Dr. Newell Heads Project's Fight Against Breast Cancer By Margaret Howell “The name of this game is early detection,” said Dr. Josephine Newell, new coordinator of Duke’s Breast Cancer Demonstration Project. In private general medical practice in Bailey, N.C., for the last 24 years. Dr. Newell replaced Dr. F. M. Simmons Patterson in January. She is the youngest of four children in a family of seven generations of doctors and a native of Henderson. She received her M.D. degree from the University of Maryland. “I went to the University of South Carolina and majored in chemical engineering, believe it or not," she said. "When I found that none of my family were going to keep up the tradition, I decided to go to medical school.” Twenty-four years later and armed for the crusade against cancer, she’s glad she did. The Duke demonstration project, which she now heads, is a breast cancer screening program for women from 16 North Carolina counties. It began operation in June 1974. It is one of 27 centers throughout the country, all working toward perfecting a screening modality which will be effective, safe and relatively inexpensive, according to Dr. Newell. Once proven effective, these modalities will be implemented in hospitals and clinics nationwide to aid In the early detection of breast cancer. “We have appointments booked through the end of this year," said Dr. Newell. The project, she said, receives all its screenee names from American Cancer Society volunteers working in local units in the 16 designated counties within a 75-mile radius of Durham. ‘The screenees must be between the ages of 35 and 74,” stated Dr. Newell. "They must not be pregnant and they should be asymptomatic, that is, show no signs of known breast disease. ” The project, with the help of Cancer Society volunteers, completes lengthy histories and interviews with each screenee before their examinations. Three types of examinations are given each screenee by the project’s 15 volunteer physicians, including the use of mammography (a low-radiation X-ray which reveals the inner structure of the breasts), thermography (a photographic representation of the heat emitted from the breasts) and a clinical examination. "Of the over 5,500 screenees we have examined thus far,” said Dr. Newell, we have found only 17 cancerous tumors. That figure is about what we expected." she continued. “It jibes with the national levels found in the other 26 demonstration projects.” According to Dr. Newell, there are many breast cancer facts and statistics that are shown simply by experience, even if their ‘whys and wherefores’ cannot always be explained. Sifting through the mass of information taken from breast cancer patients across the country. Dr. Newell noted some of the things statistics have shown and, when possible, what they mean: (Continued on page 4) 1 ntcRcom duke univeusity rncdicM ccntcR VOLUME 22, NUMBER 16 APRIL 18,1975 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA DR. JOSEPHINE NEWELL Tosteson Chosen To Lead Med School at Chicago Dr. Daniel C. Tosteson, chairman of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, has accepted appointment as dean of the Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago. He also was appointed the Lowell T. Coggeshall Professor of Medical Sciences in the Department of Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences. The appointments are effective July 1. Tosteson plans to assume his duties there full-time later in the year. Tosteson came to Duke as department chairman in 1961. In 1971 he was appointed James B. Duke Professor of Physiology. He is a native of Wisconsin and a 1949 graduate of the DR. DANIEL C. TOSTESON Harvard Medical School. In making the announcement of Tosteson’s appointment, the provost and acting president of the university. John T. Wilson, termed Tosteson “a scholar-physician of the first rank. “Dr. Tosteson brings to the University of Chicago a strong commitment to excellence in biomedical research and clinical medicine and a national reputation in the scientific community.” Duke’s vice president for health affairs. Dr. William G. Aniyan. said that “we received the news of Dr. Tosteson's appointment with mixed emotions. On the one hand we are terribly proud that a key member of the Duke faculty was selected to become the dean of biological sciences at one of the nation s most distinguished private universities. “On the other hand," Aniyan said, "Dr. Tosteson has been a key leader of the faculty that has helped spiral the quality of education and research at the Duke Medical Center in the past 14 years. He has built one of the nation s outstanding departments of physiology. ■ In addition to his research and teaching interests at Duke, Tosteson has been a spokesman on medical education on the national scene for the past several years. He is Immediate past chairman of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and recently served as chairman of the AAMC’s Task Force on Health Manpower which formulated the association s policy on health manpower legislation before Congress. A search committee will be appointed to seek a new department chairriian. iilorfc MONSTER WITH A BIG MOUTH—^That s what an INTERCOM photographer saw in this close-up view of part of the south face of the Seeley G. Mudd Building, the medical center s new communications center and library. The modern gothic structure, scheduled for completion in mid-autumn, will have 10 miles of shelves on four levels, sufficient to store more than a quarter of a million volumes. Presently, the facility is a study in angles, lines and spatial relationships, (Photo by David Williamson)