THE ELON COLLEGE WEEKLY. VOL. IL New Series. Greensboro^ N. C.^ Wednesday, April 26, 19H No. tl and Elon College, N. C. IiOdALS AND PERSONALS. -—Dr. Moftitt spent several clays last ■week in Aslieboro, in the interest of the Colli ffe. —Miss I’attie Preston spent Saliir'l: and Siinday at her home at Belew’s Creek. —Misses Siidie and Sallie McCauley spfrnt Saturday night and Sunday in Gib- sonville at Jlr. B. Davidson’s. —Miss P’tta Anman, of Searr;Ove. spent several days the first of the week with her uncle. Prof. W. P. Lawrence. —Dr. .T. 0. Atkinson filled the pnl|>it here Sunday mornin". Ilis sermon was- good. —Mr. S. Beam, of Chapel Hill, spent Friday, April 1st, here. —Mr. R. .'V. Campbell led in the Chris tian Kndeavon Sunday eveninfr. Subject, “Sabbath Benefits.” The meftinsf was interestiufT and instructive. —Tliose in tlie Psiphclian Society who deserved s]>ecial mention Friday evcninp:, wer^ Miss Annie Baswell, Projiliecy of Art Class; Miss Terna Garrett, Piano Solo; Miss Winnie DuKant, Essay. —Tn the Y. W. C. A. Sunday after noon. Aflfi“ Cirillin was the hader. Sub ject: “Ciod's Oift to Man.” Tliere was a froi'il attendance. —K,‘v. and Mrs. AY. (r. Clements, of nr — ; .1 I their way to North Wilkesboro to att'Tid the fuii.ral of their 'daus'lit r-in-law. Mrs. Joe Clements. —Profs, llarjier. Wicker and Amick at tended til,' North Carolina Sunday School A.ssociation in Ilifrh Point tlie 2Sth and 29th. —Miss fieoriria Connelly, of Dallas, spent a few days he:e last week with Mrs. W. F. Lowe. —Miss Clements refnrned ilonday af ternoon from North Wilkesboro wliere she attended the funeral of li r sister-in-law. —Miss Harris, of Old Trinity, is vis- itinp lier sister, M s. W. F. I,owe. —Messrs. Marvin McPherson and Jen- ninirs r.incoln visited in l!urlinf;^on Sat urday night. —Tlie graded school here closed Mon day. The pupils ent'rtained tlie patrons witli an interesting programme in (he af- teriKton. —^Iess:s. J. S. and A. L. Lincoln en tered the intercollegiate tennis tourna ment in Chapel Hill, Thursday and Fri day, A]iiil 2(llli and 'Jlst. —In 111!' Clio Society Friday eveninir, the (|uery, Kesolved, that reformations re- foi'm, was w(m by (lie alfirmative. Best speaker on the affirmative, Felton; best speaker on tlie negative, Dickey. Ora- torically, Loftin. THE TOWN NOMINATES A TICKET FOR THE MAY ELECTION. Tue.sday evening, April 25. the citi zens of the town met in a citizens’ con vention in 1 espouse to a call by Mayor Lawrence. J. C, McAdams was elected president of the convention with R. J. Kernodle secretary. The question as to increase in the rate of taxes from 20 cts. to not e.xceeding 30 cts. on the one hundred dollars, and from 60 cts. to not exceeding 00 cts. on the poll, for the purpose of lighting the streets of the town, was discussed, and the sen timent expressed was almost unanimous in favor of the lights. Dogs running at large in the town came in for a round of denunciation so that the new Board of Aldermen to be elect ed Tuesday, May 2, are likely to find strong sentiment in favor of a strict dog law. The nominees ^o b, vc "“d on May 2, wtre named as follows: for JIayor, W. P. L.iwrence; for Alde:men, W. T. Noah, J. C. McAdams,, J. Fletcher Somers, 0. B. Barnes and T. C. Amick; and for Chief of Police, R. J. Kerinodle. The Conven tion was attended by a large majority of tlie citizens, and indicates increased in terest in town atlairs. FROM THE PULPIT. The pulpit was filled Sunday morning by the regular pastor. Rev. ,J. (). Atkin son, who in his usual strong and eloquent manner, jireaclied an excellent seriinon from Proverlis 29:1S, “Where there is no vision iieo))l^ ]ie-ish.'' Fnmi tliis text he derived (he following subject, "The food of till soul.” and sp'd;:' partly as I’lllows: “ I lie wonl pensli. is Iranslaicl in the modern versions to iiuan that all restraint is removed, and doubtless that ; i a fair translation. “If I were to undertake to teach all the text suggests, I would have to teach all tire modern Psycholngy and Histoiy. Of course, 1 would not attempt that in this discourse. The text says that many things which we possess are not as real and .tine as the things which we perceive with the mind. The tiling which is deep er than the seen is that of which the seen is the product. “I need not argue that many of the tilings which we see and feel are not the real things. The conception of this col lege is more real than what we see in the building and men connected with it. There is something moie real and abiding than the classroom, the walls and the teachers. It is not they, but the con- ce]ition back of them that influences us. The things that will go with us, will not be things'which we have seen or touched. It will be the vision that we have caught here. After all the real things that we have to deal with are not the tangible things about us, but the visions. 1 have heard a distinguished speaker say from this platform, ‘‘When you see Tom ask ing a boy to walk with him, we do not expect much from him; but it is when he goes alone and meditates on the future that he sees visions that transfo;m him into a source of power. The soul must have visions or it will die. There is no tietter way to put the soul out of existence than to decide that the r^al things are what we see. “The most real and abiding thing we get, when the organ plays, i.s that which is from beyond. I can put up with any book that gives a hero or heroine who has caught a vision from beyond. It seems to me that this soul of ouis is caged and beats violently and rastlessly and long foi freedom beyond the nar row confines of its cage. “Sometimes our soul longs for a day that it has not seen. I have a longing for highei things than 1 have everi per ceived, faces beyond that I have never be held, fellowshi])s that I have never en- j"iel. “If 1 couhl not get a good booL that wmild gne my soul an outlet, that it might soar toward the things beyond I would die. If I could heai no^god music that would fill my soul with I'apture, I would die. “Now I ask myself why people perish where there is no vision. We see 'that in lsra(d when they had no men with vis ions they had war, distress, and destruc tion. In the days of Moses, the man who sjient forty years in dreamings, anu days in meiKtation on the mountain top, when this man of visions was with his jieople he lead them successfully, but when he was away just a short time and the lea- d( rship was left to those who saw no visions but believeil that the real and t.ue things were the things around them, the j>ei>ple fell into iiiolatiy. They lost sight .1- •' , u;.. . II..' ' ! ' , ■ , them. “They hod the realistic men with them, just as we have them today, who teaidi that man’s best friend is the dollar. Hell could not teach a more pernicious doc trine than that. The salvation of the jieople dejiends today on those who see visions of the wonderful power and in fluence of the one supreme God. J. Campbell Morgan said: ‘When I get to heaven I want to find Paul and ask him what he did with high Priest's letters.’ Paul got the letters to arixst the men, but saw a vision on the way, and he decided that for him he would not be disobedient to the heavenly vision. Paul, what did you do with those let ters? Doubtless you threw them on the riibbisl, heap or you gave them to the flames. Many things today become as worthless trash to us wdien we see the real and tniie vision. riie Biljle from lid to lid is visionary. It teaches a useless man that he may be come useful. It has to do with those things beyond. To day while we a:e here the richest, the )ioorest and even kings will bow be- tor Him. Yet we are told that that man was reared in a M-orkshop and without a home. Rich men worship Him to catch a vision of what they hojie to be. Poor men worsliij, Him, foi, He is (o them all that they C(nil,I wish for. Kings con ceive the reality of their dreams in Him. “The .sees the life of .Tesus Christ. The sweetest songs are inspired I>y the man of Galilee. So, I say, there is reality in visiuns. Then further, the only invitation tiiat comes to ns to restrain ourselves is the invitation of a vision. “\ou read the confession of a man who lias bfc-en brought to self-murder. lie will tell that life itself has no vision. The iirodiji'al sou at tirst had no vision, but when he came to want and misery he dar ed to look up and see a vision. Unless he had done that he wouhl have perished. He tiiou^ht of the luxury and splendor of his father’s house, but the- minor re- stjaiuts and inconveniences were oblitera- tc-d. He da.ed to dream of a day that would (‘ome. The day will rorae and now is here M-lien the dead shall hear the voice of the Son (>f (jod and live. Our souls may live in joy today, if they have luard the Son of God. What a i)rivilejje to lay aside all the thin^ and cares of life to lift our souls to hea ven ! I get tired of the mean and sorr did tilings of evnrydaj’ life and long for the hour »f worj^hij) when my soul ca" reach out to things l)eyond. Oh, please 'od. unfold tlie veil and let us see be yond. ‘‘A vision is not a dream, but a star which illuminates and lures one on, de- ligliting the soul. If you want to read a history of restraint, read the history of our lievolutionary AVar. There we would see such men as Patrick Heniy and Gko. ushington dreaming dreams and seeing visions. 1 want to siiy in conclusion that often Hi; ' iii>; s('t \isinn • i flio ]-t ,,,, hnur>. It may lake darkness, and dis- tnss to fit ouii eyes to see the visions, “A traveler once talking with a man who dwelt in an humble cottage near a niagnificent castle, asked the peasant if he cnuld .see the splendor of the castle. He replied that, he, could only see it dur ing the cold and bleak winter when all (hat goes to make life happy was chilled by the wint.y snows. P.ut to see the castle when all was dark and dreary was enough to make life happy. When you and r enjoy health and prosperity, we may be allured by the mean and sordid things around us; Init when all turns against us we may be able to see the, mansion more clearly. Only in feeding on the food of the vis ion docs the soul become full and en larged. Only as we give place to the ^■ision is the soul made full in the glory beyond. J. S. T. SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT FOR APRIL 23, 1911. Class No. 1, Dr. J. U. Newman, Teach er,. Present, IS; collectiim, 2fi cts. Class No. 2. P:of. T. C. Aimck, Teacher. Present, IS; collection, 25 cts. ( lass No. Mr. A. L. Lincoln, Teach er. Present 15; collection, :fO cts. Class No. 4. Mrs. If. J. Kernodle, Teach er. Present. 2.3; collecton. 70 cts. Class No. 5. J\Ir. F. T. Hines, Teacher. Present, 6; collection, S cts. No. 0. Jlr. A. Hall, Teacher. Present, 15; collection, 41 cts. Class No. 7. Mis. .7. W. Patton, Teach er. Present, 24; collection, 0 cts. Class No. 8. Miss Ft he! Clements, Teacher. Present, 10; collection, 4 cts. Continued on page 3.

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