«alb VOLUME IV. ELON COLLEGE, N. C., MAY i8, 1923 NUMBER 35 COMMENCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE GIVEN OUT FROM PRESIDENT’S OFFICE AND ARRANGEMENTS MADE Dr. Francis E. Clark and Two Governors Will Speak at Com mencement Exercises. DR. HARPER NOT TO SPEAK Cornerstone of Alamance Hall to Be Laid—Hon. E. S. Parker to Deliver Address. Governor E. Lee Trinkle, -GoverDor €ameron Morrison, Dr. Francis E. Clark, Hon. E. S. Parker, and Stanley C. ITar- rell are to be the outstanding speakers of the Elou College commencemeut to be held this year May 27-29 inclusive. The baccalaureate sermon on Siinday morn ing. the graduating exercises 011 Tuesday morning, and the laying of the corner stone of the Alamance Building on Tues day afternoon are the features of the commencement season. The commencement this year will be held under adverse conditions because of the burning of the Administration build ing which contained the college audi torium. The First Christian Church of Burlington has invited the college to hold any of the exercises in its building which may seem convenient. This kind proffer has been accepted for the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday morning, and the Southern Kailway has agreed to co-op erate with the college and town in a very splelndid way making it possible for the people here to attend the baccalaureate sermon, making use of the trains. The ti'ain which pas.ses the college at 0:50 in the morning will carry extra coaches for the accommodation of the students and visitors and will leave these coaches at Burlington. Thej* will be picked up by train No. 23, which passes Burlington at 12:44, and which is not scheduled to stop at Elon, but which will stop that day to acommodate the commencement crowds. The baccalaureate sermon for this oc casion is to be preached by Dr. Frances E. Clark, father of the Christian En deavor Movement, and president of the World Qiristian Endeavor Federation. Governor E. Lee Trinkle of A'irginia will give the literary address on Tuesday morning. A temporary stage has been erected on the campus for the gi’aduat- ing and other exercises which will be held here. Sliould the weather be in clement the local exercises will have to be transferred to the men's gymnasium building, and should this be necessary only a small part of the usual attendance (Continued on Page Four) ST ENTERTAINED EOF Dr. ?.nd Mrs. Harper Receive in Honor of Senior Class—^Many Guests Are Present. One of the most enjoyable occasions of the college year, an annual event on the colleg'e calendar, occurred Wednesday evening when President and Mrs. W. A. Hari)er gave a rece])tion to the members of the senior class in their home. Uoses ^^•ere used as the major decora tions. clusters of them being placed pro fusely throughout the house. Ivey and Apple Japonica were also used in the scheme of decorations. Those present were the members of the senior class of the college, the younger faculty members, and a few of the ladies of the town, some seventy persons in all. During the course of the reception a contest involving the names of trees was engaged in. Prof. O. IT. Henderson was the most proficient in naming the trees, and received as a x>rize a potted fern. Also a series of capers and stunts was conducted by the host, the partici pants contesting for prizes. Prof. B. W. Everett, It. S. Rainey, and Dean Helfen- stein were adjudged to have cut the best capers, and received kewpie dolls as prizes. I’unch was served throughout the even ing by Mesdames Hook, and Corboy and ^fiss Hill. Delicious refreshments of ice cream, cake, candy. wafers, and mints were served by the hostess. She was assist ed by Misses Moffitt, Braxton, and Watson. J. M. DAIIDEN, DONOR OF BUILDING, TO SPEAK RERE Students and Faculty to Hear Address by Donor of Whitley Memorial Building. • As is well ■ known on the campus the auditorium building is to be knowu as the Whitley Memorial Building, ilr. J. M. Darden, Suffolk. Ta.. is the donor of the building. The students are to have a real treat here on Wednesday, May 23. Mr. Dar den is to visit the college and address the faculty and students. The place and hour will be announced later. It goes without saying that any man who will give 50,000 hard earned dollars to the college will be welcomed open handed and full hearted to the campus and that any remarks he may wish to make will be gladly received. Hon. Geo. F. AVhitley. son of L. H. Whitley, will deliver an oratiou at these exercises. Delightful Picnic Is Held By Librarians Assistants Entertain Bursar’s Office Force and Alumni Secretary on Tuesday. Who says that the librarians. the bni'sar’s olhce force and the alumni gen eral secretary have no pep? They are right there when it comes to picnics. Tuesday afternoon from Oto 7 o'clock the aforesaid officials enjoyed a delight ful picnic supper on the lawn in front of the busar’s office. It was given as a surprise by Ihe ‘’Assistants'' to Mr. Vaughn and ^liss Edge. The very formal program consisted of jokes, jokes and stale jokes. “Toto” Donovan presented each guest with a ■‘special fa\’or” ranging from samples of sugar to a miniature palm with dope on fortune-telling. Merriment followed. Some more jokes! Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Vaughn. Miss Minnie Edge. Mr. G. C. Donovan, Misses Zondal Myers. Victoria Adains, Nancy Aldridge, Mar garet Rowland. Essie Gotten, Eflie Bow den, Mary Swanson, Pattie Coghlll, R. II. Gunn, and V. M. Rivera. ELON WINNER IN TENNIS MATCR WITH GOILFORD Hainer and Atkinson Show Up Well— Hook and Deskins Play Excel lent Games. There is at last a sport that Elon does not have to take her hat off on and that sport is tennis. On Saturday the Guilford team vis ited Elon and were given a delightful reception at the hands of Messrs. At kinson, Hainer and Hook. Merrinian and Reynolds of Guilford were defeated by Hainer and Atkin son, 3-6, 6-3j 6-3. This was a hard match and in the beginning it looked somewhat doubt ful for the Elon players, but after col lecting themselves and playing a tight er game, victory was theirs. In singles Hainer had little difficulty in defeating Reynolds to the tune of 6-3, 6-1. Hook, however, was defated after three prolonged sets by Harris, 2-6, 6-4, 7-5. (Continued on Page Four) Distribution of New Catalogues Going On Few Changes Made in Bulletin—^Next College Term Begins Wed nesday, September 5. The new catalogs have arrived after some delay, and distribution is going for ward rapidly. Due to the fire the ap pearance of the catalogue this year was delayed. The manuscript was I'eady for the printer, and waiting to be mailed when the fire swept it away. This number of the bulletin was pre pared hurriedly, and will have a number of corrections in the subsequent bulle tins. The catalog in the main gives an insight into the college affairs. There are but few changes in this catalog from the last year’s bulletin. College will oijen on September 5 for the next session and all the departments will be retained. We learn that there will be sevej-al changes in the faculty, but these will be announced in a later issue of Maroon and Gold. ELONALyilOFCOyNiy MEET ANO ORGANIZE AT RANQUET INRURLinSTON More Than a Hundred Alumni Present for Organization— Lankford President. OTHER PLANS ARE MADE EXPRESSION STODENTS RENDER TWO PROGRAMS Dr. Helfenstein’s Work Well Received by People of Burlington and Greensboro. An enjoyable social affair was held at the First Christian Church of Burlington last night for the alumni of Elon Col lege living witjjin the county. A ban quet w’as prepared for the alumni at tending, of whom there were approxi mately 100 present, and plans begun For the undertaking of a permanent working organization. Under ’ the direction of Miss Lucile Johnston, Rev. G. O. Lankford, Warren McCulloch and C. C. Fonville the meet ing was planned and conducted. Mr. McCulloch, chairman of the program committee, had prepared a unique pro gram of vocal numbers, readings, short talks, and other featores, which was car ried on in connection with the banquet feature. Misses Jennie Willis Atkinson, Clarion Lee Newman, Eunice Rich. Mrs. W. N. Huff, and Messrs. C. C. Fnoville, V. P. Heatwole, E. N. Pearce, R. S. Rainey. W. A. Harper, and D. R. Fon ville appeared on the program, which was thoroughly enjoyed. Rich incidents of college life, and other interesting stories were related. G. Donovan, alumni general secre tary, after the banquet dishes were- clear ed away, stated the object of the meet ing as the organization of a county club. Re\'. G. O. Lankford was nominated and chosen as the president of the club, War- 4*en McCulloch. vice-president, and Fran ces Browning, secretary treasurer. A committee of G. C. Donovan, Dr. N. G. Newman, and Miss Sadie Fonville were appointed to name the club and draw up the by-laws. Circle No. 5 of the Missionary Society of the Christian Church prepared the banquet feature. After adjournment Prof. A. L. Hook gave a lantern slide exhibition of scenes of the college. Miss Mamie Sockw^ell spent the week end at her home at U^ion Ridge. N. C. PROF. GREENWOOD WILL STAGE TWO PAGEANTS COMMENCEMENT ‘Columbus’' and “Three Centuries of American Democracy” Are to Be Presented—More Than Hundred Students to Take Part in Elaborate Productions at Commencement. H. L. TROTMAN SUFFERS LOSS OF GRANDFATHER H. L. Trotman, Jr., was called home last Monday by long distance because of an accident to his grandfather due to a train. His grandfather died on Tuesday morning and was buried on Wednesday. His many friends deeply sympathize with Mr. Trotman in this bereavement. I'rof. Walter F. Greenwood will direct the presentation of two pageants dur ing conmiencement. The pageants will invoh’e more than a hundred students, and elaborate costumes and staging will be carried out. In the history of the college it is the first time that anything so elaborate in the line of pageants has been attempted. Prof, (ireenwood is presenting the pag eants in the place of the regular can tata which has hitherto been given by the choral society. The pageants are •‘Columbus” and “Three Centuries of .\merican Democra cy.” The fi.rst deals with Columbus as he prepares his maps and follows him through the courts of Europe in his ‘effort to secure financial backing for the enterprise. He is shown on the voyage to America, and in his relations with the Indians. The pageant concludes with the death of the great discoverer in a prison cell clothed in rags and in chains. All the scenes are graphically built, and will have a strong appeal for lovers of beauty and things historical. The second pageant, “Three Centuries of American Democracy,” opens with a scene in early new England where the citizens are erecting a school house, and j)lanning vengeance on the godless peo ple of Merry Mount. The pageant then proceeds to the signing of the declara tion of independence, and from there goes to a scene in the middle west about 1850, and shows the settling of the middle west and the pre^’ailing ideas of the times. The pageant closes with a final scene depicting the present social unrest, and attempts a solution of some of the more urgeut problems facing the present Amer ican Democracy. The pageant was built and staged by the New Jersey Normal College and shows a careful study and insight into American history and problems. ^[rs. W. F. Greenwood will have charge pf the costumes for the pageant, and she has done her work well. Prof. Greenwood is devoting much time to the production of the pageant, and it prom ises to be one of the most entertaining and elaborate features of the commence ment season. On Tuesday evening, May 8, the lady members of the Elon College expression class presented the following program in tlie Burlington Municipal theater. The program was given under the au spices of the missionary society of the Christian church. PART I “The Boy” Jennie Gunter Sweet girl graduate Agnes Whitt The Square Thing Grace Rainey Vocal solo Miss Florence Fisher PART II Mrs. Van Horne, a Christian lady of wealth who tries to serve two mas ters Ruth Cutting Mrs. Stuart, her invalid mother Nannie Aldridge Janet McCrea, a missionary’s daughter Jennie Givnter Rachel and Helen, Janet’s college friends Margaret Ballentine and Alma Smith Mrs. Van der Wit Jones, a traveler and lecturer Eunice Morrow The President of the Culture Club ’ Mary Lee Williams After the program the chairman of the- five missionary circles, assisted by some of the young women’s missionary society, gave a reception at the home of Dr. Morrow. The evening’s enter tainment and reception were a delight to all. The Burlington people mani fested their appreciation in a very sub stantial way by giving a generous free will offering, half of which was given to Elon’s Y. W. C. A. Wednesday evening. May 10, the fol lowing program was given in Greens boro in the new Sunday school hut, un der the auspices of the Philathea class of the First Christian church; Music ... Misses Sapp and Patterson Billy Brad and the Apple Jennie Gunter Night Run of the Overland Agnes Whitt Another Point of View . . Grace Rainey Music .... Misses Sapp and Patterson The Boy Jennie Gunter The Square Thing Grace Rainey Sweet Girl Graduate ... Agnes Whitt Fast Friends . Misses Gunter and Whitt The audience was well pleased with the program and many commended the work as of high order. CHAPMAN WRITE TO LEAD SOPROIRES NEXT YEAR Other OflQcers Are Elected—Class Under Excellent Leaders for the Coming Year. Mr. Chapman White, of WaVerly, Va., was elected president of the sophomore class for the coming year at a meeting held here on Friday afternoon of last w^eek. Mr. White is a man of ability as evidenced by the good showing he made in the freshman-sophomore debate. Miss Alma Smith who has won many friends by her pleasing personality, was elected vcie president. Mr. Lemuel Harrell, the retiring pres ident, has served in this capacity most acceptably and has proved himself wor thy of the honor of leading his class. The officers elected were as follows: Chapman White, president; Alma Smith, vice president; Lena Jackson, secretary; Robert T. Loy, treasurer; Margaret Joe Ballentine, historian; Lois Hartman, poet. With the leadership of these officers and the co-operation of the class there is no reason why the sophomore class should not maintain a high standard.