% Page Four >; } >: DID YOU GET UP TOO LATE FOR BREAKFAST? ! V f H The old-timers on the Hill had to go hungry until din- i ;♦: ner time when they overslept, but today you can find a >; delicious warm meal waiting for you if you will call at the I COLLEGE CAFE >: Be Sure and Stop at When in Burlington ALL FOOD IS HOME-COOKED It is located over Freeman’s Drug Store MRS. S. W. SUMMERS MISS SARA SUMMERS Proprietresses DR. HENRY V. MURRAY DENTIST First National Bank Building PHONES; Office 604, Eesldence 769-W BUELINGTON, N. C. “SAY IT WITH FL0WEE3” VAN LINDLEY COMPANY Greensboro, N. C. College Store, Agents DR. R. M. MORROW Dentist BURLINGTON, N. C. Phone 65, Over City Drug Store V * V SCHIFFMAN JEWELEY CO. * IV y ;♦! Leading Jewelers >; p, COLLEGE JEWELRY 'i I Greensboro, N. C. ^ J. K. OZMENT Fancy Groceries, Fine Candies and Smokes “The Comer Store” BOSTON TAILORING CO. Cleaning and Pressing All Kinds of Alterations WOEK GUAEANTEED Davis Street Bnilington, N. O. DR. L. M. FOUSHEE DENTIST Office Near Freeman Drug Co. Phone 856 BURLINGTON, N. C. Jos. J. Stone & Co. Engraved Calling Cards and Wedding Invitations GREENSBORO, N. C. EAT AT THE Broadway Cafe When in Greensboro DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building Burlington, North Carolina WM. C. JEFFCOAT, D.C., Ph.C. CHIEOPRACTOR Palmer School Graduate HOURS: Dav, 10 12, 2-4: Nights. TueB., Thurs, 7-8 PHONES: Office, 680; Residence, 7602 4th Floor, First National Bank Bldg. Burlingtou, North Carolina AIDS for STUDENTS and TEACHERS The new Handy Directory of time-saving study keys and self-help books is now ready for mailing. It is printed in two colors and contains a story by Christopher Morloy. ■'K There is NO CHARGE while the edition \lasts. Write today for a FREE copy. Address WHE HANDY BOOK COBPORATION UAIL DEPT. READING, PA. QUALITY Apparel for Men and Women QUALITY STYLE SATISFACTION WE INVITE YOUE INSPEOTION Tannenhaus Bros. 337 S. Elm St. Greensboro, N. 0. PUBLIC SALES We have purchased 122,000 pair U. S. Anny Munson last shoes, sizes 5!/^ to 12, which was the en- trie surplus stock of one of the largest U. S. Government shoe contractors. This shoe is guaranteed 100% solid leather, color dark tan, bel lows tongue, dirt and waterproof. The actual value of this shoe is $6.00. Owing to this tremendous buy we can offer same to the pub lic at $2.95. Send correct size. Pay post man on delivery or send money order. If shoes are not as rep resented we will cheerfully refund your money promptly upon re quest. National Bay State Shoe Co. 296 Broadway, New York, N. Y. GOODMAN’S THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES Burlington, North Carolina Bonnie-B hair nets and powder puffs for the girls on sale at the College Store. I ALAMANCE LAUNDRY I 'i We Do It Better ” I Phone 560 BURLINGTON, N. C. It Is a Pleasure for TJs to Fit You —For—■ WE HAVE EVEEYTHINO IN SHOES BUT YOUE FEET Burlington’s Shoe Store of Shoe Quality SHOES—HOSIERY Montgomery-lolinstoiiCo. Davis St., Near Post-Ofllce Biirlington North Carolina Headquarters for Spalding Sporting Goods Office Supplies, Books and Stationery Wills Book and Stationery Co. GREENSBORO, N. C. IA R O ON AND GOLD Dr. Wicker Speaks At Elon Church Service March 9, 1523 Sudden Illness of College Pastor Neces- sitates Supply—Theme is “Con straining Love of Christ.” Due to the illness of Dr. N. G. New man at the last minute, Dr. Wicker preached at the raorniiig church service last Sunday morning. Dr. Wicker's sermon was able, despite the fact that he had so little time for preparation. His theme was “The Constraining Love of Christ,” and he based his re marks on ] Cor. 5:14. He said that the love of Clxrist w^as not only an im pelling power but an expelling, repell ing, compelling and propelling power as well. He declared that pessimism w'as one of the greatest sins of a Christian. Dr. Wicker feels that the future holds hope for the Christian. He closed his sermon by declaring that the “love of Christ is a revital izing power for the church and the individual, a liberal and fraternalizing influence. Those are the thoughts that T w’ould leave with you for your medi tation. ’ ’ ELON SEASON CLOSES WITH HOTLY CONTESTED VICTORIES OVER LENOIR AND DAVIDSON (Continued from page one) allowed to play in spite of the fact that he was ruled out on personal fouls. Elon had only seven men on this trip and two men had already been replaced. The fact that Lenoir consented to his remaining in the game proved that they were good sports. This was ap- prccin+ed by the Elon team. Davidson G-ame This game was witliout doubt the fastest game played on the Davidson ".ourt this year. Tt was the hist game of the season for both teams, and each team Reemed etermined to close it with a victory. This was probably the last game in which the local team wiW ever play together. Realizing this, and wanting to avenge the loss of the game which Davidson won liere, the Elon *;eam started out like a whirlwind. The first half was fouglit furiously and fast and was a nip-and-tuck affair. Elon had a lead of one point at the end of this half. Maroon and Gold came back strong in the final period and completely outclassed the Wildcats In every department of the game. The great defensive game Elon play ed in this half was responsible for the Presbyterians being unable to run up tho score. The Elon players were all over the court and right on the ball at all times. The offensive of the Ma roon and Gold team was good. They passed the bal laccurate,ly and w'orked like a machine. Captain “Gee’' Fix, who led the fighting Christians, was highest scorer of the game, with .12 points to his credit. The game closed with the score standing 39-25 in the CJiristians’ favor. “How do you expect to draw business to your summer hotfl if you don’t ad vertise radio coneejts?” “Softly,” replied the astute manager. “I passed the word ai’ound among my prospective patrons that the nearest thing: to a radio about niy ])lace was an echo, and there isn’t a vacant room in the house.”—Rirmingham Age-IIerald. Girls! Have you seen the “full fashion” silk hose at the College Store? Boone’s ^^The Men^s Shop BUEUNGTON, N. 0. The College Store has fresh fruits, candy, cold drinks, etc. You will find a complete line of social stationery—including that with collegie and society seals—at the College Store. Vanstory's Clothes for Men and Young Men Suits $22.50 to $55.00 Fabric and Workmanship the Best We Invite You Vanstory’s GREENSBORO, N. C. When in Burlington ENJOY YOUR MEALS AT THE Washington Cafe FOOD 'ROMPT SE'RVICE 207 Main Street MELETIOU BROTHERS Phone 493 !*aw] See Us For Real Estate and Insurance STANDARD REALTY AIND SBCURITY COJVIPAINY D. K. FONVHLE Manager Insorance Dep’t 0. O. FONVILLE Manager Beal Estate Dep't Crp tl)e SDrug ^tore We Have It, We’ll Get It, or It Ain’t to Be Had €lon College ^j)armacp For DEUaS STATIONEEY TOILET ARTICLES HOT AND COLD DEINKS TO THE PUBLIC— I am pleased to announce that we do cleaning and pressing as well as barber work. Office Hours; 4-8 P. M. every day; 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Saturday SANITARY^BARBERISHOP Good-Natured Service L,eave Vowr Lawttdry WitH Us We have the agency for DICK’S LAUNDRY COMPANY, Greenshoro, N. 0. COLLEGE STORE A nice variety of “Durable Dur ham” Hose for both men and women at the College Store. A complete line of safety raz ors, standard makes, are selling for one dollar each at the College Store. Why worry with the pencil when you can buy a at the College Store for 50 ^ Bring your laundry to lege Store and have the satisM feeling of wearing fresh, cle clothes. H J

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