Commencement Welcomes 241 To Health Fields Wl When the University celebrates its 123rd commencement at 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 11, among those receiving degrees will be 241 new/ health professionals. Approximately 87 physicians, 80 nurses, 27 health administrators, 16 physical therapists and 31 physician’s associates will be in the more than 2,000 Duke students to be awarded degrees in Wallace Wade Stadium. At 11 a.m., on Saturday, May 10, the future physicians will gather in Duke Chapel for the traditional Hippocratic Oath ceremony. Dr. Ewald W. Busse, director of medical and allied health education, will administer the oath and serve as speaker for the event. At 4:30 p.m., also on Saturday, there will be a reception for medical graduates, their families and friends on the lawn in front of the west entrance to the Davison Building. M.D. and nursing degrees will be awarded individually on Sunday in the stadium following the regular graduation Festivities will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, May 9, for the School of Nursing graduates. At that time Dean Ruby Wilson and the nursing faculty will honor the new nurses at a formal champagne reception at the Mary Duke Biddle Music Building. At 1 p.m. Saturday, the graduating seniors will attend a Recognition Service in Duke Chapel for the presentation of nursing pins and special awards. Alice Deitz, assistant professor of nursing, will deliver the address. Following the presentations, a reception will be held in the Union Ballroom. Physician’s associates, who are earning a Bachelor of Health Science degree, will receive their diplomas individually at a ceremony in the hospital’s Amphitheater immediately following Sunday’s graduation. Dr. Thomas Thompson, associate director for allied health education, will address the physician’s associates and their exercises. families and friends. ntaucom 6ukc univeusity mcdicM ccateR VOLUME 22, NUMBER 18 MAYS, 1975 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA Masked Tumors Elude Immune System Detection By William Erwin Duke scientists have found that cancerous tumors may protect themselves with a type of camouflage. The camouflage appears to confuse the body’s immune system, allowing tumors to thrive unmolested. Dr. Ralph Snyderman said here Saturday (May 3). He said the Duke team isn’t sure yet what the camouflage is made of or how it’s produced. But research now underway should answer those questions, he added. Snyderman is an associate professor of medicine and a member of the Comprehensive Cancer Center. He reported the finding at the annual meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research. The discovery signals hope for tumor patients. Once the scientists learn exactly what the camouflage is, they may be able to break it up or prevent its formation in the first place, Snyderman said. This could permit a patient’s immune system to kill his tumor—just as the system kills any other harmful organism in the body. Snyderman and two colleagues published a study five months ago showing that flu viruses depress the immune system. While the system is out of action, bacterial infections such as pneumonia can gain a foothold, the three found. The tumor camouflage has the same depressing effect on a patient’s immunity, Snyderman indicated. Three Duke studies led the researchers to the camouflage Fulton Road Barricades Rescheduled for Next Week The medical center parking and traffic office said this week that delays in beginning the work on relocating utility lines across Fulton Road have pushed back the re-routing of traffic around the medical center. According to Ted Tyren, hospital project management office engineer, the barricades are scheduled for erection, blocking a section of Fulton Road in front of the “H” and "HS" parking lots, during the first part of next week. The large “H” and “HS” parking lots along Fulton Road will remain open, according to traffic and parking office, but Erwin Road at the VA Hospital intersection will present the only access to them. The “HS” lot parallel and adjacent to the railroad tracks between Erwin Road and Fulton Road will not be affected. Access to the “N ” lot which serves the School of Nursing will also t>e by way of Trent Drive and Fulton. All emergency traffic will t)e routed from Erwin Road to Trent Drive which runs between the School of Nursing and the Graduate Center, and then onto Fulton Road in front of the parking garage and Emergency Drive in front of Bell Building. The barricades will be erected so that construction workers may relocate utility lines as part of the preparations for building the new Duke Hospital. They will remain in place for about two weeks. discovery. In the first, more than half of 148 cancer patients were found to have depressed immune systems. Their white cells didn’t respond normally to an alarm signal, called the “chemotactic factor,” that the body sets off when it detects an invading foreign substance. “The chemotactic factor is probably produced locally,” Snyderman said in an earlier interview,” when the immune system recognizes something is wrong. It calls white blood cells out of the blood stream to that local area and says: ‘Destroy this thing fast’.” In 78 of the cancer patients tested, many of the white cells never left the blood stream, he said. Working with Snyderman on the study were Marilyn Pike, Linville Meadows, Dr. Hilliard Seigler, Dr. Samuel Wells and Dr. George Hemstreet. A second research effort showed the immune system rebounds in some cancer patients after their tumors are removed. Seven patients with kidney or breast cancer were tested. Within a week after surgery, their immune systems were twice as active as t)efore their operations. Patients with benign tumors were also checked. There was no change in their immune systems after their tumors were taken out, Snyderman said. This suggested that a cancerous tumor itself might depress the immune system, he said. Snyderman, Miss Pike and Barbara Blaylock followed this lead by injecting tumor cells into mice. Then they gave injections of chemicals designed to draw white cells out of the blood stream. Ten days after the second injection, the animals’ white cells were 30 to 70 per cent less responsive than normal. “This is a very exciting observation,” Snyderman said, "because what this suggests is that once a tumor gets to be a certain size, it somehow confuses the ability of the (white cells) to home in and destroy it.” He added: "It looks now as though the tumor may be producing some chemical inhibitor.” Miss Pike is conducting a study to determine whether the inhibitor is indeed a chemical. “Our wildest dream would be that if this (chemical) really is important, and if we could make an antit>ody against it or pharmacologically destroy it, then the individual’s immune system might be able to start getting rid of the tumor,” he said. Golden Apples Go To Vogel, Dixon, Fried Two faculty members and a resident have been singled out by students in the School of Medicine for their excellence in teaching. Dr. F. Stephen Vogel, professor of pathology. Dr. Bruce W. Dixon, assistant professor of hematology, and Dr. Michael Fried, chief resident in obstetrics and gynecology, were chosen as the recipients of Golden Apple Awards which are presented annually to outstanding educators in t>asic sciences, clinical sciences and house staff categories. This is the 12th year that the awards have been presented. Winners are selected by a vote of all m^ical students at Duke, and the nam^ of those honored have been inscribe on (Continued on page 2)