THE ELON COLLECsF WEEKLY. VOL. IL New Series. Greensboro, N. C, Wednesday, March I, I9H No. 3 and Elon College, N. C. LOCALS AND PERSONALS. —Miss Josie Priteha'id, of Chapel Hill, a foi'iiier student lure, is visiting Mrs. J. M. Saiinders and friends at tlie col lege. —Messrs. II. A. MoPTitt and Albert Higf,^bee, of Dnrliam, were here to attend tlie Clio entertainment Wednesday eve ning. —Miss K ttie Stephenson, a fo.raer stu dent, of l.ouisville, Ala., who has just finished teaching the Morrisville, Nort)i (^arolina school, is spending a few days here, the guest of Miss Ethel Clemrnts. —Mr. \X. S. Winstead, of l.awrence- ville, Virginia, a former student, spent Wednesday here with friends. He also attended the Clio entertainment. —Mr. Reps Williamson, of Djiveis, Va.. visited his daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Atkinson, this past week. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Beale Johnson, Miss Pfarl Walker, ’09, and Annie Mor gan Fauc-ette, of Rui'lington, spent Wed nesday jiight at Prof. Harper’s. —Miss Blanche Pinchback of Blanche, si>ent Wednesday and Thursday here with Miss F.ankie McNeal. —Miss Annie Lawrence sp:nt Satur day and Sunday with her sister at Mc- Clainshurg. — In tile Philologian Society Friday eve ning till' h.-st si)oaker oratnricallv was Mr. K. A. Truitt. Debate, Query: Re solved, That the government should abol ish private proper ty in lands. Won by the negative. Best speaker on the affir mative, Mr. ,J. S. Truitt. Best speaker on the negative, Mr. A. T. Banks. —Those in the Psiphelian Society who deserved special mtntion Friday evening were Miss Louise Whitehurst, a recitation; Miss Maggie Iseley, an essay; Miss Lucy Gregorv', vocal solo. In the Clio Society F'liday evening Mr. F. H. Anderson was the I^est speaker oratorically. Debate, Query: Resolved, That Canadian reciprocity would be ben eficial to the general intertst of the two countries. Won by the negative. Best speaker on the affirmative, Mr. II. B. Law rence. Best speaker on the negative, Mr. (}. C. Cobb. Miss Nellie Sut' Fleming led in the Y. W. C. A. Sunday afternoon. The uni versal prayer subject was used. ^ —Mtv Ed. Gregory, of Chapel Hill, spent Saturday and Sunday here with his sis ter, Miss Lucy. -/Mr. Charles Butler, the noted singtr, came down £;om Greensboro Saturday morning and sang in the college chapel to the delight of all. Mr. Butler is as sisting Kev. L. E. Smith in his revival in Giieensboro. Miss Ruth Hall, of Burlington, spent from Wednesday till Friday with Miss Hattie Belle Smith. Mr. J. f’. West, Jr.. formerly a stu dent here, now of Washington and Lee University, visited f.iends 'Wednesday and Thursdey. —Miss Clare Henley, of Greensboro, is visiting Miss Hattie Belle Smith. —Miss Helen Simmons, of Graham, came up Wednesday evening to attend the Clio ententainment, returning Thursday morning, —Mr. Preston Coggins, of Louisville, N. C., visited at Rev. C. 0. DuRant’s Thurs day and Friday. —Di. J. U, Newman preached at Bur lington Sunday morning and evening for Dr. Fleming, who was in Dayton, Ohio, attending the American Christian Conven tion. —Profs. Hai’])er and Lawrence were b(ith away Saturday and Sunday in the interest of tli£ ('ollcge. Prof. Harper at Ajijile Chapel and P;of. Lawrence at Un ion. —Rev. J. B. Earp visited his jiarents at Semora, N. ("., from Tuesday (ill Sun day. —Mr. C. C. Fonvill , ’10, was in town Saturday and Sunday. He is a member of the Chapel Hill Dramatic Club, that l>res^nted. Goldsmith's comedy, “She Sloops to Con(iuer” in the Auditorium Saturday evening. —Mr C. B. Huflhies, of Raleigh, visited at Rev. L. I. Cox’s Saturday and Snn- day. —Mr. and M.s. L. J. Fonvill? and Miss Mamie Fonville, of Burlington, attended the play Saturday evening. —Miss lla Johnson, ’OM, who has been (eactiin!!' .it Pine .App! -. .Ma„ with Prof S K. Denton, ’01, passed through here Sunday morning for her home at LedK'V, Virginia, having been called there to the bedside of her fathe;, who was thought to be dying. —Dr. J. 0. Atkinson filled the pulpit yesterd.Ty morning, preaching one of his usual good sermons. —I’rof. N. F. Brannock spent Wednes day at Mebaue with his family and was kept at home the remainder of the- week on account of the illness of his children. FROM THE PULPIT. A selection from the 4th chapter of Revelation was used as the Scripture les son for last Sunday’s sermon. The sub- j;ct was “God’s second covenant, or the promise that shall never fail.” This was Dr. Atkinson’s regular appointment, and he filled it with pleasure and pofit to all. When John was in the ‘Spirit” and permitted !o get a glimpse of heaven, he saw a rainbow round about the throne like unto an emerald. We all are famil iar with the story of why the rainbow was created. As man gazes upon that wonder ful manifestation of God’s promise he knows that a Hood will ne\'er again de stroy the ( The rainbow represents in its make-up purity and completion. It is, as it were, God’s signature to the cov enant typified that which was to come in the new. and this was realized in the birth of Christ. r>r. Atkinson next discussed the mean ing of this. He said it meant that when we reached our henvenly home we would see two things: Christ and a rainbow. Whatever is manifested in the world God has thought out in the heavens. And the shadows of these things only did God tiing out for us to see. The rainbow John saw was ve:y different from the one we see—it was like an emerald. John saw a thing that attracted and held the at tention, he saw the fullness, the purity, and the alory of God. In hea^'en is the reality. Here we see only the shadows of the realities which fade not awaj’. All of us are aware of our limitations to reach th> majesty of God. Here we know men of small intellect, wlien we get home to glory we shall be giants and associate with giants: here we have poor friendshijis, there friendships fail not; lirre we are misinterpreted; in heaven we shall know even as we are known. God did not think man out as a poor worm of the dust. He saw in man the- shadow of what 1k' ■\\as to be. Here we raise our voices in song and fill our hearts with praise, but this is as nothing \\ hen comj’-ared to that angel choir we niay join when earthly limitations are taken away. The speaker said that he never saw f llowmni rise to hi”li art but that he said in his heart. “God is going to allow me to enjoy such privileges as those some day.’’ e have not y t caught the fullness of the desi”-n God has in store for us in the now covenant. There are great ideas and ‘*i:ati‘US in minds cf h>w estate. Geo. T’.iho't. who has influc.:c.‘d English lit ra- ..yceiii Sbak'- pcare. shown I'-nv ilie humble life of one like A.lam Bede cimld be posess d of motives as pure and high as those of any chrrchman in the land. Search, if you will, the heart-mo'ive of the lowly person, and you will find there hop's and aspirations as high as in any sanctuary on earth. C!od has always written his promise on the source from whence the destruction was to come. Hence when He promised no more to destroy the earth by rain the promise was stamped upon the cloud, the a.rpncy through which the rain is sent. This was true in case of the new covenant. Christ was sent into the world in an evil age and among corrujit surroundings. This last covenant .si'rnifies tliat this earth is no more to be destroyed by sin than it is by a second flood. Darwin’s theory produced much skepticism and seemed to le sweeping out Ch.istianity, but that F.iire age that produc d a Darwin gave to the pulpit a Spurgeon. The same age that gave- to the forces of skepticism a Hu.vley gave likewise to the Church a Moody. Thus it has always been that wh n the forces of evil were gathering fast then was seen the promise of God manifesting a redeeming and a saving in fluence. There are possibilities of rainbows all about us. Supply the proper conditions to all pure light and a lainbow will ba forme-tl. Likewise there is no limitation to the power and grace Christ can instill within us if we will only yield to him. We are foolish if we do not avail our selves of the piivileges and the promises of Christ. Do this and we may share the promise that shall never fail and live with all the great and good who have been washed in the' blood vf the Lamb. “We shall come with joy and gladness, \\ B shall gather ’nnind the throne; Face to face with those that love u.s, e shall know as we are known: And the song of our redemption Shall resound thrmjgli endless day. When the shadows have departed And the mists have rolled a\\av.” E. L. D. THE CLIO ENTERTAINMENT. On Wedn.'sday, last, at eight o'clock P. M., the I lio Literary' Society of Colkge held its annual e.lebration in the college chapel. Numerous invitations had been sent out and as a response a largr; apj)reciative audience greeted fhosgi l'artici|iating in the program. Tho president of the occa.sion, Mr. C. J. Felton, deliver.d the welcome addre*; in his usual i asy manner and spoke biief- ly of the purpose, benefit, etc., of such a society as that which he represented; al so the \alue of the p«we>r and ability of speech. Following the remarks of ths l>resident, this program was rendered: llumortuis Quartette—fJeorge W’ashington Was a F iend of Mine. Vocal solo—Danny Deever—Damroschj 0. M. Barn s. Oration—New Nationalism; (!. C. Cobb. Limricks^. J. A. Dickvy, Jr. pfil 1 f.n' I II'CTO - '!e1: ' b) Tin. Ro.sary—Nexin. R. A. Campbell. Dehab*. Query—Resolved. That woild conditions demand an increase in our navy of fifty percent annually, over last ycai’s ap- pro[)riation for the ii;xt ten years. Affirmative; ('. W. Rountree, and 0. G. H(dland. Negative: F. F. Myrick and W. R. Rober son. (Mr. Myrick Iwing taken suddenly ill, his speech was read by Mr. R. A. Camp bell.) While the judges, M^r. J. A. Long, of Giahara. Prof. Lindsey, of Graham, and Hon. C. E. Everett, of Durham, N. C.^ were reaching their decision the quar tette, composed of Messrs. Walker, Lin coln, J. S. Campbell and Barnes, 0. M., sang “Hoarest Thou?” by Matter. Mr. J. A. Long in announcing the de cision of the judges ga\T the victoi-y to the afjirmative. Doubtless tl-,e contest would have been closer bad Mr. Myrick been present to assist bis colleague. At any rate to Mr. Roberson was awarded the orator’s medal, he having made the best appearance from an oratorical stand- point All on fh- program a«(|nitted themselves creditably and esijecially Mr. Cobb with his oration, which appears elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Dickey also pulled off .some thing new in the shape of Burlesque on the Elon College Weekly, which proved an excellent number. The program was en- tir'ly satisfactory and highly enjoved by all. It also speaks well for the excel lent work being done by the society which ^these yo\ing men repiesented and is a credit to t.he institution of which this society is ^ part.