THE ELON COLLEGE WEEKLY. VOL. I. New Series. GreensborO; N. C., Wednesday, January 25, 1911 No. 36 and Elon College, N. 0. LOCALS AND PERSONALS. —Miss Susie Hitch of Norfolk, Va., spent last Thursday and Friday here vis iting her nnple, Rev. J. W. Wellous. —Dr. Moffit left Saturday for Youngs- ville, in interest of the college. —Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hobby who have recently moved near hei-e from Raleigh, spent Sunday with Prof. and Mrs. Har per. —Dr, J. 0. Atkinson filled the pulpit at the eleven o’clock service Sunday. He gave «ne of liis usual able and inspiring sermons. Just before the sermon Prof. W. A. Harpei’ was ordained deacon of the cliurch. Afterwards the laird's Sup per was administered. —In the Y. M. 0. A. Hall Saturday evening Mr. H. S. .Tohnson, traveling col lege secretary of the associations of North and South Carolina, addressed the young men. There was a good attendance and a splendid meeting. —Tlie many friends of Mr. AV. S. Tate regret to hear of his severe illness with pneumonia. It is hojied he will soon be reeovering. —Mr. A. L. Lincoln visited Mr. IL A. Molfitt in Durham Saturday and Sunday. He returned by way of Oraham. —Mr. S. (r. \Velll)orn of (ireensboro w'as a visitor here Sunday. —Miss Annie Watson is acting as libra rian, Miss Tate being at InmiP on ac- ■•oi'nt of tlio illt'PKs nf her father. — Miss Selina Sh(Hik, student, was call ed home Thursday on account of the death of her sister. —Mr. Felix Smith of Charlotte visit ed his cousins here Sunday, the Misses Foster. —Those who deserved special mention in the Psiphelian Society Friday evening were Miss Maibelle Pritcliette Piano Solo, Miss lillian Johnson, an essay, Miss Ma bel Farmer vocal solo. —In the Philologian Society Friday evening Mr. J. J. Kellum was the best speaker oratorically. Debate; Query: Resolved that the world would be econ omically better if all nations were con solidated under one Oovernmt'nt. Won by the negative. Best speaker on the affirmative J. S. Truitt. Best speaker on the negative A. T. Banks. —Rev. Me I). Howsare, pastor Chris tian Memorial Temjile in Norfolk, Va., is expected Monday to assist Dr. Atkin son in a series of meetings which began Sunday. —Miss Sadie Fonville was the leader of the Y. W. C. A. Sunday afternoon. While there was only a small crowd of girls out, on account of the rain, yet there was a real insjnring service, based on prayer. —Miss Bilyion of Greensboro was a vis itor here one day last week. —Mrs. AV. R. Hobby and two children of Raleigh are visiting her sister, Mrs. Sadie .Tones. —In the Clio Society Friday evening the best speaker oratorically was Mr. C. J. Felton. Debate; Query; Resolved that the Canal Zone should be fortified. W’on by the negative. Best speaker on the affirmative Mr. J. S. Lincoln. Best speaker on the negative Mr. R. L. AVal- ker. —In the Christian Endeavor prayer- meeting Sunday evening. Dr. J. 0. Atkin son conducted the service. The meeting was indeed an interesting one and bene- ticial to all present. I’rof. W. A. Flick of the Burlington High School spent Sunday here visiting friends. THE SUNDAY SERMON. Those who attended the eleven o’cU)ck service Sunday enjoyed a rare privilege indesd. Dr. J. O. Atkinson was the speak er of the morning. This was Dr. Atkin son’s regular a[)pointment, and in accord ance with his custom he had a message for all wlio would liear. Tlie speaker used as his subject: “Hea venly Keoogiiition,” basing his discourse on the Scripture as found in St. John's (iospel, 2(): l(i. The subject was analyzed as meaning the power of the individual to recognize heavenly and divine things. Tiii-e? kinds of education, training, or sensitiveness were placed before the audi ence for their consideration, viz: physi cal. mental and spiritual. The jihysical sentitiveness of man was likened to the surve>or's needle that is easily acted upon b\ .xternal things. It is possible for a person to be so inflenced by tliines of a ;physi • il iinture onlv that all things else are placed in the back ground. The individual is mentally sensitive when tlie mind is given nj) entirely to men tal achievements. The mind may become so well trained along this line that a slight error in speech will have the same effect on the cultivated ear as the false note does u]>on the musician. Thomas A. Edi son was cited as having doubted the sal vation of the immiorlal soul. The speaker said that some people thought this oi)in- ion one of weight because Mr. Edison was a man of great intellectual power. Then giving his own opinion of this matter, he said: “To me this testimony has the min imum influence. I had rather take the testimony of an old, saintly person. ' Were such a ]ierson to say to me that he doubted the mystery of the soul’s salvation I should perhajis yield an attentive year. But Thomas A. Edison through yielding to mental sen.sitiveness has deadened the sane sense of Divine things.” Following this the speaker explained in impressive language how it was ]x>ssible for an individual to combine the pliv’si- cal and mental until the sjaritual would be lost sight of entirely. Dr. Atkinsons said that he thought all would agree that there is a sjnritnal sensitiveness. With this in mind he took us on an imaginary journey to the tomb of Christ. Rumor had raised it about that He was not there but had arisen, or had, perhaj^s, been sto len away. Then came his followers to investigate. John, the most loved of all, stood at the entrance, the inpetuous Peter rushed with unhallowed feet into the tomb, but the Master was not seen by them. Ma ry stood without weeping, but through her tears shone the eyes of a deeply spiritual being and she saw what John and Peter could not see. Where was the Son of God when Peter and John looked into the tomb? As they left that tomb they thought there was nothing there but the eni[)ty space where once had lain the body of their Master. The discourse continued asserting that there are a host of things which are dead to thos- who are trained only in the phy sical and mental. Hence, it happens that divine service seems long, the prayer te dious, and timely warning's from the pul pit become of no avail. We are anxious lo leave the sanctuary, and hastening away we say: “There is nothing there.” ('including. Dr. Atkinson imjiressed up on his hearers the fact that it was the priv ilege of all to live in such a state of spirit ual appreciation that things Divine could be seen, and the approach of God recog nized. God ajiproaches everv’ one, and we must not blame Him but ourselves, if we see Him not. AVe must be ready to ap propriate God when He comes. So, often when the choir sings and we hear the mel ody of sime soul-stirring soul, we just know God a]>proacbes.. When we gaze on the beauty of God in the universe and our hearts are entranced by the grandeur of the scene, we just know He is near. Then, considering that God approaches and that we have the power to appropriate Him il becomes our dntv lo live ahvnvs in His piesence. E. L. D. SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT FOR SUN DAY, JAN. 22, 1911. Class No. 1. Dr. .T. U. Newman, teacher. Present, 15; collection, 25 cts. Class No. 2. Prof. T. C. Amick, teacher, Present, 16; collection, 27 cts. Class No. 3. Mr. A. L. Lincoln, teacher. Present, 14; collection, 10 cts. Class No. 4. Mrs. K. J. Kernodle, teach er. Present, 15; collection, 38 cts. Class No. 5. Teacher-Training. Mr. E. T. Hines, teacher. Present, 9; collec tion, IG cts. No. (). Mission Study. Mr. R. A. Campbell, teacher. Present, 15; col lection, 20 cts. Class No. 7. Intermediate. Mrs. J. W. Patton, teacher. Present, 20; collection, G cts. Class No. 8. Junior. Miss Ethel Clem ents, teacher. Present 12; collection, 5 cts. Class No, 9, Primary. Mrs. ,1. M. Saun ders, teacher. Present, 18; collection, 8 cts. Class No. 10. Primary. Mrs. J. L. Fos ter, teacher. Present, 14; collection, 9 cts. Citizen’s Bible Class. Prof. W. A. Har per, teacher. Present, 23; collection, 28 cts. Totals: Scholars, 171. Wholt School, 184. Collection, .$1.98. J. Sipe Fleming, Secretary. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. —Famine and plague are ravaging in China. At Harbin, in Manchuria, more than 1,300 have died, and the disease con tinues to spread. Every day adds 100 or more cases, and almost all of them are fatal within fortyeight hours. Tlie Chi- I'fcse Government, missionary doctors, and relief societies are doing all they can to prevent the disease from spreading, and to bring relief to the suffering. —The Federal Gn-ernment, for experi ment has opened forty-eight )M)stal banks -—one in each State of the L^nion. If the exi)erimeiit proves succe.ssful (Congress, no doubt, will provide for its extension to all our cities. The one in this State is at Salisbury. —The Bank Guaranty System as oper ated in Oklahoma, Kansas and Nevada is constitutional. This is the unanimous de cision of the Supreme Court of the Uni ted States. —Great Britian is jdanning for great all-Iiritish Imperial exjiosition to be held in London, opening June, 1915, in oele- _ bration of the seven hundredth anniver sary of the Magna ('haita. This will be strictly British, and no foreign nation will be invited to participate. —Bribery again. Senator Stephenson, of Wisconsin, is charged with securing his nomination by bribery. IJnlike Senator Lorimer's case where the Legislature was bought, Senator Stephenson bribed the people in the primary election. He ac knowledged that $107,000 was used to se cure his nomination. —The (ierman Emperor has signified tiis a"i'eptancr of n *‘;uul of *1.25**.000. jilaced in his hands by Mr. Andrew Carne gie, the income of which is to be used for the reward of acts of heroism in saving human life; and has apjioinfed a com mission to administer it. As with the similar endowments previously established by Mr. Carnegie in the United States, Great Britian, and France, provision will be made from the fund for the dependents of those who lose their lives in heroic ef fort to save their fellow men, or for the heroes themselves, if they survive their injuries.—Youth’s Companion. The Self-Government Club. The following were elected by the Self- Government Club of East Dormitory as the officers for remainder of the scholastic term of 1910-11: A. C. Hall, President; W. L. Anderson, Vice-President; V. R. Holt, Secretary; C. J. Felton, Treasurer. The Board of Governors were elected by the Faculty from the twelve nominees made by the ('lub as follows: J. .7. Ingle, Robert Lincohi, W. H. Flem ing, R. A. Campbell, Bunn Hearn, and W. R. Robinson, Dictionary for Sale! The Business Manager of the. Elon Col lege W'eekly has for sale a Webster’s Internaticmal Dictionary, latest edition. This dictionary came into the hands of The Elon College W^eekly by ad vertising the Dictionary in the columns of the Weekly, and a sale may be ef fected on terms that will suit the purchas er. Any person wishing the best in a dictionary, please see the Business Man ager.

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