jHaroonanb # VOLUME IV. ELON COLLEGE, N. C, APRIL 13, 1923 NUMBER 30 elon nine again loses to state AND WAKE FOREST, LOCAL FIELD IS SCENE OF ELON TEAM’S DEFEATS Barker Pitches Game Against State—Underwood and Fogle- man Face Baptists. elon lacks team PLAY Visitors Win Unquestioned Vic tories—Some Fine Individual Plays Are Made. The Maroon aud Gold baseball team opened the season liere on the local field this week with N. C. State on Wed nesday and Wake Forest on Thursdy. Tbe team was defeated iu both of these games, losing to N. C. State by an 8-3 score, and to Wake Forest 4-1. N. C. State G-ame Barker was Coach Corboy’s selection for mound duty against the Techs and he performed creditably for his team. He allowed 11 hits and struck out tw^o men. An error and a passed ball al- lowed State to score in the first inn ing. With a two-run lead in the ninth the hits of Ruth and Faulkner drove in three more State men. Allen pitch ing for the Techs was master of the situation when it came to the pinches. He pitched a good game, allowing Elon only eight hits. Barker and Marlette with two bases find Lindley with a three base hit, and Underwood with two singles led the hitting for Elon. For State, Faulkner with a two-bag ger and a three bagger aud Correll Tith a three base hit led w’ith the wil low. Wake Forest G-ame This game was played on Thursday afternoon. Jack Underwood, pitching his first game on the home lot, had to give way to Fogleman in the third inn ing after three runs had been scored on him and a man resting on the third sack. After Fogleman went in this man scored on a sacri-fice fly, but no man scored who reached base on Fo gleman’s pitching. He was master of the situation for the remainder of the game. Elon could not hit and lacked pep in the game. Jones, pitching for Wake Forest, was never really in danger of losing the lead bis team had taken in the early stages of the game. The w'as the outstanding player of the game, striking out 11 men and allowing only three hits. Underwood allowed five hits during his two and one-lialf innings and three runs. Fogleman allowed only tw'o hits and struck out four men. Gilliam’s three base hit in the nintli [ was the longest hit of the game. FOUNDATIONS DUG FOR THREE NEW BUILDINGS Foundations for Alamance Hall, the Whitley Memorial Building and the science building have already been dug. Work on the three new buildings is going forward rapidly. Workmen are being constantly added to the force, and there seems to be little doubt but that the buildings will be ready for use by the open ing of college next September. DR. HARPER TO ADDRESS GREAT RELIGIOUS BODY will Present Program to Religious Edu cation Association—Will Ad dress Meeting. ELON WINS TWO GAMES Both Games Are Taken From North Georgia A. C.—Other Games Are Lost. Dr. W. A. ITarper left Tuesday for Cleveland, Oliio, where be will attend the meeting of the Religious Education Association. By request of Dr. Henry F. Cone, (he General Secretary of the Associafion. Dr. Harper will address the meeiing on Thursday on the subject, “Evaluating Results of Religious Education.” On Friday he will read his program for the Denominational boards for tlie next twenty years. This program has been prepared after much study of the sub ject. It will be made the center of dis cussion for one of the Friday meetings. Dr. Cope solicited this work after a careful examination of the plans which Dr. Harper is following iu his work as General Secretary of the Board of Chris tian Education of the Christian Church. The program which be will present fol lows the outliue of that plan closely. The program is an elaborate outline of work for the denominational boards of religious education for the next twen ty years entering into defiuite details of work. Dr. Cope has printed this program in the April Number of “Religions Edu cation/’ the 01‘gan of the Association, and he e.vpects it to be a matter of large interest at the Cleveland meeting. Elon People Attend Missionary Rallies Miss Pattie Coghill Addresses Both Ala mance and Guilford District Meetings. From all reports the One-Day Mis sionary Rallies which are being held throughout the North Carolina and Eastern Viiginia Christian Conferences are very successful and the results have been good. Dr. Atkinson, who has been sick for several days, has been able to attend only one of these district rallies. Mrs. W. A. Harper, Mrs. J. W. Pat ton, Mrs. R. M. Rothgeb, Mrs. N. G. Newman, Misses Mary D. Atkinson and Pattie Coghill from Elon attended the Alamance District Rally and assisted with the program, and Miss Coghill at tended the Guilford .meeting. After playing Charlotte league on April 3 the Elon baseball team contin ued their trip into South Carolina and Georgia. The first game of the trip scheduled was rained out. This game was with Wofford and was to be played at Spartanburg. On April 5 the team played Piedmont at Demorest, Ga., and on April 6 and 7 North Georgia A. C. p,t Dahlonega, Ga. Piedmont Game Jack Underwood started this game for Elon and then gave w’ay to R. Brown, who pitched the last three inn ings. This game was slow and errors cost Elon the game. The score was 6 to 3. G. Brown hit for three bases in this game. North Georgia A. C., First Game The first game with North Georgia w’as played on Friday. Georgia took the lead in the first inning by scoring two runs and it appeared as if they would run away with the game, but Elon came across with four in the fifth. In the eighth Elon scored two more. Barker, pitching for Elon, went good. Elon won this game by bunching hits. McDonald, Georgia’s pitcher, worked fine in tliis game. Score 6 to 3 iu Elon’s favor. North Georgia, Second Game In the second game with North Geor gia Fogleman was sent, in for mound duty and remained on the hill until the game was safely tucked away and then gave way to R. Brown in the sixth, who finished the game. Only one run was scored on Fogleman and three on Brown. Elon knocked Georgia's pitch er out in the fourth inning and two other pitchers were used in this game. The feature of this game was Gilliam’s three base hit, and Lindley's longest hit of the season, which w-ent between openings in the fence and counted for only two bases on account of ground rules. It would have been good for an easy home run. GOV. CAMERON MORRISON FIRST ANNOAL RANQOET OF TAD ZETA PHI HELD ON SATORDAV EVENING Color Scheme of Green and Gold Carried Out in Decorations and Sumptuous Menu. A GREAT SOCIAL SUCCESS GOV. IRmSON NAMES MAVI AS “RyNOLE DAY’’ Chief Executive Asks People of State to Send Clothing for Near East Relief. PRDF GREENWOOD SINGS FOR SOFFOLK Head of Voice Department Well Ee- ceived—Proceeds of Concert to Go to Library. Mr. H. W. Johnson, ’21, was a visitor liere Sunday. I'l'of. Walter Gi'ecnwood sang for Hie largest Suffolk audience gathered for a musical in luiui.v years last Friday eveii- iuK. The head of the Voice department weut to Suffolk tor the concert, and gave it in t!ie interest of the library. The program was enthusiastically re ceived, and the people of Suffolk are urging him to return for another re cital. The program was of a high order, and it was well done in spite of an ope ration on his throat Tuesday previous to the concert. \MiiIe in Suffolk Prof. Greenwood was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Darden, who have recently giveu the auditorium building to the college. Following the concert, he nas entertained by Mr. and Mrs. John King. Prof. Greenwood re turned to the college full of praise for the fine way in which the Suffolk people received him. He calls it a “Royal Ova- tion.*’ (Continued from Page Two) SCOTT WINS PRI MEDAL NDRATDRICAL CONTEST May 1st has been declared “Bundle Day” in North Carolina, and the peo ple of the Tar Heel State are asked to send all their cast-off winter clothing to the Near East Relief, in a proclama tion issued Monday by Governor Cam eron Morrison. Dr. E. C. Brooks, State Superinten dent of Public Instruction, is state chairman this year for the clothing campaign of this great humanitarian organization. Most couDties of the state have completed their financial campaigns to feed the unfortunates in the oldest Christian nation in the world, and the people are now asked to send in winter clothing which they are cast iug off. Dr. Brooks points out that every com plete suit of warm clothing in which there is still some wear will save a hu man life. Straw hats and cotton goods or summer clothing cannot be used. Last winter, in spite of the generosity of American people, many froze to death or suffered from acute pneumonia and rheumatism. Clothing should be sent to the local Near East Relief chairman, or to the Near East Relief Clothing Warehouse in Raleigh. Parcel post shipments in (Continued on Page Four) Barber Takes Second Place—Three Men Enter Contest—Held at Graded School. From the three contestants of the an imal oratorical contest of the Philo- logian Literary society here Monday ni'ght William T. Scott, of Greensboro, N. C., a junior in the college here, was chosen as the winner, and will receive the oratorical medal given by the soci ety. J. Dan Barber was adjudged a*5 the second. Entering this contest were W. B. Ter rell, who spoke on the subject, “War Should Cease;” J. Dan Barber, whose oration was entitled “Beside the Castle Gate,” and Wm. T. Scott, who spoke on “The Parting Ways.” Professors Kennett and Cotten and Dr. Lawrence acted as judges for the occasion. The selection of Mr. Scott as the w’inner was unanimous. Lloyd J. Bray presided over the contest as president and Thomas E. Hanner acted as secretary. W. W. Woody, R. W. Ut ley and Milton Wicker served as mar shals. This contest w'as held in the graded school auditorium because the literary society hall was destroyed in the fire here. Miss Lois Hartman spent the week end with her parents in Salisbury. COACH DADDS WILL TAKE TRACK TEAMTODDRHAM Fifteen Men to Participate in Triangu lar Meet Against Trinity and Guflford. Coach Dabbs with 15 members of the Elon track team will leave Saturda. morning for Trinity College where they will meet Trinity and Guilford in triangular meet. This will be the first real meet in which Elon has participat ed this year. Since the practice meet with Burlington Highs the Elon team has been practicing faithfully and some real track material has been developed Track sports has never held the place in the department of athletics at Elon as have the other sports, but this year a start is being made to bring out this sport and place it alongside the other athletics. Coach Dabbs has worked pa tiently and faithfully with the men who have gone out for track and has helped th mein every way possible. Track is a sport that requires persistent training, and for that reason it takes time to build a team. There are about 20 men on the track squad at present and it is not known (Continued on page two.) One of the most elegant social affairs of tlie year was t'he first annual banquet of the Tau Zeta Phi held Saturday eve ning, April 7, from 6:30 to 9 o’clock. A part of the ladies’ gymnasium was curtained off to form a square. This was beautifully decorated in green and gold, the colors of the Tau Zeta Phi, into the appearance of an arbor. The solid walls were of gold crepe paper overhung by long, creeping vines of ivy. The ceiling was lowered, in order to give the room a cozy appearance, by a heavy network of the green cedar and pine. The fragrant odor of the cedar added much to the attractiveness of the place. The color scheme of green and gold was carried out through the entire dec orations and menu. The tables were ornamented with yellow jonquils; and the room was lighted with yellow and green candles. Just outside the en trance two large dolls dressed in green and gold were used to bid the guest welcome by means of a card on which the word “Welcome” was written. A sumptuous six-course dinner was served. The courses were as follows^ fruit cocktail, cream tomato soup, cubes, baked chicken, dressing, giblet gravy, creamed potatoes, asparagus tips, pick les, stuffed celery, sliced tomatoes, fin ger rolls, iced tea, candlestick salad, saltines, banquet cream, gold cake, crys tallized fruits, salted peanuts. The address of welcome was given by Miss Nonnie Bailey, toastmistress, and the response to the w’elcome was given by Mr. G. C. Donovan. Throughout the evening toasts, speeches and jokes were given by the members and their guest. Misses Nannie Alridge and Mamie Moore each gave a reading. Misses Lu- cile and Annie Belle Cardwell rendered a very beautiful vocal duet, “A Per fect Day.” While the courses were being served several splendid selections of popular music w^ere played on the Kimball. At the close of the evening the guests gave a yell for the Tau Zeta Phi. Those present at the banquet were Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Harper, Prof. and Mrs. P. S. Kennett, Miss Nonnie Bailey and G. C. Donovan, Miss Minnie Edge and H. A. Edge, Miss Nannie Aldridge (Continued on page four.) Missionary Society Gives Excellent Play “Listen Ladies” Pleases Large Audi ence at Grad^ School Audi torium Thursday. The Woman’s Missionary Society, Circle No. 1. of Elon College, gave a comedy in two acts called “Listen Lad ies” at the Elon High School auditorium last evening. The play opened with a church club of ladies at an afternoon tea, discussing ' the raising of a fund for the building of a new town library. Slurs at the busi ness capacity of the women had been freely passed by some of the prominent men of the town. This put the ladies on their mettle and to the delight of the men they em barked on what looked like an impossible discovery of a hidden treasure, said to (Continued on Page Four)