HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME SATURDAY NIGHT laroon anb WAKE FOREST AND STATE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY VOLUME VI. ELOX COLLEGE, WEDNESDAY. MAY 6, 1925 NUMBER 34 E.WiUMi IS ID HESe THE CUSS OF 192] Fflll HEXI !ESfi Class Elects Officers for Next Year Who are Suited for Their Offices. TWO OFFICERS ADDED F, I BSlUfiO CHOSEI TO BE 11 C.S. PRESIDENT Officers Chosen Sunday Night for Next Year and Y. M. C. A. Looks Forward to Good Year. T]ie Soplumiore class Tuesdav to elect the officers wlio are to guide ils di'Stiny tlivouglj tlie next school session. The meeting wns feii tured l\v the usual live, iuterest that ac companies jneetiiigs of the class of 1P27. Tho usual ])V(/i-edurc‘ was followed, and till’ usual were tilled, except that two new ones were ailded. These were associate editor and associate business luauager of the Pliipsicli. The class is the tirst class to liave the oppov- tunity to furnish these offifevs and is highly grateful i‘oi‘ the [irivilege anrl c^i]»ortunity. The following officers Avere elected: E. W. Anman, president; M. G. Stanley, vice president; Katlileen Paschall, sec retary; Allen Walker, treasurer; S. D. AVoodie, athletic manager; .T. E. Watts, anl J. I). Gorrell, Pliipsicli associates; E. P. McLeod, A. B. Fogleman, and H. ■Richardson, student senators. With the election of- these cfficers the fact was clearly brought, home to every j member of the class that they are now half way , toward the goal which two vears ago seeuied so far down the beat en path of learning. Tt is with reluc tance t^at we dig into the two yeara just gor» and try to find what has Iken acconiplished'anO*lifts failed to be accomplisl\ed. ’But that is the job of the hi'torian. For us it is sufficient to loo'k back and say that we are proud of our cb'"'. ])ecause it has the honor of being T)ie first class to enter Elon after the fire, which marked the end of the old and the beginning of the new. We are proud of our class because during our first days at our beloved alma mater we were striA'ing against the difficulty of going to school in partially com pleted buildings. Indeed we had the honor of seeing tlio first shovel of dirt taken from under the Duke Science buildins'. Tn view of the fact that eo’u* ditiona were as they were at the very beginning of our school career makes us take cognizance of the fact that we were quick to assimilate that * ‘ Spin' of Elon” which makes a person ovei- Iffok the difficulties over which he is traveling. Puring onr first year we furnished- two men for Varsity football, two foe .A'arsity basketball, and several for baseball. We won the class basketball championship, and won the inter-class debate. This year we again won the class debate and the class has shown a general interest in all phases of student life. With this behind us we hope to make our pathway bright over ttie last half of the journey. The Y. JM. (’. A. met Snnday evening in the chajiel for the purpose of elect ing oJIicers for next year. L. Y. Wat son, the outgoing president presided over the ineeting. A good number of the students were present and much in terest was shewn in the election of the officers who are to guide the destiny of the y. 'SI. C. A. next year. During the nu^eting Y. M. (\ A. work in general j was discussed. During this discussion it was brought out that during the jiast tv.'O years the “Y’’ h*as been laboring under diffienlties, having a chance to meet only eveiw third Sunday. It wai- also bro'uglit out that next year there would be a jdace provided for regular “Y’- v>'ork and all indications are that inuyh good work will be aceom]>lished. The following officers Avere elected: F. 1\ Ballard, President; H. Richnnl- ■^.'.n./Vice President; ,T. E. Corbitt, SeC' retary; C. E. Newman, Chairman of the Program Committee; B. L. Green. Chair man of the jMeiubership Committee; J. E. Watts, ^Maroon and Gold Pteporter. All of these offcers are well known te the student bo'dy, and have demon strated their ability to hold the offices, which the students have seen fit to award them. It will be noticed tha. one new office was ailded this time, tin MariKHi and Gold reporter. This changt was made by vote of the members. Dui ing the discussioii that preceded th • >dection the fact was brought out that in the pa,st the write-ups of the meet ings that have appeared in the pape:» have been altogether tod iusuffi.cien:. It was decided that a reporter, shoub' be elected, whose duty it would be io hand in a write-up of the regular roii tine of the meetings and also to give a gist of the I'sson that is brought out in the nieeti'\y.'. This should serve the dnal pnrpfc'.e increasing the intere.U in Y. M. C. A. and of perhaps carryin- the message of tl '' 1 '''n to those w'lu^ were not there. EXAMINATIONS SCHEDULE Spring Semester for the Year 1925 I.—SENIOR EXAMINATIONS Special for Seniors Only WedJiesday, ^lay 13— A. !M. Examinations on all Monday 3:00 to 4:00 recitations. P. !M. Examinations on all Tuesday 3:00 to 4:00 recitations. Thursday, May 14— A. M. Examinations on all Monday 2:00 to' 3:00 recitations. ;M. Examinations on all Tuesday 2:00 to 3:00 recitations. Friday, May 15— A. M. Examinations on all Monday 12:00 to 1:00 recitations. P. M. I'jxaniijiations on all Tuesday 12:00 to 1:00 recitations. II.—GENERAL EXAMINATIONS For Seniors and all Other Students G. C. INHIIE ELECIEO TO HEIIO SONOH SCHOOL student Officers for Next Year’s Sun day School Work are Cliosen. Ti STOOENTS If THE EXPRESSION OEPT. GIVE S SHiESPEei PLM to to 800STEI1S’ CLUB FliL PfiOGIffl HERE Tlie Cluti Has Had a Very Successful Year and Will Continue Next Year. Those to eii DELTA UPSILON KAPPA IS WELL ENTERTAINED The Delta Upsilon Kappa girls were very deliKhttully entertained at the home of Mass Deloris ]\Iorro’^\, i’' l^ur Ungton. X. C^, on Friday afteruoo.i, April 24. After a pleasant evening dainty re freshments were served con.3isting of: chicken salad, hot buttered loil"?, pi mento sandwiches, peach pickles,, tea and strawberry shortcake. Quite a number of the members cii- joyed Miss Morrow’s hospitality. The })rograni given in tite Wliitlcy Auditovium Saturday oveJiing otBcially closed the season of the Boosters’ Club. At this tiuK' a splendid program of mu sical nnnil)ers and gymnasium stunts was rendered Ijefore a large audience of slu.ients and townspeople. Twenty-four programs were rendered iluring tiie year in six i-ountics. programs hav’e been designed courage high school students to look to ward a college education, and they have l>een well received iu all tlie high schools in wliich tiiey have been given. The Boosters’ Club consists of eigiiteen young men of the student body witli four of the faculty members. They have made trips to the Siler City, Mon- eure, and Pittsboro high schools in Chatliani County, Hillsboro in Orange; Reidsville, ^tonticello, and Bethany in Hockingham; Lexington in Davidson; High Point, Stokesdalc, Alamance, Bes semer, McLeansville, and GibsonvjUe in Guilford, and Stoney Creek, Altama- haw-Ossipee, Haw Eiver, two programs at Burlington, Eli-Whitney, Friendship, (Continued on Page Four) .S;iturday, !May 10. A. -M. Exauiinations on all Mojulay S:00 to 9:00 recitatio'Jis. P. M. Examinations on ail Monda;. 8:00 to 9:00 recitations. Monday, May 18— A. .M. iOxaminations on all ^Monday 9:00 to 10:00 recitations. P. M. [Examinations on all Monday 9:0i) to 10:00 recitations. Tuesday, ^lay, 19— A. M. Examinations on all Monday 10:00 to 11:00 recitations. .P. M. Examinations on all Monday 10:00 to 11:00 recitations. Wednesday, -May. 20— A. ^r. Exaniinatitins on all .Monday 12:00 to 1:00 recitations. I 1’. Examinations on all Monday 12:00 to 1:00 recitations. Thursday, May 21 — !M.—!:i:intions ori -Monday 2:00 to 3:00 recitations. P. ^1. Examinations • on all ^Tonda>' 2:00 to 3:00 recitations. Friday, May 22— A. M. Exaniinatii'Jis on all 3:0i> 4:00 recitations for Mondays. P. M. Examinations on all 3:00 4/)0 recitations for Tuesdays. Saturday, May 23— A. M. I'jxaminations on all conflicts and other examinations. P. M. The same as in the mcvrning. Anv exan\inations not taken in the regular examination period. Students and Faculty will take notice of the following: 1. All |*xa)ninations must be taken in the regular order except where per mission is given by tlie Pean of the Col lege to' change the order. This may be done only in case of where a professo- has more than two divisions iii the same subject. In this case the Dean may give perinis.sion for any division to t>c moved to' another time; but ^lo permis sion can be given if it causes a conflict with another examination. IT. Xo jirofessor or student may ar range any examination before the time scheduled except as mentioned abo^•e. IIT. Examinations begin at 9:00 A. M. and close at 12:00 M., and at 2:0n P. M. and close at .o:00 P. M. Students who are not on examination for at least two hours forfeit their papers, and thiy also forfeit their grades. TV. No student ^who- has taken the class work on any subject is permitted to leave off taking the examination unless lie is excused by the Dean of the College, who must also notify the pro fessors in charge o'f the student’s work The Sunday mo'rning session of-Su.' ly School proved to be very interest ing, due to the fact that officials for next year’s work were elected. This election was somewhat delayed on ac count of the fact that tho student bo^ly had not been coming to the opening ex ercises, in crowds large enough to war rant ta,king such action. It has been i general policy for quite a number of vears to' have the Sunday School oftice:= -filled by students, and it has proved to be a very successful plan. This plan serves a dnal purpose in creating mor;' interest in the Sunday School and in training students to take active parts in the Sunday School work of their home churches. : The follo'wing officers w'ere elected to fill the vacr.neies that will occur next year: O. C. White, Supt.; F. T). Bal lard, Asst. Supt.; -Tudith Black, Secre tary; :^I. C. Stanley, Choirister: Mary Ad'die Wiiite. l^ianist, with Mary Stout as her assistant. These officers were well chosen and are thoroughly capable of tilling their offices. JTr. ^^hite has sewed as assistant this year and has alwavs evidenced an active interest in such activities. Mr. Ballard has also taken a very active interest in student activities and has also had a go'od bit of experience in this kind of work. Miss Black, a • member of next year’s Junior class, is well laiown among the students and is capable of making one of the best secretaries the Sunday School lias ever had. :M:r. Stanley is very ■'veil known to the students as a songster and we are confident that he was the man for the jdace that was given him. Misses White and Stoul are botli students of the i.iaiio depart ment and they have both been very ac- ti\'C in student life since entering school. With these new ofiicers tho Sunday School gives promise 6.f having its most successful vear in 1923-20. Play Represents Some of the Best Work Done by the Depart ment this Year. MISS SCULLY DIRECTS A :^rid-sumnier Night's X)reani, one of Shakespeare’s most popular and delight ful comedies was presented in the Whitley Auditorium by the Expression Department on tho evening of April ;.n. The Expression Dei)artnient of t-'C Col lege did itself great credit in so eO-’ee- tively staging and presenting thi' fan.- ous comedy. The audience was. laige and appreciative, the stage, one o: Iho linest and best equipped in any College auditorium in this entire section of the country, was fittingly ornamented to harmonize with the highly romantic character ol‘ the play, and the acting and the interpretation of the various characters and situations tliroufhout the play were so well done that one scarcely realized that it was not a group of professionals instead of ama teurs, who were presenting this elastic drama. The cast of characters was as follows: Thesfus, Duke of Athens..Ituth Klapp Lysander, in love with Hermia' J. C. Latham Demetrius, his rival ....I’aul MeXeil! Egeus, -father of Hermia Mamie Sockwell Pliilostrate, Master of the T?evels Lillie rioTne Xick Bottom, the AVeaver G. L. William!- Quince, the Cnrpenter Annie Mae Lackey (Continued ou Page Three) W. S, LiiLty ELECTED HEftO OF SMIT BOOy MISS ARLIliE LliSH IS WINIR OF CONIEST Five Girls Speak on the Psiphelian Con test. Which is Last Contest of the Year. Popular Member of Next Year’s Senior Class is Chosen Presidfent of Student Senate. R. S. Rainey, principal of the high school at Biscoe, visited the Hill Sun day arid brought a ivumber of his senior boys with him. We are glad to have our alumni visit us at any time and still more s» when the; prospective students. The Psiphelian Literary So'ciety held its annual essayist contest last W'ed- nesday evening, in the college ch.apcl, and Miss Arline Lindsay was awarded the medal for having the best essay. This is the last of the society contests to be held this year and it proved to be one of the most interesting. There were five speakers, who entered the’contest and it was really one of the closest contests that has been held dur- [ the year. Xo one in the audience t seemed to have any idea who had won | before the judges decision w’as rendered. Tlie judges for the occasion were Miss Louise Savage, Prof. S. A. Bennett and Prof. W. J/ Gotten. Miss Kate Strader presiled and gave the welcome address. The speakers and their subjects were as follows: Ruby Braxton, '“The Girl of Today^’j Lyde Bingham, “Idols and Ideals”; Arline Lindsay, “A Journey Through Fairyland”; Suemall Alcorn, “Highw'ays of N. C.”; Marie Nobles, “Relation of Good Roads to Commun ity I)e\'elopment. ” On Tuesday morning after chapel the yoaing men of the student body met to confer the highest honor they are cap able of bestowing ou a man, that of president of the student senate. TJiis office carries with it a lot of responsi bility, and is one o‘f the highest honors a man can receive during his college career. Tins year the students hav^ seen fit to elect W. A. Lindley to this position. Mr. Lindley, a member of the present Junior class, has served one vear on the student senate, has x>layed shortstop on the baseball team foT three years and throughout his three years at Elon has steadily been gaining the place in the esteem of his schoolmates that led to his election. The retiring president, R. W. I'tley, in a short speech made just after the election, spoke of the co-ox^eration tlir. students had given him this year and told them that he looked forward to a greater year next school term. Xext year’s senate is as follows, ex cepting the senators from the class of ’26 and ’29, who' have not yet been elected: Clarence Slaughter, ’28; C. P. Thompson, ’28; E. P. McLeod, ’27; A. B. Fogleman, ’27; and H. Richardson,^ ’27. bring along i E. W. Auman and S. D. Woodie vis- i ited the former’s home last Week-end. H. Richardson, managing editor of "Maroon and Gold, attended the ninth annual session of The North Carolina Collegiate Press Asso’ciation, at David son College last week.

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