THE ELON WEEKLY. VOL. II. New Series. Greensboro, N. C., Wednesday, March 22, 1911 and Elon College, N. 0. No. 6 LOCALS AND PERSONALS. Dr. Moifitt has been confined to his room for se\eral days on account of a seveie cold. Mrs. Levi Aklridjfe of Union Ridge is visiting I’l of. and Mrs. \V. P. Lawrence. T)r. J 0 Atkinson left Saturday for Norfolk, \ a., where on Sunday he preacli- ed in Memorial Temple Christian Church for Dr. How.saie. It was a special memor ial service. Mr. Herndon Moffitt of Durham, a fonno'; student here-, visited Jiere Sunday. —Mr. Edd Roberts who had the mis fortune to get his leg broken some weeks ago is getting on nicely an,l was taken home Sat ni day. There was no service at eleven o’clock Sunday on account- of Dr. Newman being ill who was to preach then. —Miss Alienee Patton led in the Y. W. C. A. Sunday afternoon, subject Christ (lip head of tlie church. After the meet ing there was a business meeting and the following officers were elected for the next year: Pres., Viola Frazier; Vice Pies., Maggie iseley; Sec., Sudie McCauley; Cor. Sec., Lillian Johnson; Treas., Patt Preston; Pianist, Annie Hagwell. The (Miristian Endeavor prayer meet ing was indeed interesting and beneficial Smidny ^‘veiling. It w.>ijs all voluntury paitieipation, there being no special lead er. This was a new plan and it worked well, rrsuiting in a splendid service. “Unclei” Wellons left Saturday for Durham to attend a Union at the Chris tian Church where he was formerly pas tor. Mr. E. Smith from California, is visit ing Mis. and Miss Wilson. —Prof. and Mrs. Amick spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives at Liberty. SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT FOR MARCH 19, 1911. Class No. 1. Dr. J. U. Newman, Teacher. Present, 12; collection, 22 cents. Class No 2. Dr. T. C. Amick, Teacher. Present, 11; collection, 00 cents. Class No. .J. Mr. A. L. Lincoln, Teacher. Present, 15; collection, 55 cents. Class No. 4. Mrs. R. J Kernodle, Teach er Present, 19; collection, 46 cents. Class No. 5. Mr. E. T. Hines, Teacher. Present, 7; collection, 09 cents. Class No. 6. Mt. A. Hall, Teacher. Pres ent, 16; collection, 35 cents. Class No 7. Miss Ethel Clements, Teach er. Present, 17; collection, 07 cents. Class No. S. Mrs. J.. W. Patton, Teacher. Present, 6; collection, 06 cents. Class No. 9. Mrs. J. M. Saunders, Teach er. Present, 12; collection, 07 cents. Class No. 10. Mrs. J. L. Foster, Teacher. Present, 11; collection, 11 cents. Citizens’ Bible (’lass. Prof. W. A. Har per, Teacher. Present, 6; colkction, 10 cents. Totals: Scholars, 132. Whole school, 146. Collection, $1.40. J. Sipe Fleming, Sec. INTER COLLEGIATE TENNIS CLUB. Elon College has recently taken a step forward in athletic reports. At a meeting of the joint athletic com mittee last week it was moved and caiv ried that we co-operate with the Univer sity of North Carolina, Wake Forest, A. and M., Davidson, and Guilford colleges in organizing the Intei-Collegiate Tennis Chib of North Carolina. The Club has its first meeting at Chapel Hill, April 20, 21. Already we cgn. sec interest in tennis becoming stronger. Two or three courts are full of play every af ternoon that weather will pe:mit and on the “’Varsity court” the team is doing hard practice of from three to five sets every afternoon. The boys are working well and should be commended for it, for in this w'ay alone can Elon prepare hei- self to make a good showing at the Inter- Collegiafe rneeting. Tlie Inter-Collegiate Club will meet every year, each college being host in its turn. South Carolina, and Georgia also, have clubs similar to this and it will in deed be a step forward in Athletic sports in North Carolina. At each meeting of the club there will be a tournament played and the winners will leceive a cup or some trophy which they keep for one y ar and winning thrje ycftrs in I lie ieain will be al- lowed to be the owners of the cups. We will look forward with interest to the time when Elon shall be host to this club and in the meantime it is hoped that every member of the local club will take ad\antage of this good w'eathep and prac tice hard, for when the Club meets here in some future year we can look back with pride to the time w'hen the club was first organized and feel that we had a share in developing the tcr.m that is to win the trophies for Elon at some future time. CARDINAL GIBBONS ENDORSES TUBERCULOSIS DAY. Cardinal Gibbons, the highest authority of the Roman Catholic Chuich in Ameri ca, has e.xpresstd his approval of Tuber culosis Day, which is to be observ'ed by fhe churches of the United States on or about April 30th, and of the general or ganized anti-tul>erculosis campaign, ac cording to a report of an interview made public to-day by the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tubei- culosis. The interview was granted by His Emi nence to H. Wirt Steele, E.xecufive Secre tary of the Maryland Association for the I riewntion and Relief of Tuberculosis and Dr. Charles 0’Donovan, one of the lead ing physicians of Baltimore. Mr. Steele and Dr. 0'Donovan explained to the Cai- dinal the object of Ijuberculosis Day, namely, that it was an effort to secure a simnltaneouci and systematic presentation of the educational side of the tuberculosis campaign in all of the churches of the United States on April 30th or on some other day in the week preceding or the week following that date. The Cardinal expressed his entire sympathy with the plan of the Tuberculosis Day movement, and endo. sed the i)rogram both of the Maryland Association and of the National Association. Following the interview, Cardinal Gib bons also sent a letter to Mr. Steele in which he expressed formally his approval of the anti-tuberculosis campaign as con ducted in tlie United Stales at the pres ent time. The letter is as follows: Baltimore, Feb. 23rd, 1911. My Dear Mr. Steele: 1 have read with keen inteiiest the pamphlets you sent me, which tell of the triumphs already achieved in the warfare against tuberculosis. My wondeti has been aroused by the simplicity of the arms used in this war fare—namely—rational living and clean liness—which are within reach of all. I shall follow with special interest all your effoits in this splendid propaganda against the terrible disease, and hope the results of your labor will be commensu rate with the zeal, the energy, and self- sacrifice which you and your fellow-work- ers are devoting to the work. I can remember well the aavages made by yellow fever in days gone by, but re joice to see that the medical fraternity have conjuered it. I trust that you will be erjuallv success ful against tuberculi.sis. With best wishes, I am Yours faithfully, J. Card. Gibbons. The National Association has prepared an outline for a tuberculosis lecture or sermon especially adapted for clergymen who will speak on Tuberculosis Day, and also other literature which will be sent to any clergyman applying for it at the of fice of the National Association, 105 East 22nd Street, New York City, or at the headquarters of any state or local asso ciation in the United States. then attempted to steal to second to allow Farmer to score who took thinl on the bunt, taking advantage of New man s headwork Fai’mer scored, making tlie score 4 to 2. The Methodist scored 3 more in their half of the seventh. This ended the run getting. And the game ended 7 to 2 for Trinity. Trinity. Fousiiee, 1. f. Bundy, 3rd b. West, s. s. Thompson, r. f. tooper, c. f. Henderson, 1st b. Andeiison, 2nd b. Madrlox, c. Gantt, p. Elon. Sparrow, I. f. Brookwell, 3id b. Pearson, p. Hedgepath, 2nd b Farmer, r. f. Newman, s. s. Me(,'aulcy, c. f. Dickey, c. Johnson, 1st b. Wright, I. f. Score. Elon, 00000020 0-2. Trinity, 31000030 0-7. Struck out by Pearson, 2. Struck out by Gantt, 6. Eirors, Elon, 4. Errois, Trinity, 3. Batteries. Trinity—Gantt and Maddox. Elon—Pearson and Dickey. Umpire, Mr. Rowe. ELON LOSES TO TRINITY. Last Saturday the ball team went down to Durham for a game wwith Trinity Col lege, which pro\ed the undoing of the locals. Elon has been playing at a dis advantage ever since Robert ’s misfortune a we k or two ago, and this was a serious draw back. Pearson pitched fine ball and had steam to burn and used it to advan tage, but an error at a vital time caused the trouble. Sparrow also did some sen sational work in left field as did Faimer in right, but the former unfortunately hurt his finger trying for a hard chance and had to go out of the game. Hitting was in order when Hedgepath got two bagger and Newman a beauti ful single. Dickey caught classy ball, never failing to keep a sharp eye on sec ond, catching several men napping there. Several times it looked as if we ought to have second when we didn’t. In the seventh inning with one man down Hedgepath hit a two bagger. He was followed by Farmer who hit through short and stole second, Hedgepath ad vanced to third. Newman followed and laid one down scoring Hedgepath. He Heredity. Richard Harding Davis at a football game in Philadelphia praised the voices of fhe young undergraduates shouting their weird college yells. “It makes me think of-a Yocust Street bride,” said Mr. Davis, smiling. “She turned to her husband one night at dinner and remarked: ‘My dear, fhe first time I saw you was at Franklin Field. Your head was thrown back, your mouth was wide open, and your face was very red—you were yelling your college yell.’ ‘Yes, I remember,’ said fhe young man. ‘And I noticed,’ >»tie continued, ‘what a lemarkable voice you had.’ ‘Yes, you spoke of it at the time,’ said he. ‘But what makes you think of it now?’ ‘Oh, nothing,’ said the bride. ‘Only I wish the baby hadn’t inherited it. That’s all-’ ”—Argonaut. To test freshness of eggs—drop on hard surface. —Solicitor DeLaney will do a good ser vice to the public if he succeeds in put ting an end to various games of chance that are employed in drug stores and other places to rob people of their money. G. E. Jordan, M. D, Office Gibsonville Drug Co., GIBSONVILLE, n. C. CALL ON Burlington Hardware Company For First Class Plumbing, Builders* Hardware, Farm Implements. Faints. Etc., Etc. BURLINGTON, n. C.