SEE OUB ADVERTISERS FOR SERVICE and satisfaction MAROON AND GOLD ADVERTISING CARRIES THE BEST VOLUME VI. ELON COLLEGE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH ir, 1925 NUMBER 26 EU yPSILON KIIPPIl ENTERTillN mUM AT AillAL BANIIIIEI Sumptuous Dinner is Served and Music Furnished by College Orchestra. Jokes and Songs Add to Merriment. MISS ATKINSON PRESIDES NEWMim IS TO GAPli ELON pim NEXI m All Old Men Expected to Return Next Year, Bright Prospects for Team. Delta Upsilou Kappa eiitertaiiiprl Saturday evening, March 7th at it? seveath annual baiu|uet. The occasion was one of great en- jpynieat Cor tlie members and their guests. The spacioiis banquet hall was Oeco- lateJ with quajitities of white roses, «tfftely palms and fern, carrying out a ^olor note of white and green most effectively. Streamers of groeii crepe _paper entwined witli white rosebuds buug gracefully from the lights. Haca painted place cards were used and the favors were baskets made in the shape of a white tea rose. The table in { r shape was .decked with three basket; ! of cut flowers consisting of white tea roses and asparagus fern and with green find white candles shedding a soft glow over the entire room. I A sumptuous dinner consisting of fruit cocktail, olives, celery, pickled cauliflower, creamed English veal, Vir- j ginia baked ham, Brussels sprouts, I «eam of lima beans, tomatoes, cream- ! cheese, cucumber, hot rolls, butter, ' Bolivia salad, saltines, almond mousse, eake, nuts, mints and punch was served j during which toasts, readings, jokes and \ jnusic were enjoyed by all. ' Following the Delta U. song Miss I Euby Atkinsou as toastmaster gave a very approj>riate welcome which was 1 responded to' by Mr. B. L. Harrell, Jr., apressing the kindly sentiments of the guests. Music was furnished through- ‘ -out by the Elon College orchestra, j The honored guests were Coach and 1 Mrs. F. B. Corboy, Miss Lila C. New man of Elon College and Mr. Gilman i’. Alexander of Greensboro. : Others present were: Mies Ruby At j ’klosou and Mr. A. H. Browne; Miss 1 Olyn Barnett and Mr. O. C. Elliugton ; of Hender«on, N. C.; Miss Mary Lee Foster and Mr. D. J). Martin, Miss Lil- iian Harrell And Mr. J. A. Cavanaugh ; of Goldsboro, N. C.; Miss Clarene Lin- ' icoln and Mr. H. B. Wyatt of Goldsboro, C.; Miss Margaret Rowland and Mr. i W. Amlrew, Miss Kate Strader and I ^r. .J, Mark McAdams, Miss Louise : Watkins and Mr. J. O. Atkinson, Jr.; f Miss Mary Lee Williams and Mr. Frank [ J- ATlston, Miss Adelia Jones and Mr J L. Ingle cf Winston-Salem, N. C., 1 Miss Gwendolyn Patton and Mr, A. B. f foglenian. Miss Mary Herbert Watkin® j and Mr. E. R. Laihe of Smithfield, Ya.; Miss Alberta Atkinson and ifr. A. N. Greene, Miss Julia Clem and Mr. C. L. Kimball, Miss Rosebud Kimball and I ^r. R. C. Browne. Miss Ruth Kimball i and Mr. Dnn B. Wicker, Mias Emma I Morgan and Mr. ,D. L. Harrell, Jr.; j ^Iis3 Anna Phillips and Mr. J. E. Cor bitt, Jr.; Mias Freda Diminick of San ford, C., and Mr. Dave Miller of HltmoTe, N. C.; Miss Jennie Gunter of 1 Sanford, N. C., and Mr. W. G. Stoner j Greensboro, N. C.; Miss Lois Herl- ™aii of Salisbury, N. C., and Mr. J. B. I %, Jr.; Miss Mary Nelle Holland of I ^endron, and Darden W. Jones, ^tiaa Dcloris Mo’rrow of Burlington, N. *^•1 and Mr. E. S. Johnson of Washing ton, N. C.; Miss Margaret Moring and Lynam Wilkins of Durham, N. C.; Graham Rowland of Greensboro, C.; and Mr. H. L. Trotraan, Jr.: and ^tisa DoTothy Shortridge of Hamlet, C., and Mr. T>. E. Turner, Jr. The basketball c-aptain of the Elon quint for the 1926 season will be a lo- -al boy. Dan Long Newman was elected by his teammates to' captain the team through next year’s season. Mr. Newman is a freshman in college this year and consequently hi« iirsi season on the team. He has proved himself capable on the court, being Elon’s highest scorer for the season. He plays the postion of forward. “Dan Long,’’ as he is familiarly known on the campus, is the son of Dr. J. U. Newman, Professor of Bible and Greek in the college. Two of his broth ers before him, ‘‘Dummy,” and Joe. have also been members of the Elor College quintette and excellent players. All the members of the past season ’s, team are expecting to return to the college next year, and under the leader ship of Captain Newman all loo'ka bright for a winning team for the Maroon and Gold for another season. BOOSTER’S GLOB MAKES iwo soccEssFui mips Presents Programs at Siler City and Hillsboro. Large Audiences. COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS CiOSE THEIR SPONSORS Miss Doris McLean for Maroon and Gold. Miss Marie Oldham, Phi- psicli Sponsor. Both Young Ladies are Very Popular. fMNY ATTENO VESPER SERVICE HERE SUNDAY lllliT ABOOT OUR CREER LEAOERS FOR NEXT YEAR Miss Nolan Gives Request Program. Miss Lydia Berkley Assists. The Phipsicli staff has announced that two sponsors have been elected and their pictures will appear in the annual. It^ is thei custom to elect sponsors in honor of the team captains and publi cations’ editor-in-chief. Miss Doris McLean, of Gibsonville. N. C., has been chosen as sponsor of Maroon and Gold of which Mr. W. B Terrell of Burlington, N. C., is e.litoi. Miss McLeau is a very popular member of the Senior class and will be gradu ated this year. Miss Marie Oldham, of Elon College, is sponsor for the Phipsicli. S. H. Abell, of Richland, Ga., is editor-in- chief of this publication. Miss Oldham lives in th^ eonimunity and is very popular. She is well known by thp students. This vear an unusual situation has prevailed at Elon in regard to captains of teams. Only one captain returned to school and that was for football. Ac -ording to custom no captain is elected in that case and some niemher of the team is appointed to act as captain in cach contest. It is not known whether there will be any other sponsors this year, MRS. M. Z. RHODES IN BURLINGTON HOSPITAL Jlrs. M. Z. Rhodes, of Burlington, N (■„ is in Rainey Hospital having under gone an operation for appendicitis. She was carried there last Wednesday night and was operated on Thursday morning. She is reported as getting along nicely, the operation being very suc cessful. Mrs. Rhodes is well known. She is the daughter of Mrs. Janet B. Kirk land, dietitian of the College. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes are members of the class of '23. He is a member of the Bur lington High School faculty, and Mrs. Rhodes has a )nusic studio in Burling ton. The Boosters’ Club continued its suc cessful tour of the state by giving pro grams of high order a|^ Siler City anfT HillsboTo. I At Siler City, Thursday, February 25, the club entertained one of the largest audiences of the year. The large au ditorium of the new school building was filled to its capacity and many were not able to find seats. ,The Boosters, a? though they were amateurs, conducted themselves like pjofessional performers. A new feature of the program was the spice afforded by the recently or ganized string orchestra composed of Stanley, Thomas, EoTd and Holland. Professor Barney, as usual, delivered an interesting address. Leon Williams, member of the expression department, brought both laughter and tear? from the audience by his power of speech. The C[uartet was go'od and shared a large part of the applause of the even ing. The gym quartet, although it possessed a new member, worked like au oiled machine and afforded much pleasure for those present. The people of Siler City opened their ho'mes to the Boosters and the entire membership enjoyed the kind hospitali ty of these good people. The friend ships and acquaintances made there will long be remembered. On Thursday evening, March 5, the club journeyed to Hillsboro. There it was greeted by G. A. Brown, Elo'n ’22, who made every one feel at home. Tiie members seemed at their best. Mr. Ford, a new member, gave the program a good send off by playing “The Rosary” on his Hiwaiian guitar. Mr. Stanley then accompanied him and two guitar duets followed: “Let the Rest of the World Go By” and “One Two-Three, Four, Medley.” A new feature of the evening was a vocal duet by Messrs. Sharpe & Stanley “Our Yesterdays’’ this was very much appreciated by those present. Another number which “brought down the house” was the vocal and in strumental duet by Messrs. Stanley and (Contonued on Page Two) Thu vesper service Sunday afternoon was the largest attended service yet held this season. Miss Nolaji demon strated even to a greater extent in this service her ability at the organ inas much as this was a request program. Even though the program was made up of request selections Miss Nolan had so grouped these nutrfbers as to cen ter around a central theme of “Evil Overcome by Coo'd.” Five groups of selections were used, “Souvenir,” “Spring Song,” and “March of the Magi Kings,” in the first. The second group consisted of “Serenade,” “Rosary,” and “March (Tanhauser). ’ ’ In the fourth group Miss Lydia Berk ley assisted at the piano in “Kam- meriai Ostrow” by Rubenstein, which was especially beautiful. The service was ended with the old familiar hymn “I Need Thee Every Hour.” Soon We Will Elect New Cheer Leaders. Think Who Will Be Fitted for the Position. ANNUAL OEOIGATEO TO CITIZENS OF ALAMANCE ISIC OEPARTMEIIT OF COLLEGE GIVES RECITAL Program Thursday Afternoon Shows the Talent of Music Students. More to Be Given. T. R. Ruston, F. K, Thomas, and Leon Williams enjoyed on March 10th a de lightful dinner and evening at the home of J. D. Ezell, Altamahaw, N. C. The co'llege departments of music and expression gave a public recital in the auditorium Thursday afternoon. An unusually good program was rendered. All those wlio took active part in the program show^ed themselves to be truly talented in music and expression, and their selections gave evidence of much faithful work and careful supervision. The program rendered was as follow^s: La Cnchua (Spanish Dance) Friml Alyse Smith Aragonaise Massanet Annie Ruth Harden Evening Song Tomlinson Dance, Song Tomlinson Frances Deviney Rigandon Grieg David B. Harrel Jack the Fisherman Eliz. S. Phelps Mary Lee Williams Second Valse ....Godard Maxine Holmes Snow Bells Tachaikowsky Butterfly Etude Chopin Maude Jones Senior Class Dedicates Year Book to People of County in Appreciation of Loyalty. W. E. Sharpe’s Picture in Book. The Senior Class of Elon College has decided to dedicate the .192.3 Phipsicli to the citizens of Alamance County. This is the college year book and is gotten out by the Senior class of the collegc. ft is customary to dedicate the book each year to' some person, or persons. This year Mr. W. E. Sharpe's picture will be in the Phipsicli. Mr. Sharpe ‘a a Christian layman of Burlington, N. C. He is at the head of the Alamance Insurance and Real Estate Company and is well known throughout the state as a man of rare business ability Mr. Sharpe was elected to head the campaign for funds in Alamance county when the citizens decided to help build Elon after the disastrous fire in January 1923. Under the leadership of Mr. Sharpe, Alauuince county pledged $100,000 and gave Elon the beautiful administration building, Alamance Hall The class felt that it would dedicate the book to the citizens of the cownty and have Mr. Sharpe’s picture in the book as representing the county. The stu dents appreciate what the citizens of the county have done for them in mak ing this building possible. They an especially grateful to Mr. Sharpe for his efforts in Elon’s behalf. Mr. Sharpe is one of Elon’s best friends. The following article was clipped from the “Trinity Chronicle” and is a sj)londid suggestion to not only the school for which it was written, but for otlier sohoG'ls as well where ther^ is no organized systenx of electing cheer leaders. W’e have a wonderful spirit, but we do not have an organized system of electing cheer leaders and therefore do not have the best cheer leaders. They should be experienced, but for tho most our cheer leaders have had to start out without any knowledge at all of Icad- ng cheers. The article follows below. Students give this some thought ami pull fo-r organized cheer loading. This article is presented to the under graduates and college community merri ly by way of suggestion, but 1 trust that it may be taken as a piece of con* structive criticism. It would take no argument in my opinion to cofnvince one , that there is something radically wrong with the cheer leading situation at this institution. It seems to me that one of the best ways to build a true university spirit and to add to’ the prestige of our school is to have an active group of cheer leaders ever on the alert to offer the leadership which this student body desires and is now only to’o willing to follow. In the past we have had no organized, successful system of electing our cheer leaders, and as a result we have this year three men serving in this ca|:)acity who have had no previous training ar experience before this year. These men, laboring under difficulties, have thrown their shoulders to the wheel and merit the praise and further co-operation O’f the college community. Other colleges and universities, how ever, have a systematic method of elect ing their cheer leaders from year to year and allowing them to “grow up wi'th their jobs.” The head cheer lead er at these institutions is regarded as one of the leading figures on the cam pus, and it is indeed a mark of distinc tion to be chosen for this responsible position. I dare say the head cheer leader in his oflScial capacity can do r.s much toward moulding school spirit as any other one man on the campus among the under graduates. FurthermoTe, I should think that it would be a comparatively simple mat ter to work out and put into operation a system for electing these cheer lead ers even before this scho'ol yeur has ended. I have no direct information concerning the system used at other colleges, and no doubt it would be well (Contonned on Page Two) W. B. Terrell conducted ch-apel ser vices at the Gibsonville, N. C., high school on Tuesday morning and gave a talk on the “Advantages of a College Education.^' Jennings Womble, member of the Freshman class, has returned to school after being at his home in Moncure, N. C. for several days, sick with the influ enza. Miss Nelson, head of the Violin De partment here, has as her guest, her sister, !Mrs. Waterman of Providence, R. I. Miss Ada McTntyre spent the week end at her home in Burlington. JOE M. CONNALLY TALKS TO STUDENT VOLUNTEERS Mr. Joe M. Connally, a travelling Secretary of the Student Volunteer ^ilovement for Foreign Missions, has been at Elon today meeting with groups of students wlio' are interested in foreign mission work. Mr. Connally has been in the state for several days and came to Elon from the Green?- boro Colleges where he has been foT the past few days. He has a wonderful message for students who are planning to give their life to this kind of ser vice. He is interested in getting a student Volunteer Band started here at the College. During the past two years this band has not been as large as in previo^is years. However it is hoped that this visit will start a new interest in this movement and that manv students will decide to join this band. I

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