february, 1970 the ram's horn page 7 Student leader will leave top SGA post 0. C. Stevens, President of the SGA, resigned Tuesday, February 17, 1970. He is leaving to go to Wilson to work during the spring quarter in preparation for attending Atlantic Christian College next Fall. During his reign as president in the 69-70 year, O. C. benefited the SGA by helping it become a vital part of student life. He believed that the students' needs at see were the first and most important business of the SGA. 0. C. was responsible for combining the SGA and the Student Senate into a more effective body. During his tenure of office, the yearbook was set up, although it folded because of lack of funds. Social regulations were also improved for the benefit of SCC students at social affairs, SCC's first fraternity for men was approved during his administration. Along with his other duties as President of the Student Government, he was also custodian of the school's mascot. With the help of 0, C,, a permanent area is being erected for the ram to live on campus. A final statement by 0, C. ends his position as President. "I leave Southeastern Community College with mixed feelings; feelings of accomplishment and feelings of disappointment. I feel that although the Student Government has accomplished much this year, there is a large number of items that I would have liked to have seen approved. I feel that the role of Student Government shall increase in importance as the years go by. It is my wish that students will participate more openly in the workings of the SGA, It has been my privilege to work with what I consider a great Student Body, and I thank the Student Body for this privilege. I wish each and everyone of you the best life has to offer. In the words of the former Dean, Dr. Robert Vargas, "I love you all." out of the darkness came.. to the A solar eclipse. On Saturday, March 7, a phenomena of nature will occur in the Columbus- B laden area that will not re-occur for 400 years here. On March 7, the people of these counties will be in the most ideal spot in the United States observe a total eclipse of sun. A partial eclipse of the sun will be seen from North America, Central America, and the northwestern part of South America. The center of observation for the total eclipse will pass right through Elizabethtown and will pass about eight miles to the southwest of tfie Southeastern Community College Campus. On the Southeastern campus, we should see about 98% totality. Eclipse repeat themselves after 18 years and 10, 11, or 12 and a fraction of day. This interval is called a Saros. The 1970 eclipse is the 27. On July 16, 2186 one the longest totalities of the person viewing the eclipse will not feel any pain but permanent eye damage is done. So during an eclipse: 1. Never look directly at the sun. 2, Never look at the sun through any telescopes or field glasses. 3, Never look at the sun through the view-finder of a camera-Polaroids or not, 4. Never look at the sun through Miller to read poetry on tour of all time will take place, lasting a i^aximum of seven minutes and twenty-nine seconds. The time of the visible eclipse at Southeastern will be. 1:30 P-m. The sun will be completely covered for 2,8 minutes. There are precautions to be taken when one views an eclipse; time during the eclipse is the "^ost dangerous of all times as Mrs. Heather Ross Miller, English Instructer at SCC has been chosen by the North Carolina Arts Council to read poetry at various colleges throughout the state. Mrs. Miller will be one of three professional poets to visit the campuses of Pfeiffer College, St. Andrews College, and North Carolina State University. The poets will be joined on each campus by a member of the respective campus, either a student or faculty member, and will together present an evening of poetry readings. This is the first year that a tour of this type has been sponsored by the North Carolina Arts Council, All expenses incurred by Mrs. Miller on this tour will be paid by the Arts Council. The tour will be comprised primarily of artist who are established in the field of Literature. Mrs. Miller has to her credit four books, three of which are novels and one book of poetry. In an interview with Mrs. Miller she expressed her enthusiasm about the tour. She stated "I am looking forward to the tour because I think college campuses are where things are happening," O. C. Stevens leaves SCC for new horizons and looks back on fond memories. dark glasses-Polaroids or not. A piece of glass blackened by soot from a candle can be used but is not recommended unless you are extremely careful. A better way is to look through two thicknesses of fully exposed black and white film, developed to maximum density. Color film is not safe. ON TARGET raproom etiquette By DUANE DAUGHTRY In recent months the "Redroom" at the Heart of Whiteville hotel, or the "Taproom", as it has been so collegiately dubbed by SCC beer drinkers, has been the target of one of the greatest social controversies since suspenders were out and mini-skirts were in. The taproom has brought another of the ever-impending schisms of the student against the establishment. We say this with security because the majority of the clientable patronizing the taproom are SCC students. And quite naturally the management is cast as the establishment. The taproom has had a brief but exciting and illustrious history, one which includes two grand openings and several small skirmishes between the students and the establishment Both forces suffered defeat in the first battle when afterwards the taproom was dosed due to vandalism. There were several fights among the students themselves, several bathroom fixtures were destroyed, and someone flashed on the carpet. Now both sides have regrouped and once again the battle field is open. Strangely enough both factions seem to be at a mutual cease-fire agreement. Except for the first night of the second grand opening, when both sides tested their verbal strength, the battle has subsided into a small protest and peace talks are ensuing. First lets look at the war from the supercilious, defiant, blood-shot eyes of the students. The taproom is a first of its kind in the area and offers many advantages to the sophisticated beer guzzler. It's assets include; atmosphere (low lights and soft music} special privileges (brown bagging and table service) and of course it's the place everyone congregates and has fun. Now look at the war from the supercilious, war-weary, hazy eyes of the management. It is definitely a new and different source of entertainment to the people in the area and must offer advantages to the sophisticated beer guzzler. We must give the students; atmosphere ( a quaint bar-maid with the mother image} special privileges (whispering and paying a nickel more for their beer) and naturally everyone congregates here and we will make money. Of late both sides have been practicing their respective battle plans equally and protest and bloodshed have been held at a minimum. Nevertheless the pressure of the rivalry may still be lurking in the shadows of the richly carpeted confines of the taproom. "ON TARGET" feels the peace talks will continue as long as there is beer on the conference table and music in the juke box. Parking lot keeps students in shape By RON HICKMAN You decide you will have just one more cup of coffee before you leave for class. You will still have just enough time to make it without being tardy. When you arrive at school you have about two minutes to make it to class. You pull in the loop in front of the Main Building and there are not any available parking spaces. Time is running short so you wheel into the student-faculty parking lot and a quick circle around it yields no spaces in the student section. The empty faculty spaces are so tempting but you have already had one ticket. The dirt lot out back is full so now you desperately drive to the front and park on the grass. You jump out in the mire and 3o a "100 yard dash" to class. (Rumors have been spread that track and field scouts have been seen in front of the Main Building.) After racking up another tardy, you return to find another parking ticket on' your car. Does this story sound familiar? The character in this story can easily be identified by the mud from the ankles down. If you have muddy feet then you must not have heard about the new parking lot. On the west side of the Technical Building there is a new, paved, seventy-five car parking lot. Now there are enough parking lots to accomodate all cars on campus. There is only one disadvantage with this parking lot. . . you will not get your feet muddy but you may have to run an "880" instead of a "100 yard dash!"