MAROON AND GOLD. 3 WORK OF AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY OUTLINED BY REV. W. F. JOURDAN. Last Sunday evening in the col lege chapel, Rev. W. F. Jourclan gave an interesting and instruct ive address on the work of the American Bible Society. His dis course was based on verses 36-38 of the 4th chapter of John. The speaker declared that the work of the American Bible Society is fundamental, basical, and has more to do than anything else with Christian propaganda. The history of the organization was traced back to its origin more than a century ago when the movement was inspired by a Welsh girl’s intense desire to own a Bible which, spurred her pastor to go to London and make pro vision whereby such desires might be gratified. Through the united efforts of the British and Amer ican Bible Societies, the Bible to day has been translated into over six hundred tongues. The pur pose of the Society is to put the Bible within the reach of all. Its work is three-fold: (1) Transla tion requiring constant revision; (2) Printing and (3) Distribution of Bible. In the work of distribu tion, it has been found that free distribution is inadvisable for the books are often destroyed. On the other hand if purchased, they are prized, although often the agent must use his own discre tion in the method pursued. Every legitimate means is employed to create a desire for the Bible. In lands where missionaries have never been, people have been found who have been led to God through the distribution of the Bible alone, and these converts have accomplished much. The American Bible Society realizes the desired end not only when the Bible is placed in the hand but also when there is an earnest de sire in the heart to read and fol low its teachings. In our own land last year, Bibles were distributed in eighty- seven dififerent languages. Mil lions were distributed among the soldiers. Truly great and far- reaching is the work of the Amer ican Bible Society in our own country and over all the globe. “THE BY-PRODUCTS OF LIFE.” Topic Discussed by Y. W. C. A. consideration was “The By-Prod- ducts of Life."’ Some of the by-products of life are joy, happiness, peace, liberty, good-will and service. The only way we can obtain happiness is by seeking to be of service to others. Kindness is also a by product. We as college students have so many opportunities to show kindness. Do we make use of them ? We cannot have last ing joy except through sufifering. It takes a great many hard knocks to get along in this life. Joy is partially the foundation of life, and we are hungering and thirsting for joy. Can we imagine a life without joy? Many people think they have to get away from God to have joy. But sooner or later the time will come when worldly joys will not satisfy us. What then? We will need the joy that can come only through fellowship with the Heavenly Father. Love is a great by-product. So is friendship. One great by-prod- uct is the spirit to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The attendance at the meeting was not very good. We are hoping the girls will take more interest and come out to these discussions of the vital problems of life. Sigma Phi Beta to have as many members this year as it had last, the maximum membership being set at twenty. Two of these new men came from the junior class and three from the sophomore class. With a full membership and a year of splendid opportunity Sig ma Phi Beta hopes to make its intended achievement a reality. IF IT IS Pennants or Felt Goods You Want SEE L M. CAIVNON Our regular meeting of Y. W. C. A. was held in the college chapel on Thursday evening. The leaders were Miss Eunice Rich and Miss Vada McMurry. The Scripture lession was taken from Galatians 5:14-26. The topic for FOSTER SHOE COMPANY BllRLINGTOlV, IN. C. Leading shoe store since 1893. A model shoe store with model shoes. Patronize our shoe-repairing department. Remember, if you pay less for shoes elsewhere you get less. BURLINGTON HARDWARE CO. BURLINGION, N. C. ELECTRIC SIPPLIES AND APPIUNCES PLUMBING SUPPLIES HARDWARE. PAINTS, ETC. The Best Hardware Store in the County SIGMA PHI BETA MEETING HAS PROGRESSIVE FEATURES. New Men Elected to Organiza tion. The last regular meeting of Sigma Phi Beta was one of un usual interest and importance. It marked the turning point in the intended record of achievement for the college year, not only be cause of the actual transaction of necessary business matters, but also because of the consideration and adoption of resolutions out lining the standard of social and moral attainments for the or ganization. A co-operative spirit among the fellow-members of the organization in their literary work and their general college duties was also urged as a helpful factor in the life of Sigma Phi Beta. Mr. S. Rhodes Mofifit, who was an active charter member of the organization last year, was pres ent at the meeting. He gave the gathering a splendid speech in which several topics of progres sive work were clearly impressed upon the minds of those who heard them. Following this came the elec tion of five new members to the organization to fill the vacancies caused by the absences of some of the members of last year. It is not, however, the intention of ELON COLLEGE ALMA MATER For full particulars address PRESIDENT W. A- HARPER ELON COLLEGE, N. C. PURE FOOD IS ALWAYS THE BEST YOU WILL FIND IT AT THE ROYAL OAFE Not the largest but one of the best European plan restaurants in N. C. M. H. MELLAS and M. KIPROOS, Proprielors PHONE NO. 662 WE ALSO DELIVER MEALS AT NO EXTRA COST Standard Realty & Security Co. Burlington, N. C. We write Insurance LIFE FIRE We buy and sell Real Estate We pay Semi-Annually Let Us Do Business WitK You D. R. FONVILLE, Mgr. Insurance Department C. C FONVILLE, Mgr. 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