March 25, 1931. MAROON AND GOLD Page Thre«. SOCIAL On Monday evening, March 23rd, Miss Jeannette Neiderlander entertained a group of girls with a delicious steak- roast, given at a cedar grove just below Comer field. While the food was being prepared the girls played games and took pictures. Everyone enjoyed watching the preparation of the food as well as the eating of it. Prof. VanCIeave carefully watched the coffee while Harvey Boney, Jr., stirred the potatoes! This was one of the jolliest occasions of the year. The guests of Miss Neiderlander were as fol lows: Anna Virginia Britt, Rebecca Con stable, Eunice Boney, Mabel Coghill, Ann and Mary Sue Rawls, Margaret West, “Jeff” and “Polly” Walters, Mary Rawls Jones, Viola Worsley, Mary Rudd, Mil dred and Naomi Steed, Frances Chandler, Lucy Caddell, Lois McAdams, Margaret Boland, Dorothy Marlow, Lila Newman, Mabel Barrett, Prof. VanCIeave and Har vey Boney, Jr. Miss Mary Rudd spent the past week end at her home in Brown Summit. Miss Doris Bivens enjoyed a visit to her home in Hillsboro. Mr. Harvey Boney, Jr., is spending the holidays here with his mother, Mrs. Har vey Boney. He is attending Christ School near Asheville. Misses Margaret West and Rebecca Constable spent last week-end in Gra ham as guests of Miss Annie Ruth Har den. Miss Martha Nethery spent the week end at her home in Brown Summit. Mr. Sam Whitely had as his guests Sunday, his mother, father and sister; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whitely and Miss Kate Whitely. Miss Annie Ruth Chandler spent last week-end at her home near Burlington. Roy Rollins spent last week-end at Kannapolis at his home. Miss Jane Kendrich visited in Greens boro during the week-end. Miss Alta Dick spent the week-end at her homo in Greensboro. The following girls spent the week-end with friends here and attended the Beta Omricon Beta banquet: Misses Alberta R.>boi;ts, Virginia Brown, Grace and Mary Stout, Mary Addie White, Malva Hight, and Mrs. Kudy Fonville. BLOWS HIMSELF TO DEATH WITH PACK OF CARDS ? Is one of these cigarettes longer than the other—or do your eyes deceive you? YOUR EYES MAY FOOL YOU BUT YOUR TASTE te//s the Truth! MILDER. ..AND BETTER TASTE © 1931, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. KSK. if L Condemned to death for murder, Wil liam Kogut, twenty-six year old Cali fornia lumberjack, cheated the gallows by committing suicide in a most unique fashion. He actually constructed a bomb from a piece of metal tubing and an ordinary pack of playing cards. Kogut, awaiting action on his plea for a moderation of his sentence, had threatened to kill himself rather than die on the gallows. Hence jail guards were maintaining a close watch over him to prevent his receiving a gun, knife or other instruments that he might use to foil the hangman. But one morning at daybreak, San Quentin prison was shaken by a de tonating explosion of such terriffic force as to hurl convicts from their cots. The startled prison guards, rushing to the scene, found Kogut on the floor, dying, his body horribly mangled, and the right side of his' head torn away by the blast. The only clews to his method were the scattered pieces of some playing cards and a missing strip of metal tub ing from his cot. Mystified, the prison authorities consulted explosive experts who after examining the scene soon dis covered the diabolic scheme of Kogut’s criminal brain. In the April issue of Real Detective Tales, they reveal how simple it was for him to construct the bomb and why it was of such deadly character. He: “What are you doing with your socks on wrong side out?” How: “My feet got hot and I turned the hose on them.” The most absent-minded professor is the one who, alx>ut to start on a journey, filled his wife with gasoline, kissed his road map goodbye, and tried to shove his automoble into his pocket. Justice: “ How did the accident hap pen ?” Maness: “Why I dimmed my lights and was hugging the curve.” Justice: “Yeah, that’s how most acci dents happen.” “Who invented necking?” (Ans.) “King Solomon. lie took the Queen of Sheba into the banquet hall and gave her wine and nectar.” * * « • Abernethy: “The wind is rising; we had better bug the shore.” Beryl : “Maybe you will have nerve enough for that.” « « « * Waggoner: “What do you think of a guy that would hide behind a woman’s skirt Caddell: “I'd say he must have been skinny.^ « * » • Zeb : ‘‘My, how fast your heart is beat ing. it sounds like a dream.” Grace: “Yes, that's the call to arms.” * • « * “Did you hear of the Jew who swind led the Scotchman out of five dollars?” “And you never will.” * « « * Duke student to Lager: “What do you think of our stadium?” Lager: “It is certainly wonderful. And now’ I would like to go through the cur riculum. I've heard you have a fine one here.” ♦ ♦ * * Puppj’ Love is the beginning of a Dog’s Life. QUICK LUNCH WITH SHORTY Ilis remark that he came from Ire land and therefore he was an Irishman cost Ira Cunningham, a Negro in a court in Albany, N. Y., on a chargc of intoxication, five extra days in jail. Hig remark was made to Judge Edward G. Rogan, himself an Irishman. Declaring it was a clear case of self-defense,'’ a court of appeals in St. Louis denied William Penny, an ex pressman, $2,-500 damages for which he sued after a calf kicked him when he twisted its tail. WICKERS CASH & CARRY & iJj REMEMBER >: I —THE— I ELON CAFE | >! FOR YOUR SWEETS J ' • Two youths held up and robbed Wil liam Mahoney, of Peabody, IMass., steal ing his wallet, which was empty, his keys and his false teeth. When the pair he accused were arrested, his troubles didn’t end. Police are holding his teeth for evidence. Residents near Biddeford Pool, Me., •eported that many bottles of liquor had been washed ashore by a recent gale, which had apparently broken a sunken cache. In London, Morton Crimmins burgled house. As he fled through the frosty night he touched a freezing iron fence, the tip of his little finger came off. Two hours later Scotland Yardsmen appre hended Crimmins, identified him by his finger tip. Regular church attendance for six months was the sentence meted out to three youths arrested with three girl companions in what they said was their club house, at Rensselaer, N. Y. Are the screen stars losing their pep? There were 47 marriages in the movie colony at Hollywood, Cali., last year, and only 37 divorces. On their silver wedding anniversary, the Rev. John Byddoke, 61, and his wife, 52, of Nottingham, England, cele brated by passing the final tests for air pilot certificates after 18 months train ing. ALAMANCE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS "WE DO IT BETTER” m Phones: 560—561—740 C. A. LEA TAXI & U-DRIVE-IT CO. Prompt Services—Reasonable Eates Special Prices to Elon Students CAUTIOUS DRIVERS Day Phone 777 — Night Phone 377 BURLINGTON, N. C. A. D. PATE & CO. PRINTERS TELEPHONE 216 Corner Davis and Worth BURLINGTON, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA BANK “Barber Shop” BURLINGTON’S MOST MODERN BARBER SHOP Pljone 444 J. E. AUSLEY, Proprietor TROLLINGERS FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL OOCASIONS Phones: Day 931—Night 519 Main Street Burlington, N. C. ALAMANCE HOTEL BARBER SHOP Basement of Alamance Hotel R. 6. AXTSLEY, Prop. Burlington, N. C. DR. J. B. NEWMAN Dentist ;' ' Burlington, N. C. Office in the Walters Building Phone —THE— CITY BARBER SHOP Next to First National Bank HERITAGE and BOWMAN, Proprietors. Main St. Burllnet**, N. C.