Paare Four MAROON AND GOLD September 29, igj;. Oxford Grays are the Newest Development In Men’s Wear For The Fall Season COLLEGE MEN ARE DEMANDING OXFORD GRAY SUITS AND AS USUAL ARE FINDING JUST WHAT THEY WANT AT BOONES. I AM SHOWING BOTH PLAIN AND STRIPE PATTERNS AND HAVE SPLENDID ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE FROM AT $25.00 and $35.00 every GARMENT MADE-TO-YOUR-ORDER, IN THE STYLE YOU LIKE BEST AND GUARANTEED TO BE CORRECT IN EVERY DETAIL. T. N. B O O N E 209 Main Street THE TAILOR SINCE 1915 Burlington, N. G. & OUR AIM Our aim is to please—and make a bull's-eye every time. , There isn't a store in the country that takes better care of you, or pays closer attention to your wants. We offer you the highest quality goods at the lowest consistent cost, and exert ourselves in the direction of the niost courteous service. Come here first and you'll make no mistake. You will come again. J. S. White Drug Co. Elon’s Complete Drug Store "WE CARRY EVERYTHING FOR THE STUDENT.’ LITERARY m 1890 1927 FOSTER SHOE COMPANY Shoes, Hosiery, Shoe Repairing YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Main Street. Burlington, N. C. PHILOLOGIANS FINISH PRO GRAM REGARDLESS OF DARKNESS Tuesday evening, September 20, the Pliilologian Literary Society held its sccond regular meeting of the year and rendered its first formal program. Prac tically every member was present and interested, while every one who had been assigned a place on the program was present and. without exception, rendered his work exceptionally well. McCauley, IMeNeil, Cox, and Watte •&I>peared on the preliminary part with some very practical and valuable talks. The debate, however, was the real feature. Seldoin has such a high de gree of interest been manifested in the first program of the year. Evidence of this fact is furnished by recalling that hardly had the debate begun when the lights went out, and the argument was completed in pitch darkness, but, contrary to* expectations, seemingly without a break. Messrs. Lawrence, French; Hook and York presented much effective argu ment on both sides of the question, “Resolved, That the Bible should bo taught in the public Schools.'^ After a short business session the following program was rendered: Humorous Dialogue—Caroline Powell and Nannie Graham. Humorous Essay—Myrtle Isley. Humorous Reading—Jewell Truitt. Jokes—Minnie Johnston. So’lo—Ella Keyser. The judges voted as best on the pro gram, Caroline Powell and Nannie Graham, Jewell Truitt and Minnie Johnston. The Psii^helian Society is one of the oldest organizations on the hill and has been noted through the past for its acliievements. Unusual interest is be ing sliown this year. Several of our old members who were out of school last year are back with us again. We welcome them heartily and are expect ing a large number of new members. The prospects seem bright for the most successful year in the history of the societv. PSYKALEONS MEET Alma Mater Elon College, JV. C Member Southern Association of Colleges The Psykaleon Literary Society had a very impressive meeting September 26- when the new officers were installed. The out-going president, Miss Elder, made a very fitting farewell address, and the new president, Miss Hannah Newman, made a speech which we feel sure will inspire the society to greater aspirations and deeper loyalties during the coming year. The other officers were as follows: Alma Rountree, secretary; Velma Smith, supervisor. All of the new of ficers show such a determination to make the society mean more to the girls and to put some of the old spirit back into our organization, that we are looking forward to a very successful year. When we get back to our old home, which will soon be newly furnish ed, we are expecting much greater en thusiasm and deeper interest on the part of all the societies. Get Philologian write-up of last week.... CLIO LITERARY SOCIETY MEETS PSIPHELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY RENDERS FIRST PROGRAM OF THE YEAR On Wednesday night, September 21. the Psiphelian Literary Society met and rendered its first program of the year. All the members were present and a very interesting program consisting of humorous selections was given. The Clio Literary Society met in regular session on Tuesday night. It was the first time that they had been privileged to meet in their newly equip ped hall. The attitude that they have toward it was expressed in that every member of the society was present. A very interesting program was rejid- ered. Mr. Frank Alexander gave a talk on his work in the Y. M. C. A. Summer School. Mr. Hudson spoke on youth. Mr. Hudson is a very jovial fellow.and naturally handled this in a splendid way. Mr. Boone, who spent the summer selling shrubbery, spoke on landscape gardening. Mr. David Brown Harrell gave a talk on current events whicli he made very interesting by men tioning a goo'd number of campus events. Mr. Eph Abel entertained the society for a few minutes with some very original humor. Mr. Harrell was given the honor of being the best on program. The entire program was very good and enjoyed by all who were present. President Harper was present, and after the program addel to tlie enter tainment ]>y telling a few jokes and making a short talk to the society mem bers. Prof. Cotten was also present and spoke for a few minutes on the value of literary work. Various committees were appointed to carry on the work that is to be done in the literary society this year. The Clios have a very bright future and are looking forward to much work at this time. New members will be taken in No vember 1, 1927. Any who desire to will please see the Secretary or some other member of the literary' society and get definite information concerning it, etc. Reporter. Washington Cafe Regular Dinner 40c Elon Students’ Center BURLINGTON, - - - N. C. Phone 492 COMPLIMENTS OF BURLINGTON DRY CLEANERS DYERS — CLEANERS — PRESSEE! SEE “PENN” TROLLINGER Florist FLOWERS FOR ALL 0C0ASI0S8 BURLINGTON, N. C. DR. J. B. NEWMAN Dentist Burlington, N. C. Office in the Fonville Building Phone 422 DR. L. M. FOUSHEE Dentist Office Over Freeman Drug Co. Burlington, N. C. Phone 29 Day Phone 777—Night Phone 37? C. A. LEA Taxi & U Drive It Co. Taxi Drivers C. A. Lea and D. L. Sykes SPECIALTIES LOCKS : : KNIVES SPORTING GOODS BURLINGTON HARDWARE COMPANY —Stop At— BURKE’S CAfE Grilled Steaks—Delicious Pastries TRY OUR LUNCHES On Highway No. 10 Gibsonville, N. C.