Page 2 THE RAM’S HORN Anne Plgott and Bill Lupo, Linda Page to left. i>r. ana Mrs. caiarles King, Mr. WUUam Eddins Van Hayes and Duane Hardee at the refreshment tables. Dancing Couples at tables Tired feet? Christmas Dance Big Success According to Interviews from faculty and students, the Christ mas Ball held on December 16 was a complete success. Mem bers of the student body and faculty were asked, “Did you enjoy the dance? What did you like or dislike about the dance.” Freshman Kathy Keller said, "Yes, I enjoyed It. The at mosphere was romantic.” Pea nut Rooks said, "It was all right. I liked it because it was sort of formal.” Mrs. Proctor, art in structor, said, "Yes, I thought It was great and the tree was even greater. I enjoyed the dancing and the band.” Jimmy Lancaster said, "Yes, it was pretty good. I liked the general set-up of the tables. In case you didn’t want to dance, you could sit and talk.” Phil Williamson, S.G.A. president, said, "I enjoyed it pretty well. I liked the arrangement of the tables, the decorations, and the refreshments. Most of alllliked the behavior of the student body. I feel it was well organized and the best dance we have ever had.” Fred Williamson, "I loved it. It was the best dance we have ever had. I liked the student bodys behavior and the decora tions. I think we should have more dances like it.” Miss Pearson, English instructor, said, "I thought It was lovely. The decorations were unusually original and festive. I hope that the graduation dance will be as successful.” The Christmas Ball commit tees and sub-committees should be commended for a job well done. The students and faculty are thanked for their attendance and good behavior. Codes For Campus life During a recent survey of the nation's colleges and universi ties, It has been brought to the student’s attention that there is a certain rebellious quality li^ herent In the schools of the east coast, probably inherited from their Revolutionary war heri tage. "Students, hear me out! Pay no attention to the campus rules. Use all the loopholes you cm find. These rules were only written up you see, to challenge your young and fertile minds. When the rules say that no liquor may be served within the house, a proper drinking party may be had. But don’t despair because no liquor may be served within the house, leave the house and get plastered In the yard. When the campus cop disturbs you while you’re parked behind the gym, and tells you there’s no necking in that spot; there’s a way that’s guaranteed to con fuse and fluster him—tell him you were only smoking pot. If your instructor tells you to come by for some special help don’t believe him; he is only Joking. If you come to see him, you only clutter his office and waste his valuable time. This personal help phrase Is only propaganda to get you to go to his school. Laugh when you see a poster in the hall that says "come to the ball game”, any fool knows that the crowd does nothing to help the team. The crowd only dis tracts the players attention. If you do go to a ball game, go to a high school game and not a col lege game so you can go see all your old friends. When your history prof. in forms you that the paper that you wrote is exactly like the one your roommate handed in, tell him that you’ll try to make your roommate see his wrong and convince him he must never cheat again. If you see a trash can marked "don’t be a litter bug”, disre gard it. The state is paying people with your tax money to clean up the mess you make. And anyway, paper and rubbish on the campus only shows that the college Is lived In. When your basketball coach informs you that you’re booted off the team for staying out all nlg^it the night before, casually inform him that his daughter, sweet young thing, was teaching you some different ways to score. pay no attention to the campus rules; use all the loopholes you can find. Those rules were only written up, you see, to challei^e your your^ and fertile minds. WANTED; Student support for the Rams. iFringe beneffts in- clud«, fun, free entertainment, and an Increase in school spirit. No experience necessary. Only requirements are faithful at- tendanoe ait all games end big mouths to help cheerleaders. To apply for this position, see the Rams play at all home and away games. What Is Adult Ed? Adult Education is designed to help us to recognize and accept our responsibilities as bread winners, as homemakers, and as citizens of an evolutlng society. It should provide opportunities both of a cultural and vocational nature to understand and accept our role as social trustees— as persons who in our particular period of activity In our society, must learn how to contribute to social progress and development as well as to enjoy the many privileges which have been pass ed on to us by our forebears. Adult Education Is not for a particular group of Persons, it Is for everyone Irrepectlve of their status or educational back ground. Adult Education is, then, for everyone-everyone who h^ anv hope, or can be Inspired to haL h?ile, for abetter life to which they personally a small but Infinitely wortowhlle contribution. That contribution can be looked upon a creative offering by each adult to his social order and thereby to his own development. adult education K ^ oSTs\HJ?OODCm^^^^ eat and the air THEY Ireathe. it is a factor of survival in TODAY’S WORLD. Basically Adult Education like all education has two jobs to do: 1 To meet personal and social needs. 2. To reveal new ideas, to encourage creative approaches and to broaden our views by ex ploring new and unfamiliar areas, (Sometimes this second task Is Incorporated In the first one.) ram tales Mr McCraw, Is that a beer sign or a real beer on your desk? Did you know that Mr, Grigs by and Mr, King are trying to con fuse us with their hush pi«)ples? What? Ted Johnson came to class on a Tuesday. Mr. Z.—chorus has whatofthe mouth? Aramanda, did you like jump ing on the trampoline? Linda Page knows how to puck er. David, can we really get on that Honda and ride. Mike, your 5’2” wife makes you jump how high? David Barden has started a new fad at see, now there are three pairs of crutches. Faint, faint—the basketball team won two games. Cheerleaders—say you got pulled the other night on the way home. Robert Hurley has pretty legs. Who’s run out of paper and is now using the piano? Where Is the piano stool? Another day, another F. Don’t take No-DozI! HOW many students will be in summer school? Jean, who Is B. C. Is it really so pretty, Jenny? What’s this about a pick up and delivery service, Mike? Tommy, can you make the game last longer? What happened about the ski club? Sure teach, this is clear. Clear as mud. Janice, it’s the Rams, not Hallsboro we are yelling for. Jackie, how about those red, white, and blue garters. Very patriotic. Who are the red light fakers? It Is confirmed, John is be coming the Romeo of S.C.C. Who Is up In the air. Sherry or Charles? Who is Luclle? Eddie, the chairs in the li brary, not the floors, are made to sit on? Jimmy, who should tighten up in English? Ladies Men And Boys Shop Sh.op Kramer's Ml 2-3898 — Ml 2-2006 MANN’S DEPARTMENT STORE H. I. S. Coxmoore Puritan Welcome Students Of S. C. C.