HELP SEND DELEGATES TO DETROIT Jlaroon anb #olb BOOST OUR ADVERTISERS VOLUME IX. ELON COLLEGE, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER i, 1927. NUMBER 14 Captain ^'^Red” Jones Kicks Winning Tally To Defeat Lenoir-Rhyne ^‘Kid’' Bramier Blocks the Bears’ Try For Extra Point Preventing Tie G-ame. ELON 7T-LENOIR-RHYNE 6 Thanksgiving Day brought Elonites plenty of everything. The dining hall brought us the turkey, and the foot ball squad brought home the bacon. The Fighting Cliristians met Lenoir- Khyne for the first time on the gridiron ■and defeated them 7-6. Braimer and Efird again were the shining lights of the Elon defense, with Hardy, Smith und McCauley close runners-up. Hodge ■flnd Jones played stellar ball for the Lutherans. Lenoir-Rhyne through powerful drives kept the ball in Elon territory iilmost the entire first half, but the Christians exhibited such an im penetrable defense when near their ;goal that the Bears found it impossible to score. Early in the second half Leno'ir pushed the ball to within a few yards of the Elon goal but w^re held for dow'ns by the stubborn resist- ■ance offered by the Christians. Smith, •drawn back out of the line, punted to his own 45 yard line where Hodge play ing safety man nabbed the ball and returned it through a broken field for a touchdown. On the succeeding play Branner broke through and blo’cked the kick for the extra point which eventu ally proved to be the play that won the game. This seemingly awakened new spirit and fight in the Christians, as from this time on the ball was in play in Lenoir territory all of the time. After successive drives through the line Elon placed the ball on the Bears’ 25 yard line when the third quarter ended. Early in the last quarter Yorldevitz •completed a pass to Ziegler who romp ed across the last chalk mark for a ;BCore. Red Jones won the game by a successful placement in the try for the extra point. The remainder of the ;game witnessed a frantic aerial attack (Continued on Page 4) OS. IC. IlfflICK linEIIOS fflEEIING OF COLLEGES Elon's Second Year. Dr. Thomas C. Amick left Monday, T^ovember 28, for Jacksonville. Florida, -to attend the thirty-second annual meet ing of the Association of ^Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern jstates. Elon Colleges was admitted to' nienibersliip in this association a yeai -ago in its session at Jackson, Miss., where'Dr. Amick was also Elon’s repre sentative. The association will con- iinue in session until Friday afternoon of this week. Many topics of great interest to education in the South will be discussed at this gathering. Before Teturning to the college Dr. Amick will visit points of interest in Florida, particularly St. Augustine, Palm Beach, T'ort Lauderdale, Hollywood and Miami. Mr. G-eorge D. Colclough of the Busi ness Manager’s office of the college is to attend the eighth annual meeting of the Association of University and College Business Offices of the Eastern States on Friday and Saturday of this week. The session is to be held at Charlottesville. Va., and those who at tend will be the guests of the Uni versity of Virginia. President W. A. Harper is to attend the Faculty Conference for the State of Kentucky, held under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. at the State Teachers College of Kentucky at Morehead from :£Coai-taaiued on Page 4) ^ iiPii HARVEY PRETLOW RAWLS Suffolk, Virginia Born May 27, 1927. Registered at Elon College a few days after birth. This picture shows Harvey at the age of five months and sixteen days. Both the father and mother of this boy are Alumni of Elon. Harvey’s oldest sister, Ann, is now a freshman here. Dr. and Mrs. Rawls have ONLY eight children and it is their desire to see all of them graduates of Elon. Loyalty of this nature has made Elon what it is and will keep it foremost in the rank. Dr. and Mrs. Rawls say their children are born to go to Elon. FSCULiy NE«ELE CLOB HUIIE PILGniMAIIDPUIIITIINPIIItTr Mrs. Frances J. Ring, Hostess, Was Aided by Misses Fisher and Watson. Last Tuesday evening Mrs, Frances J. Ring was hostess to the Faculty Nevele Club in a beautifully appointed Pilgrim and Puritan Thanksgiving party. The members of the club were all dressed in costumes of various his torical Pilgrim characters. A his torical sketch of these famous charac ters was given by Miss Lila Newman. The guest of honor for the evening was Mrs. Thomas F. Opie of Burling ton, who not only, gave a sketch of her visit throughout Europe this summer but described many of the birth places of our ancestors. Amusing games were enjoyed by the Pilgrims. After which the hostess, as sisted by Misses Florence Fisher and Anne Watson, served most delicious Thanksgiving refreshments. ELON MEN ARE PRmS III ARMISTICE DAY PROGmiM AT SOfFOLK, VIRGINIA W. C. Hook, ’21, Delivers Inspiring and Interesting Address Before a Large Audience at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. H. R. RICHARDSON, ’27, SPEAKS We quote from tlie Suffolk News- Herald; “'The Suffolk post of the American Legion and the Woman’s Auxiliary assembled at St. Paul’s Epis copal church to hear an Armistice Day message from the Rev. W. C. Hook, pastor of the Holland Christian Church. “The Legionnaires gathered in front of the City Hall a few minutes before the church service and with members of the auxiliary marched in a bo'dy to attend religious services which were led byt the rector, the Rev. H. N. Tuck er, after which Mr. Hook delivered a stirring address in which he related the outstanding events leading up to the armistice and drew practical lessons from the war and its aftermath, ex tolling the nations that had saved the world from imperialism.” Among other things Rev. Mr. Hook said: “The sweetest sound in all the world is the so'und that hushes all the harps and flutes of the angel in the Glory Land and bids them lean and listen—it is the din of broken shackles falling from the opjjressed. A righteous cause is the only excuse for war. When war is precipitated by jealousy, hatred, or selfishness, it is barbarous and can not be too severely condemned. The golden links that have motivated onr nation have been RIGHTEOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE, and LIBERTY. The three pre-eniinant powers that won the war are; 1st. Brave manhood—the flower of America; 2nd, Purified woman hood, who’ sent the men off with smil ing faces but bleeding hearts; 3rd. Divine ideals, gained from the mastei mind of the l^Tan of Galilee.” A special Armistice Day program for the scho'ol children was carried out in the high school auditorium with Pro fessor Howard Richardson making the main address of the occasion. Pro fessor Richardson is principal of the Jefferson school in Suffolk. Philologian Literary Society Stages Annual Thanksgiving Entertainment Thanksgiving day witnessed the pass ing in a blaze of glory of one of Elon’s mainstays in the line. E. W. McCauley, better known to us as “Mac,” came to Elon from Oak Ridge w’ith the reputation of a steady and consistent fighter in football. • “Mac” lived up to predictions by breaking into the Chris tian line-up right in the beginning as a guard. During the succeeding year, he proved his versatility by filling in a hole at center. After having a success ful season at center, “Ma-c” was elect ed captain of the football team for the ensuing' year of ’26. The current sea son saw “Mac” back in his old posi tion as guard; and. although badly handicapped by a fractured hand, he played throughout the season. On Turkey Day “Mac” could have boast ed that he had played in every game since his arrival on “The Hill.” OELEGATES TO STOOENT CONFERENCE ARE GROSEN TIAI” EIITERIAIN THE SAT ‘Detroit or Bust” Is Their Motto Now. Elon College, Nov. 29.—The “Y.-W” of Elon College entertained the Bur lington Rotary Club at a most delight ful dinner 6:30 Monday evening. The dinner was given for purpose of en abling the “ Y-W” to send a delegate to Detroit, to the tenth quadrennial con vention of the Student Volunteer Move ment for Foreign Missions. The dinner was given in the Y. W. C. A. room of the Beautiful Christian Education building which was donated (Continued on Page 3) Basketball Dope Schedule to Appear in An Early Issue. The echoes of the football season are over on the campus at Elon, and the call for the basketball candidates to as semble to begin practice on December 1st is turning the attention of the col lege students to the indoor sport. Coach Walker, though he has had very little opportunity to judge, says that he feels sure there is good material among the student body this year for a cage team and that he expects to have a quintet that will represent Elon well. Altliough a few men liave occa sionally gone into the gym for a work out with the basket sphere, mostly freshmen, no opportunity has been of fered yet to judge what material there is among the new men. However, sev eral reputed “star” players on strong high school teams are among the num ber that expect to begin training next Thursday afternoon. Six letter men from last year’s team are back on the hill this year. They are “Tobe” Crutchfield, and Paul Cad- dell, guards; Earl Sims and Vernon Briggs, centers; Dan Newman and Hoyle Efird, forwards. Three letter men of last year’s squad are not back this (Continued on Page 4) Misses Jewel Truitt, Susie Elder and Mr. Frank Alexander. A Convention For The Purpose of Mak ing Christ Known in The Mission Fields. Misses Jewel Truitt and Susie Elder and Mr. Frank Alexander have been chosen by the Religious Activities Cabinet as Elon’s representatives to the tenth quadriennial convention of the Student Volunteer Band. This is an \indenominational organization of students in many parts of the world who- have dedicated their lives to the work of making Christ known in mis sion fields. The convention is to be held in Detroit, beginning December 28th and closing January 2nd. The re action among the student body indi cates that they approve of the choice of delegates that; has been made, and believe tlipt the delegates will uphold the honor c.f p]lon College and help in the great work of making the world Christian. ELON COLLEGE MIN ISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Thanksgiving is the Holiday Set Aside for “Phi ' Home-Coming. Program For Evening Was Well Rend ered With Chandler, Walker, Mc Neil and Hook in Outstanding Boles. Tlianksgiving day, the Philologians' festival, has come and gone. To many people it was just another day that has ebbed out and passed a.way, but to the “Phis” and their host of friends fond memories' will long refresh their souls with pleasant thoughts of this glad ho'me-coming day. On this date, which has become an annual holi day for the college, the Pliilologians always entertain and welcome back a great throng of old Phis, Alumni and friends. Thursday, November 24, 1927, was no exception to this rule. Unique in practically every respect was the program presented before a great host of friends in Whitley Mem orial Auditorium. Critics report that a very high degree of perfection w^as evi dent in the presentation as well as in the interpretation of practically every number. The program itself was of a varied nature, involving all the finer qualities a literary prograin may pos sess with added features from programs not purely literary. Following the usual welcome address, given by David Shepherd, a vocal quartet was rendered by J. Paul Mc Neill. C. C. Dollar, Jo-e French, and E. F. Rhodes. Then Paul G. Hook swayed the vast audience with his fine oratory as he presented in a faultless manner Van Dyke’s “The Lost Word.” His interpretation of this number show ed the results of real literaryr society work, and is to be commended. E. F. Rhodes followed this oration with a beautiful cornet solo which delighted the audience. To give variety as well to change the mood of the hearers, J. R. Walker introduced a lot of smiles as well as a goodly number of good old laughs when he rendered a comical reading, “Be Careful Si.’^ This number was outstanding for two reasons. First, because the reading itself was such as to command the attention and interest of all; second, because the performance was in perfect harmony with the inter- (Continued on Page 4'i CAROLINA THEATRE ENTER TAINS ENTIRE M.&G. STAFF The Staff Takes This Opportunity of Thanking Mr. George Stevens, Man ager of Carolina Theatre For His Elind Hospitality. Since the habit of using profane language is too common in this coun try. and since the constant use of God’s name in jokes or in anger may lead onie to think lightly of re ligious matters, the Elon College Min isterial Association wishes to urge all who may have the habit of cursing to stop the use of words which are use less to themselves, offensive to some of their fellowmen, and disrespectful to their great and eternal Friend. Monday witnessed a very interesting and pleasing event spent by the Maroon and Gold staff at a theatre party at the Carolina Theatre of Burlington. The management of the Carolina Theatre, in appreciation of the co-operative spirit displayed by the Elon students this year and in an effort to build up even a greater spirit of interest and co-operation between the students and them, were hosts to the staff for the evening. Dr. W. A. Harper and Dean A. L. Hook also co-operated by donating their cars for transportatioTi. The en tire staff with only a few exceptions were guests, and all had an enjoyable time. The staff wishes to take this opportunity of thanking the Carolina Theatre for the entertainment and Dr. Harper and Dean Hook for their friend ly interest in our behalf.