VOLUME IV. ELON COLLEGE, N. C„ FEBRUARY i6, 1923 NUMBER 22 WEEK SEES ELON VICTORIOUS AND DEFEATED ONE TIME EACH In a Nip-and-Tuck Game Wake Forest Wins by Two Points in the Second Half. CAPTAIN FIX FEATURES Quakers Go Down in Defeat by a Score of 24-14—Perry and Fix Outstanding. New Literary Society For Girls Organized Psychaleon Society to Answer Need— Is Outgrowth of Old Psipheliaii. Pii[8. HURPER ATTENDS MEETING Free Will Baptists and Christiajis Meet to Discuss Union of Churches. T0LLEF8EN TBIO WILL APPEAR III BURLIIGTON Concert Will Be Given in High School Auditorium on Account of Recent Fire. This week saw the Clu-istiiin ceain come out victorious over its ancient rival, Guilford, and lose to tlie Bai)tist quint ou the home floor. lioth games were well played and interesting and drew large crowds. Wake Forest Game Wake Forest was victor o\-er Elon by a 22 to 20 score here last Friday night in a game that was slow during the first period but which perked up and finished with a series of fast-actiou thrillers. Flon took the lead eai*ly in the first half and held a point or two ahead with Wake Forest tagging closely behind. 9 and 8 was the score at the intermission, and about the middle of the following period the Baptists got n\) steam and overtook the Christian lead. From then until the final whistle ended the fray it was nip and tuck with one side register ing a field goal and then the other in almost alteruate turns, the ball passing from one extreme of the court to the other so fast that the eye of the spec tators could hai'dly follow it, and just before the game ended it was the Bap tist turn to score, which they did and annexed the game. CIo!e guarding in the initial period kept the scoring down, only two field goals being registered, two for Elon and one for Wake Forest. The passing game of the visitors w’orked well. Captain Fix was the outstanding star for Elon with six field goals to his credit. Heck man and Pagano did the best work for the visitors. The Brow'n brothers. “Rob" and *‘Alph,” were absent from the line-up lu this game because of the death of their sister. Perry for the home team and Carlyle for the visitors both received four per sonal fouls and substitutes took their places. Swift, determined, and accurate playing characterized the last half of the contest, with the large audience ^‘yelling its head off” for its favorite team. Lino-up and summary : Elon Wake Forest Position jTix Modlin liOft Forward -Tones (ireason Jliglit Forward I->erry Carlyle Center McAdams Heckman Left Guard Marlette Pagano llight Guard Scoring, field goals, Elon: Fix 6, Jones 1 ; Wake Forest: Modlin 2, Grea- son 1, Heckman 1, Pegano 3, Benton, 1. Foul goals: I’erry 5 out of 10, Barker 0 out of 2, Fix 1 out of 2. Modlin 0 out of 20. Pegano 0 out of 2. Substitu tions, Eton, Barker for Perry; ake Forest, Benton for Carlyle. Heferee, Knight, Durham “Y Guilford Game Elon experienced very little difficulty in defeating the (Juilford quint here ed- nesday night in a game that only at one stage seemed in doubt as to the out come. 24 to 14, in favor of the Chris tians, was the final score. Guilford experienced difficulty in find ing the basket with their shots, and this conpled with poor work from the foul line put them out of the running. At The inevitable has happened! The old historic Psipheliau Society has divid- (m1 into two permanent, separate, new societies. 'Phere has been need for this division for the last few years for the old society had outgrown the accomo dation of the Psiphelian Ilall. But it seems that the love for Psiphelian and the sentiment for all its traditions made the members loathe to divide and become members of a society other than Psi phelian. Since the fire the young ladies have become more practical in their ideas and though they still have the old love for Psiphelian they have realized now is the time for the division as all the old records and constitution are no more, and they would have to start anew anyway. His At a joint meeting of the two divisions of the old society it was decided to leave it to the choice of the girls as to which one they would join. Of course there were many who felt they could never be other than Psiphelian. others who were indifferent, and still others who realized that it w^as up to somebody to start the new. The indifferent ones were divided evenly between the Psiphelian and the new. There are thirty-seven charter mem bers of the Psychaleon Literary Society Each Psychaleon girl is very enthusias tic over the ideals set forth in the meet ings and each member is working with a vim to set the highest of standards for the society to which they have given their allegiance. The prospects for the future of Psychaleon Society are very bright. ANNyAL BANIIUET HELD BY BETA OMICIION BETA Miss Lawrence Toastmistress—Delight ful Course Binner is Served. GOLD FDDTBALLS ARE PRESENTED TD S|AD Miss Lillian Harrell, Sponsor of Team, Assists Coach in Work of Presentation. With a short and interesting talk Coacli Corboy presented the football men witli mijiiatnre fi:old footballs Wednesday nijiht at tlie end of the first half of the basketball game between Guilford and lOlon. ('oach Corboy and Miss Lillian Harrell, football siionsor, marched out in tiie middle of the gymnasium where the coach made his speech of presenta-1 tion. His speeeh in part follows: -It is n pleasure at this time, in he-1 halt of the students and the faculty to liresent to the football men these gold footballs. It is great liow yon of the stndeiit body have stood behind theni. "To the football men let me say, if you will remember the one lesson of self sacrifice that you have learned ou the football field 1 will feel that I have at least done one good deed for you.” As the coach took the gold footballs from the box he made a few remarks about the characteristic of each individ ual. Then he passed the prizes to Miss Harrell, who in her charming way and \\ith her friendly smile passed them to tlie men as their names were read. Those getting gold footballs were as follows: Braxton, Kirkland, Ilainer, High. Brown, Barker, Smith, Whitsell, Flynn, Fix, A. Brown, Thomas, Farmer, President Harper was in Kaleigh on Monday att‘*uding the meeting of the Commissions on Christian Union of the Free Will Baptist and Christian t.’hurches. - In speaking of the event. Dr. Harper declared. ‘‘It was a most delightful ses sion. Xot a thing happened to mar the fellowship and Christian spirit of the occasion, because tw'o branches of the Church of Christ met seeking to know and to do His will.” The agreement that was adopted by the commissioners jointly reads as fol low’s : *'We, representing the Free Will Bap tist and Christian Churches hereby agree : “1. That Jesus is the head of Church. ‘•2. That the Bible is the sufficient rule of faith and practice. “H. That Christian character is the l>roper test of fellowship in^ the Church of Christ. "4. That the right of private judg ment or the liberty of conscience is a lirivilege and duty of all. *‘.5. That the reciprocity of ministers and members betw’een our churches is desirable. 0. That the name of the Church of Christ is a matter for His followers to determine, though Christian is a proper name for all believers. “7. That the local church should be autonomous. “8. That fraternal delegates should be interchanged for our public assem blies. “9. That we should write for each other’s periodicals and visit and use each other's institutions. ■‘10. That a United Protestantism is the goal of our Churches,” Dr. Harper further stated that it was agreed to exchange tw’o hundred copies of the Free Will Baptist and The Chris tian Sun, mailing them to leaders in the respective churches. Rev. R. F. Pittman, president of the Free Will Baptist State Convention, and Rev. L. E. Smith, president of the South ern Christian Convention, presided joint ly. in the session which met in the dining room of the Bland Hotel. Rev. Thos. 1-:. Beamon and Dr. Harper were the joint secretaries. Will these two churches eventually unite? I>r. Harper was asked. His re- plj’ was couestic, as follows: “Day by day. in every way. we shall know each other better, and perfect knowledge casts out fear. Eventually all I'rotestant de nominations will unite, as Jesus prayed.” The concert by the Tollefsen Trio will be given at the High School Auditorium at Burlington. Satui-day evening, Febru ary 17, 8 :00 p. m.. instead of Elon Col lege, on account of the fire. This is the fourth number of the con cert and lecture course, and is included in the season ticket. Single admission $1.00. The following program will be given: 1. Trios: (a.) Bolero, Fernandez- Arbes: (b.) Serenade, Saint-Saens; (c.) Vivace from Trio Op. 72. Godard—Tol- lefseu Trio. 2. Cello Soli: (a.) Chants Russes, Lalo: (b.) Serenade Espagnole. Glazu- now—Mr. Kefer. 3. Piano Soli: (a.) Soaring. Schu mann: (b-) Arabesque, Leschetizky ; (c.) Allegro Appasionata, Saint Saens—Au gusta Tollefsen. 4. Violin Soli: (a.) Call of the Plains, Rubis Goldmark; (b.) Because, Arensky: (c.) Zephyr. Hubay—Mr. Tollefsen. 5. Trio in A minor Op. 50, Tschai- kowsky, (Theme and variations)—Tollef- seu Trio. MISS ALLIE MAE BRDWN DIES AT HER HDME HERE Funeral Services Held at the Home— Many Students Assist in Last Kites. FACDLTy NEIIELE HDLDS ITS BI-MDNTHLY MEETING Miss Mildred Kirkland Wins Prize in the Famous Lovers Contest. times the visitors showed brilliance in' McAdams, Perry. Gantts and Clark (Continued on page two.) were not present to get theirs. The Faculty Nevele Club met in its bi-monthly regular session on Monday evening in the home of Mrs. W. A. Harp er. Despite the inclement weather a jolly group gathered for the Valentine social wliich the hostess had prepared for the occasion. The home was decorat ed with johnquills and ferns. Each club member brought her em broidery and the returnable book. Con versation gathered around current events of a local, national, and international character, and the happy two-hour ses- (Continued on page two) Heai'ts are bowed down—crushed with sorrow ou account of the sad death of Miss Allie Brown, which occurred Fri day evening at 7 :28 o'clock. Miss Brown was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Brown of this community and was, at the time of her death, about tw'enty-two years of age. Death was caused by peneumonia which follow’ed a severe at tack of influenza. She is survived by a sorrowing father and mother, five broth ers, four sisters and a host of lovin; friends. Miss Brown was one of the most popu lar yoiuig ladies here and throughout the state. She filled an important place in the social and religious life of the community. She had a sweet, winsome personality which endeared her to ever one who knew her. Her lovable charac ter and rare personal charm made the community life more enjoyable: her life in the home made that of her dear ones sunny and cheerful for there was never a more beautiful spirit than hers. She did so much in every way to make the \\orld a sweater and a happier place for having lived in it. Relatively speaking, her years ^^•ere not many but she has lived much and her service to other cauuot be estimated. Lives are not counted by days and years but by the richness and fuluess of these. Hers was indeed rich and full and sweet. Life held so much for Miss Brow^n- it was so dear to her. She was especial ly talented in art having graduated in that department from Elon College in 1022. Not only in art but in voice w’as a wonderful career prrdii ted for her. She loved the beautiful with all the ardor of the true artist-sonl and this part of her nature was revealed by her own beautiful life and fine ideals. The impressive funeral service was held in the home because of illness in the family. It was conducted by Dr. N. G. Newman, assisted by Dr. W. C. Wicker and Rev. J. W. Patton. Special selec- : tions were renderecl by a male quartette. 1 (Continued on page two.) One of the most elaborate events of the social life at Elon was the Beta Om- ron P>eta banquet held Saturday even- ig from six to nine in the ladies gym nasium. The decorations were especially beau- iful. a part of the gymnasium being curtained off to represent a Japanese Tea Room. The ceiling was lowered nough to make the room cozy, by a lat tice work of blue and white crepe paper. Beta Omicron Beta colors. Brightly col ored Japanese lanterns hung from the ceiling and baloous of all sizes and colors were hung in the corners of the room. Japanese flo-\vers were used for the centers of the small tables, w’hich were just large enough to seat two couples. The couples were escorted to their tables, and the club yell was given, led by Victoria Adams. The i>rogram be- >an with an address of welcome by Mary Graham Lawrence, toast mistress for the occasion, and a rseponse by T. H. Andrews. During the course of the evening a reading was given by Helen Johuson. toast to the guests by Pattie Coghill, response, W. G. Stoner; toa.st to old members, Essie Gotten; response, Maude Sharpe: reading, Eimice Rich, and a \ocal solo by Della Cotten. The num erous jokes told delighted everyone, and Mr. Donovan seemed to know more than any one else. A sumptuous eight course dinner was served as follo\vs: fruit cocktail, veal croquettes, green peas, baked chicken, mashed potatoes, butterbeans, hot rolls, punch, lettuce salad. Thousand Island dressing, cheese straw's, ice cream, cakes, coffee, cheese, nuts, mints and bon bons. The members and guests present fol low : Mary Hall Stryker, W. G. Stoner, Della Cotten, B. W. Everette, Mary Gra ham Lawrence, T. II. Andrews, Essie Cotten. G. C. Donovan, Mrs. L. M. Can non, Elwood Parkerson ; Victoria Adams, R. D. Clements, Pattie Coghill, R. H. Gunn, Effie Bowden. Frank Allston, Helen Johnson, G. A. Brown. ^largaret Rowland, Joe Bynum Gay, Ruth Craw ford, Graden Foushee, Annie Simpson, Milton Wicker. Clara Tnck and Mark McAdams. The guests of honor were: Maude Sharpe, T. E. Powell. Pearl Reynolds, J. \\'. liay, Eunice Rich, O. C. Johnsou, Kathleen Belcher. W. J. Cotten. Florence Fisher and E. M. Betts^ Misses Marjory Burton, Lena Jackson, Nell Hamilton, Margaret Joe Ballentine and Alma Smith served the dinner. MDSIC LDVERS.GLUe HAS A" Miss O’Hara Sings National Anthem of Japan in Her Native Tongue— Club Delighted. It was “patriotic evening” rtith the Elon Music Lovers’ Club last Tuesday night when it assembled for its regular uieeting at the West End Hall as tlie guests of Mrs. Kennett, Mrs. Vaughn, and Miss Belcher. The program of this nature was no doubt suggested by the unusual number of distinguished Ameri cans whose birthdays happen to fall iu the month of February. In s])ite of the inclement weather there was a large attendance and the program was thor oughly enjoyed. Preceding the music program a brief business session was held with Professor (Continued on page three)

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