brooks and Rita Solomon are new R.N.'s on Cushing ward .... R.N. Kathleen Shields is now working on Reed ward .... Joanne Grauerholz, R.N., has begun work on McDowell .... Mary Colclough, advanced L.P.N., and L.P.N.'s Viola Mitchell and Delma Slade are now working on McDowell ward .... new ward clerks for the summer include Juliet E. Crennel, Wanda G. Hall, Deborah L. Nowack, Karen H. Swanson, and Margaret Rhoads .... Louis Smith has been promoted to housekeeping supervisor on the fourth floor .... Emma Shephard has transferred to unit services from housekeeping . . . . Suzzanne Marchand, L.P.N. on Cushing, resigned and is now living in Greenwich, Connecticut . . . . Brenda Saintsing, R.N. on Reed, resigned to move to Winston-Salem . ... Ida Beth Lawton, R.N. on McDowell, has left Durham and is now living in California .... R.N. Kay Hall of Cushing ward resigned to take a position as nursing supervisor at a nursing home in Chapel Hill .... Rosemarie Tindall, R.N. on Halsted, resigned to get married and has moved to Massachusetts Hospital Hostesses Mrs. Anita Price from Bordenton, New Jersey, has joined the hostess staff. She is a graduate of Virginia State College at Petersburg. Her husband is employed as a senior staff assistant in education with IBJVl in Research Triangle Park .... Mrs. Judith Holland, coordinator of the hostess program for the past four years, resigned to take a position with Information Services Corporation. Mrs. Jane M. Pate, at Duke since 1 965, has taken over the coordinator post Immunology Bobbie Hardaker, Starra Parrish, and David Shimm are summer laboratory helpers in the department .... Lois Davis, technician, has resigned to arrange final plans for her wedding Long Ward Mrs. Queen Graves and her husband spent their vacation in Hawaii this summer .... Mrs. Brenda Curley is a relief secretary for the summer .... Wayne Sasser and Gray Tuttle are new medical technicians .... Dana Holton and Chris Leeper are now working as PCA's on the ward .... Mrs. Gloria Daye has resigned to move to New Jersey with her husband .... Miss Maxine Massey and Miss larian Gordan are participating in the PCA III program Medical Center Library New faces in the library include Constance Swain, James McLarty, and William Neal .... Mrs. Peggy Gratz of the nursing library and Donald Baskette of the main library have resigned Medical PDC Linda Pender, receptionist at window 5, resigned June 26 ... . Helen Merriweather, switch-board operator, transferred to radiation therapy .... insurance office employes sponsored a picnic at the home of Miss Debbie Wheeler recently to honor three expectant mothers in the office .... deepest sympathy is extended to Ann Smith, clinic receptionist, whose mother, Mrs. Alma Laxton, died suddenly June 16 in Miami, Florida (continued on page fifteen)