May, 1967 ’The RAM’S HORN page 5 The administration building will accomo date the main offices and the library. It will also con- /^laccmrkirm on the second floor. The teaching f %85 seats) is the least completed of the MrStogf Bottom Left: The science buUding is rooms plus offices for the various departments, nearing completion. It has three labs and three class- The Vocational-Technical building will ac commodate all the machine shops, electronic labs and welding departments, and the cosmetology department. see Is Closing Education Gap Service clubs in West Colum bus were told that Southeastern Community College’s Continuing Adult Education Program may help close the adult education gap that exists today. Clifton K McClelland, Director of the Col lege’s Extension Program, pre sented the College’s tension Program to the Fair Biu and Chadbourn Rotary clubs ana Chadbourn Civitan club. Using U. S. Census and other statistics he stated that by 1970 that 68 per cent of the nations Jobs will require education be yond the high school level. Over half of these jobs may be filled Community College trained People. He cited one of the causes Of increase in educational level 'vas automation and another being new technology in industry. Usi^ i960 educational level only per cent ofthe adults in Columbu;; County could qualify for tdmor- o 4nhs The College’s Con- „«v no. continue their education in the CouSe’s new nigh‘ pro^a^ The adult classes to by the College at the Adult Ex- center, West Coluntos Hiffh School, were given. These include basic adult classes, mathematics, ^eadl^ ment and grammar offered for the high school drop outs. In the oc cupational area are bookkeeping, typing and business English. P^Sent and family life course in^e"W. modern math and per- “onT Son.0 tax are to be ol- “tm diracultles in recraltlre j n-c fnr the classes in reading aS?writing were discussed. The importance stressed as census that 21.4% of the adults in Colum bus County have less than 5 years schooling. About 54 per cent of the adults in this group of 4,800 are white—the other 46 per cent are non-white. The College has given special emphasis to adult basic courses offering over 36% of its’ adult classes in reading and writing. McClelland asked the clubs to support Southeastern’s Con tinuing Education Program as it offers the adults in the com munity a second chance to com plete their high school education, an opportunity to learn to read and write, a program to prepare for new and better jobs, and more enjoyable and more eco nomical family life. He forecast that if the program were suc cessful it would not only Increase the income of many adults but would also help reduce welfare costs. Ladles Men And Boys Shop Sh.op Kramer's Ml 2-3898 — Ml 2-2006 Eat At Tourist Grill Alice Carter And Gene Bums Your Hostess And Host Good Food At Low Prices GOODEN’S GROCERY Choice Meats and Fancy Groceries Dial 647-2226 P. O. Box 634 Ciarkton, N. C. CHlfattfra Dial mi 2-3718 122 E. N ST. MANNAS OEPMMENT STORE Shop With Confidence H. 1. S. At Leder Brothers Coxmoore Wear With Pride Puritan Welcome Students Of S. C. C.