smsnorri '‘The Voice of the Student Body* VOLUME 3 No. 2 SOUTHEASTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE, WHITEVILLE, N. C. OCTOBER, 1967 Press Conference Held For SGA Candidates Members of the Rams’Horn staff question the candidates. THE CANDIDATES, looking very pensive, await the next question! WHAT will they ask us NEXT? Roy Herring answers--a question put to him as the other candidates look on. Elections Set For Monday Literary Magazine Planned Candidates Present Views For the purpose of providing a much needed creative outlet at Southeastern, a “literary re view” has been tentatively pro posed. The magazine will embody all the arts, literature (prose and Doetry), art, music, and essays —consisting of student and fac ulty works in these areas. President Comer, as well as other members of the faculty, has reacted favorably to the idea. According to BUI Love and Wayne Bellamy, co-editors, J. En^ English instructor, has agreed to sponsor the review. A publication date has not been set, but the general consensus Is that it will be during the Spring Quarter. Anyone interested In working with the magazine should contact Mr. Love, Mr. Bellamy, or Mr. Erwin. Hud To Be Next Film Paul Newman is the hard- driving, hard-drinking, woman- chasing Hud whose life is a re volt against the orinciples of his father, a man of strong Character and gentleness. Young Lon, Hud’s nephew, is torn be tween love for both of them. Patricia Neal is the worldly- wise housekeeper, old enough to be disillusioned but young enough to be desirable. All of them are caught up n the surging bitter ness of a family conflict. How each solves his own problem Is the basis for the story. Melvyn Douglas play the &ther and Bran don de Wilde is Hud’s nephew Lon. This film wUl be shown on Nove. 13 in Room 210. ScholarsJup Winners Announced A partial list of scholarship winners has been released by Armond Opitz, Dean of Student Personnel Services. The fol lowing students received these cash awards; Judy Avery, Gore-Smlth Schol arship Portia Battle, Columbus Coun ty Medical Society Scholarship Julian Bell, Riegel Paper Cor poration Scholarship Patricia Clark, Powell Schol arship Pale Coleman, Blue Jeans Scholarship Eddie Duncan, Riegel Paper Corporation Scholarship. Katrina Gore, Hattie Sadler Scholarship William Green, Riegel Paper Corporation Scholarship Adron Hester, Riegel Founda tion Honorarium Dorothy Odum, Riegel Foun dation Honorarium Linda Page, Riegel Founda- mue Po«ll ==>»■- arship The workStudyprogramatSCC employs a These students receive $1.25 ^ hour and work nine ^oiirsa week. Checks are collected at the end of each month. . , Students wishing flnanci^ ^d should contact Dean Opitz In the Student Personnel Office. Students will vote Monday, Oc tober 30, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. in the lobby of the main building to select a president, vice presi dent, secretary, treasurer, six freshmen senators, and six sophomore senators. These will be selected from a field of twenty- seven candidates. Roy Herring, chair man of elec tions, stated Uiat “a voting ma chine will be used.” Each candidate for an SGA of fice was given an opportunity to express his views and platform at a press conference held by The Ram’s Horn October 17. The following candidates presented these views on the Issues con fronting the SGA. President — Larry (Peanut) Rooks: “I am enthusiastic about the unification of students with all programs being on one cam pus and the advantages this will afford. There are some amend ments to the constitution which should be made. The possibility of revising the number of ab sences allowed for a course should be investigated.” Vice-Presldent“Roy Herring; ‘ 'The hold back of sopho more stu dents filing for candidates was from experiences with last year. To get more participation from all students we must offer what Is appealing to them.” Asked about having an honor code for see—“I definitely approve of having an honor code.” Secretary—Ann PIgott' "Stu dents have the responsibility of deciding for themselves what type of clothing to wear in college and I can’t see where it is the respon sibility of the SGA to decide the dress of the students.” Also commenting about the expansion of officer responsibility, “The responsibility of an officer is to be a leader and to get others involved.” Secretary — Kay High; “The following are my qualifications for this office; I have been secre tary in many organizations both in hl^ school and the church. I have typing and shorthand experi ence, and lam interested in work ing with the SGA.” Treasurer—Lin^a Page; “The budget for the ’67-’68 college year was based on the ftaanclal need of each club of organization. Money set aside for thiis is from the student activity fee paid at the beginning of each quarter by all full-time students. How this money is spent—the SGA de cides.” Senatorial candidates were asked what they wish to see done if they were elected. Following are their comments. Barbara Cartrette; “I wish to see funds allocated for having the library open on Saturday and Sun day, Part-time help could be from the students.” Alan Watkins: “Student's ac tivity fee should be raised to provide for a yearbook ... a big part of college is having an annual.” Louise Yoder: “Let the stu dents know what the SGA is doing and find out what the students want, to better voice their opin ions.” Alice Davis: “I would like to encourage student activities with the possibility of the different departments sponsoring new activities.” Linda Waters: “I would like to see more school spirit by begin ning pep rallies to give the team more support.” James Crabtree; “Appoint stu dents to aid in keeping the lounge area cleaner and to help with the parking difficulties.” Charles Smith; “Instead of more cultural concerts, I would like to see SCC present a pop concert at least once a year.” Larry Watson: “To gain the support of the students and to have an atmosphere of being a college campus, I would like to have a symbol for the college along with the idea of other col leges erected toward laying a foundation for this new campus.” Jerry King; “Changing the stu dents’ lounge area to another location is essential. This at present Isn’t large enough for the minority of the students, it is also in terrible condition.” Elected officers and senators will make up the governing body of the SGA. The purpose of the SGA Is to provide a means for responsible and effective student government with student partici pation, to pursue and participate in decisions affecting students, to take action in the best interest of the student body and college com munity, to provide a voice throu^i which student opinion may be ex pressed, to assume an active interest in maintenance of dis cipline within the college, and to work with the faculty and admin istration. :|: On behalf of the Board of I;: Trustees, Administration, |i; Faculty, Staff, and Student ;j: Body of SCC, the newspaper staff commends the Chad- y bourn Merchants’ As soda- X tion for the welcome extend- K ed September 17 at the “Col- lege Social.”