The Elon College Weekly. THE ELON COLLEGE WEEKLY the ColleKe The Weekly Publishing Company. Published every Tuesday durhig >Tear by The Spirit „djh, C.1I c( . J--- - nj “ W. p. LAWRENCE. J. W. BARNEY. A. C. HALL, AFFIE GRIFFIN. W. C. WICKER. T. C. AMICK, Editor. Associate Editors. Circulation Manager. Business Manager. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. Cash Subscriptions Time Subscriptions (40 Weeks) UO Weeks) 50 Cents. 75 Cents. from Elon College June I, 1910 by Mr. through chaos, design has marked the A. Liggett Lincoln.) course of every golden thread, bvery The beginning of the twentieth century leaf, evry flower, every crystal, yea every would seem a fitting time to cast its atom has a purpose stamped upon it horoscope. We know that the record of which unmistakably points to the crown- nations, with all its varying accidents is ing summit of all creation man. the story of the triumph of substance over And this twentieth century has rightly mere shadow, its one gre.U lesson is that, been called a strenuous age. Every to- right must ultimately prevail. Babylon cation calls for men who can rush. 1 o in her glory vaunted a lavishness of gran- conquer time, is the master passion of tfie men to their full capacity and arouse m them a loyalty to go into Congress and intelligently legislate safe adjustments of these gigantic forces of the times by sound principles of progress and prosperity. On such shoulders as these rests the responsi bility of a mighty nation. Ai we stand upon the seashore while the tide is coming in, a wave reaches the beach far higher than any previous one, All matters pertaining to subscriptions should be addressed to W. C. Wicker. Elon College. E. C IMPORTANT. The office of publication is Burlington. N. C. The office of the Editor is Elon College. N. C.. where all communications relative to the Weekly should be sent. deur of which Athens never dreamed. But while the Oriental power passed away almost to oblivion, the queen city of Greece sprang anew from its ashes to live throughout all time. We in America live in the present, be cause we have no past. But we too rep- century. We do things with lightning then recedes, and for some time none speed, and yet we would go faster, that follow comes up to its mark, but af- Millions are spent on a tunnel, if a sched- ter a while the whole sea is there and be- ule can be lowered a few seconds, yond it; so now and then there comes a do in a minute what formerly took hours, man head and shoulders above his fellow Even in our own development we must men, showing that nature has not lost hasten. We go through college and her ideal and after a while even the aver- K/itercH as second-class mail matter at the poo office at Burlington. N. C.. resent the wisdj.n and power of ten specialize in five years, while our broth- age man will overtop the highest wave of thousand generations. All ages have ers across the Atlantic spend hall their manhood yet given to rhe world. been fused into this twentieth century, lives in preparation. If we are to answer Other centuries have sent waves smgly ,n human oroaress there have the demands that are made upon us, we and alone high up the beach ot human ' been lines’ of demarcation sharply drawn, shall also have to conserve our energy progress and achievement. It is the TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1 9 10 their character made d:stmct by some and expend our time upon things which glory of our century, this twentieth cen- ========== thought or movement. So we hear about will be beneficial to us, and hence the tury, to have the whole sea of men, just J£ 1 .1 j the stone ace and the iron age, and the necessity of a definite and fixed determi- average men among us reach the Hood The way to get a needful thing done bronze and brass, each ot a pecu-: nation to beckon us onward and upward tide mark of the world’s few great men is to fall in Ime when a start is made, (he higher goal. in generations past. Upon the tidal wave C. A., is taking jo inquire about our Young men are often told to aim high, " gymnasium, it agg this twentieth century, it is like super and so we should ; but sirs, we must aim ficial structure of the earth, which is com- at what we would hit. He who cannot last come to his all creative periods. It is the . see an angel in the rough can never call culmination of all times. it out with mallet and chisel. No, a gen- Now, that the Y. M. the initiahve to build behooves every friend of Elon s progress to fall in line. Numbers of young men have studied themselves into dullness in of twentieth century democracy sits the average man, an uncrowned monarch at iminaiioii an miii-o. --- But though times are made up of older eral purpose is not enough. 1 he mag- the twenty years of the College, and we will put our mark upon the ages netic needle does not point to all lights in some have permanently impaired their so indelibly, that the thought, the distinct- the heavens, but true to its instinct, it un health while a few others have, likely, ive character of this day will be born errmgly points to the North Star. So , I f ! down to the latest limit of human exjst- along our path of life, allow no ium- gone to an early grave because of relent- less pouring over books. A gymnasium helps to prevent such hurtful results of an in inaries turn the needle of our true ^ thi world's grav i nturies. As the drift pose from the North Star of its hope nor - - has scraiciied and marked every eruptive the zenith of iu goal. , , ,. college life. Elon needs a " gym" and : rock which has presumed to push up in Then again, the demand of this age is needs it bad Will you not help now ? the sunlight, so the twentieth century is for men and women who tiave been needs y stamping her mark on all of the past thoroughly prepared. Men and women that has crowded in upon these modern who have not acquired an education for The Young Men s Christian Associa- forms are so recast that CAR LOAD SALT J. J. LAMBETH'S 55cBag Full Line "f NICE GROCERIES at rijfht prices. Come and see. & JRUi>T Co ^AUTHORIZED CAPrfAL $25,000. We are prepared to do a general banking busi ness. We solicit the patronage of the people Elon College and the surrounding country. It’S Good Work That Counts See if the Sanitar/' Barber Shop Can Please You. times, and these torms are so recast that education s sake or because it is the mark tion is moving upon the greatest under- ,be crashing events ot coming ages can of culture to be a college graduate. But taking of Its history in Elon. Hold up never destroy them. the call today is for men and women who the hands of this worthy association. No Jefferson embodied in the Declaration make their college education a stepping the nanas or y Independence the feelings of the stone to higher things, other organization among us does so much jime, and sound- Education is not for culture simply. It to foster Bible study among young men, the great is a practical necessity. It is becoming and to emphashize the devotional side of n,af-h of Democracy which then began, indispensable to men in all walks of life, a Christian life The undertaking is go- The Marseillaise, in words and music since human life is entering into posses- ,1 Knrned with the spirit of the French sion of the awful forces and agents ot ^an ■ . wu. mg to be difficult to carry out because it j^e universe, to which the ignorant are BRANNOCK & MATKINS, Prop’ is going to call for a good deal more £u(ope unequal and by which they are endan- money than is in sight. But faith shown twenieth century is distinctly gered and even destroyed, ft is not to ‘ in works, persistent business-like works age of concentration. The giants of ride Bucephalus but to bridle, saddle will bring the gymnasium. The Y. M. the race, sirs, have been men of concen- and if you please, ride lightning tfiat our A J u if ka« iratioH who have struck sledge hammer young A'xeander s are come, and they C. A. can command both because it has ,bey have ac- are to do it by turnmg out of the shadows many young men ot strong integrity and purpose. Every great of ignorance towards the rising son of with records tor diligence in work. become great, every successful revealed truth and knowledge. — min has succeeded in proportion as he And finally, our country’s safety is in To the new men in College, the query confined his powers to one parhcular the strength of an Americanized citizen- . .. 1 ■ . .u k . ,-Kar.nel ship. Native born or alien naturalized comes daily, are you ta >ng o" ° ® greatest painter who and assimilated it must remain in the College life? 1 he place CALL ON ■ill iin Gi For first class Plumbing, Builders’ Hardware, Farm Implements, Paints, Etc., Etc. N. C. J YiQ IS not the greaiesi painiei wuu aaauunaicvj u things in College life? 1 he place is greatest number of ideas ascendency. The protection and preser- full of opportunity for the development ^ sj^gle canvas, giving all figures vation ot our sacred citizenship is in those of the best gifts in you. It you have not gqua) prominence, but he is the genuine who have inherited it; yijho know what discovered the opportunities, look for them, artist who makes the greatest variety ex- it is in purity: who have the blood in their , ( nress the greatest unity; who develops veins that was consecrated to it; who They may be apparently hid away, for (be central figure and have scars from whence flowed blood BURLINGTON, the best thinds usualy have to be sought subordinate figures, lights for it, men who were actually on San out. Gold and diamonds have to be shades point to that centre and find Juan Hill and caused it to tremble be- mined at great sacrifice ot moneyy, labor expression there, neath their determined march of victory ; DR.J. H. BROOKS and time But he who sleeps out his life So m every well baUnced life, no mat- men who were in scores of battles m our ■ . , ter how versatile in endowments, how great Civil W ar, loyal on both sides to by a diamond mine is less esteemed by te^r^^how ^ his fellowmen than if he had never had • • tral purpose, in which all subordinate now in one citizenship. these acres of diamonds in reach. College pQ^^.g^s the soul are brought to the Sirs, evils in corporations will be cor- life is a positive curse to him who is focus, and where they will find fit ex- rected by the strong asleep to the opportunities it offers. pression. DENTAL SURGEON Office Over Foster’s Shoe Store ^ o thinking minds of young men who have such a heritage as BURLINGTON, N. C.